white privilege
As white people, for the most part, we get to live with a different mindset, a different energy and feeling of safety in life compared to black communities. I want to speak on it to all white people and I hope to touch heart to open mind…. Have you ever felt like you were treated as lesser than you deserve? Have you ever felt like things were unfair, like you deserved better?
First.. to the white females.. Can you think about the different things that affect your lives because you are female? Now think on how it would be so much harder if you were a black woman.. I understand how there is fear of things like rape, sexual abuse, how there is workplace harassment and inequality but imagine how much harder it would be if you were black and the way you feel your voice is minimised is made even worse because of the color of the skin you were born with. If you feel like you’re marginalised now and treated as lesser, think on how it would be if you had to deal with racist thoughts in others, be it their thoughts aware or subconscious.
Now, to all the men. So many of you, because of the stereotypes in society, feel like you have to be THE provider for your family, feel like you have to carry that responsibility. Now imagine you’ve got that same pressure in a world where people won’t hire you because of the color of skin you were born with and you have to go home to your family feeling like you let them down because of something you can’t even control. Imagine feeling like every time there’s trouble in a situation, no matter whose fault, you’ll be the one people look at, the one targeted by a poisoned system, by corrupted minds, the one who has to fear for their life in situations white men take attitude with.
White privilege IS rampant and it’s not the fault of all, most aren’t even aware of their having it, but… it IS there and we as white people do benefit from it, whether we realise it or acknowledge it or not. We need to live with greater understanding for how life is for those who don’t have the safety of WHITE PRIVILEGE. How can we call ourselves human if we aren’t living with humanity? Most know this world isn’t fair but lesser know it isn’t equal and rare few actually get just how divided the fairness is. It’s easy to look at another person and judge their position in life but only a genuine soul will dig deeper into the truth of others, see the depth of their why and how.