Who do You Want to Lead You?
The best leaders are attuned to the needs of their people, and they are intentional about providing for that success ~ John Maxwell
There probable isn’t a cliché attached to or about “teamwork” that you haven’t already heard or used, but nonetheless, there is a reason for all the encouragement about teamwork. Teamwork accomplishes many aspects to any project for success or failure. I’d like to put into perspective how teamwork helps everybody, and yes I did mention “everybody” because without help from others it’s impossible to accomplish your dream, whatever it is. Follow along with me and I hope to share with you how everyone is involved in teamwork of some sorts. There is no feeling quite like the feeling of being a success, whatever your definition of it is. As long as you understand how you define success, there is always a team associated with that success even if you consider yourself to be an entrepreneur.
I would like to share a few points on how teamwork infiltrates everything we do, personal or professional.
Whose Team are YOU on?
#1. Teamwork allows us to delegate tasks, and responsibilities to others interested in helping us. We can one acronym for “TEAM” is “Together Everybody Achieves More” J. Paul Getty said. “I would rather have 1% effort from 100 people than 100% of effort from 1 person” I base a large majority of my sales training curriculum, and success on this concept. Once that one person is “maxed out” he’s burned out, on the other hand, with a group, there’s a lot more that can be accomplished before the “burn out” phase. A good leader can get the pulse of the project and team and see where adjustments need to be made, and make them before things get bad. A great leader will put the right people in the right place to advance the cause. Teamwork allows you to find individuals that are specific in task, and focused on the job at hand.
There was a time where people wanted multi-taskers, people who could multitask were highly desirable, and maybe to a point still are, however, in a team setting wouldn’t it be better to have members focused on one their specific duties? In a larger company they have Accounts Payable focus on accounts payable, and Accounts Receivable focusing on receivables, also in a separate division purchasing focuses on purchasing. In the entrepreneur or solopreneur world how we individualize those departments varies, however, if we let our vendors do what they do best, and our customers do what they do best, our team as it is comprised is a well-oiled working machine.
How do I get to Where I Need to Go?
#2. Teamwork, allows the leader to focus on the big picture. When you can have one person focused on one specific task, there’s a greater chance of success on that task since there is no other distractions. As the leader of the group, you get to focus on the big picture and watch all the “cogs in the wheel” spin, and head off any possible obstacles. As the leader of the group, it will be your responsibility to make sure each member has the best tools at their disposal to achieve maximum success, and benefit. If you’re focused on the big picture, things slow down for you and you’re able to see down the road easier, since you’re not overloaded with every task imaginable to make the wheels go round. You often hear athletes comment on how the game gets faster as you advance up the levels of play, and then all of a sudden the game slows way down. In officiating it’s the same way. With officiating football, there can be up to 8 officials on the field at any given time, depending on the level of play, (sometimes I think we need more), but nonetheless, each official is charged with specific duties, and responsibilities. Those consist of a pre snap, at the snap, post snap and post play duties, and depending on what position your in, depends on the responsibilities. With each group or “Crew” of officials, there’s a “Crew Chief” and his duty is to make sure each position is filled with the best possible official he has available. We are encouraged to be specific on our duties, while there are only 10 rules in football and we all have to know all 10, and the thousands of variations, we are responsible for enforcing them specifically different based on our position on the field. For example, the main duty of the Referee (the guy with the white hat) is to protect the quarterback, her also is responsible for the running back, full back, and the off tackle lineman. The Referee may not have “holding” as high on his priority list as the Umpire would but he still needs to be on the lookout for it. Now I won’t go into boring detail on each and every position, but suffice it to say that as an individual officials like you are responsible for certain things, the better you do at those the easier it is for the team to succeed, the better the Crew Chief does at getting the right officials in the right position the better the game is called, just as with the leader, the better job he can do to get the right team members in the right positions the better success the team and project will have.
Build a Team Worth it’s Weight in Success.
#3. It is said that “Two heads are better than one” and if that’s true why wouldn’t a team be better than two? Most people associate a “TEAM” as being a group of people directly involved in the completion of the project or task. No matter if you consider yourself an entrepreneur or a “Solopreneur” you still have a team with you. That team consists of contacts, clients, vendors, and YOU. Well, if you’re like me, where I am on my own to find speaking gigs, training opportunities, or create workshops, mastermind groups, or coaching, I have no direct help, as in an office manager, speakers agent, or project manager, I am all those rolled into one. However, a TEAM of my sphere of influence, former, current, and prospective clients, colleagues and competitors I have a team covertly or nonchalantly helping me out. I get referrals from all of them, and that is the best and biggest help to me (shameless hint here). They set a stage for me, you and others, to generate momentum, and opportunity. I am able to have those who I have taught and trained or spoken to be on the lookout for me for other opportunities to speak and hopefully they think enough of me to refer my services, or introduce me to the decision maker for the specific opportunity in mind. Or they become a repeat client and sign up for other events I have. I also follow my competitors to see where they speak, train, and coach, and look for complimentary reasons I could help, or like business they have as clients. You in your endeavors, have the same type of “behind the scenes” team. They can pay huge dividends if they know how to help the individual out.
Only One Person Benefits from a Team
#4. And finally but not in it’s entirety, as there are many, many, skills, traits, and characteristics a leader can develop. Teamwork allows the leader to not only develop, and equip themselves, but also provide team members with the right tools necessary to complete the project successfully. Teamwork allows the leader to empower team members to grow, and utilize each other as a stepping stone for success. A great leader will challenge team members to exceed their own belief, and capacity to develop into a stronger team member and emerging leader, so he can delegate more responsibility in order to take the team to higher goals. One aspect that made Tim Duncan, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Tom Brady, Joe Montana, and other like them so incredibly successful is the fact that they made others around them better, which in turn made them better. I’ve long said that Scotty Pippen needs to buy MJ an Island for what he did for him. I don’t believe Scotty Pippen would be as big of a star or even in the Basketball Hall of Fame without Michael Jordan. The same can be said for dozens of other athletes, they were the fortunate benefactors of the greatness around them, and they grabbed the coat tails, hung on and took advantage of the moment. You and I are not so different, we have the same opportunities, to be around others that help us grow, and to help others grow. I am blessed beyond belief to have several highly influential people in my life that have opened doors from my success. I owe them big time and I don’t take that lightly, and I let them know how much I respect them for their willingness to help develop me.
Leaders only develop, grow and influence by and from those that are willing to be a part of that growth. They are the catalyst to defining the quality of the leader.
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