Why can I coach men to leave the 9-5 and create impact, abundance and freedom
Because I did. Twice.
Two completely different ways too. Both created money but only one has the true trifecta - Impact. Abundance. Freedom.
The calling way. Discovering, leveraging and monetizing your genius. Your art. What you’re born to do (and be).
I walked away from multiple-6- figure jobs both times. From the comfort of the corporate life.
The status. The house in the suburbs
And the busyness. Hustle and grind. Selling my soul to live someone else’s life
I had success. But it was empty. Because I was going through the motions.
The first time was fun, but ultimately it was more of a job than the job I left. I had staff, responsibilities and stress.
And I didn’t love what I did. I was good at it. But it wasn’t my calling.
The second time was different. I disxover Ed my genius, what I was born to do
And turned it into a business.
That was 12 years ago. We’ve lived in multiple countries. Visited many more and had the time of our lives.
All fueled by impact, abundance and freedom
All fueled by walking the walk and leading by doing and being.
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And I’ve spent those 12 years helping 1200+ successful men break free from their 9-5 and grow epic businesses.
1200+ different and unique businesses too.
Coaching. Marketing. Sales. Technology. Consulting. Finance. Real Estate. Education. Training. Speaking. PR. Health & Wellbeing. Hospitality. The list goes on.
I’ve done it (twice) and I’ve taught/coaches it more than 1200 times.
That’s why I’m qualified to help you.
That’s why men are joining the Freedom Academy
Because they want to join in success stories of the 1200+ - there’s some very well known names in that number too.
If you want to break free and create impact, abundance and freedom
Then send me a DM (discretion assured) and we can see if it’s a fit for you.
Remember I’ve down it myself, twice, and helped 1200+ other people to do it too.
I kind of know what I’m doing.
It’s my calling to help you discover, leverage and monetize your calling.
Are you in?