Why Defining Your Why and Strengths Is No Longer the Answer
Have you ever felt that despite knowing your 'why' and understanding your strengths, something still seems missing in your quest for purpose and fulfillment?
You're not alone. In my 15-year inner leader journey, I've come to a startling realization. The conventional wisdom of defining our 'why' and identifying our strengths may be holding us back from our true potential.
Experts have told us for years that finding our why is foundational to living a more purposeful life. Strength assessments promised to unlock our hidden talents.
While these approaches have their merits, they only scratch the surface of who we truly are and what we're capable of becoming.
What if our greatest source of wisdom and purpose lies beyond the realm of our analytical mind? What if, instead of searching for our purpose, we could allow it to find us?
On the inner leader journey, we begin to explore dimensions of intelligence and wisdom that extend far beyond our usual mental constructs. This is the next frontier of human potential – a space where purpose isn't something we define, but something we embody.
As I wrote in my recent article "The Inner Leader's Journey to Scaffolding Purpose & Authentic Leadership," published in Amplify:
"True purpose isn't found externally but emerges naturally as we align with our authentic selves."
This insight forms the basis for a revolutionary approach to discovering our true purpose. It isn't hidden in a strength test or a carefully crafted 'why' statement. Rather, it resides in the stillness beyond the constant chatter of our minds.
We don't find our purpose. We allow it to find us.
When we pause our constant doing and seeking, something remarkable happens.
We tap into a wellspring of awareness that's been there all along, waiting for us to notice.
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It's the next frontier of human potential.
Your strengths? They're your true self when you are fully present. They're natural expressions of it.
Your purpose isn't a concept or a statement, but a deep alignment with the present moment. It is your natural state of being.
The old way directed us look at our conditioned mind: define it, then do. The new way invites you to be: rest in inner awareness, allowing life to unfold through you.
The journey from the mind to inner awareness is a journey beyond the limits society has conditioned you to accept. It may be the most important journey of your life.
You don't just find your purpose. You become it and allow it to unfold through you.
And in becoming your purpose, you transcend the very notion of finding your why. You move beyond crafting purpose statements to embodying purpose itself.
The search for your purpose ends with a deep truth. You are your purpose.
— Bill
Bill Fox, Founder, LeaderONE Pioneering Leadership from Within | Unlocking Human and Organizational Potential
P.S. What if there was a way to allow your 'why' to unfold naturally? What if the insights, people, and experiences that shape this transformation could be shared in a way that sparks your own discovery? If you're curious about how this journey might unfold for you, or how it could reshape your understanding of leadership and purpose, you might find these articles published by Cutter thought-provoking:
“And in becoming your purpose, you transcend the very notion of finding your why. You move beyond crafting purpose statements to embodying purpose itself.” Thank you, Bill 🙏
'Allow your purpose to unfold through you', such humbling words and what a gift when it happens. Thank you Bill 🙏