Why I Resolve to Do Nothing Next Year
As the new year begins, we will partake in the age-old tradition of making resolutions.
More often than not, we focus on doing things differently or creating new goals.
Our intentions are pure, maybe even noble, and we will show determination and commitment to the mission until we realize that our lives are already busy and filled with more than enough to do.
After considering the subject, I decided it would be best to build upon the items already on my to-do list. Instead of adding to it, I resolve to improve upon my results by reviewing each item, refining it however possible, and otherwise generating better outcomes daily, weekly, and monthly throughout the year.
I will prioritize better, delegate when appropriate, and discard pure time wasters altogether. For the overachievers and type A's who read this, you may pick up on the possibility that after such tweaks, you may have time to do more; it's how we've been trained and operated throughout much of our lives.
Instead, I will use those little windows of time to unwind, savor quiet time, and rest my mind. So, in a way (though not really), I plan to do nothing and love every moment.
My wish for you is similar: acknowledge that you're busy and commit to allowing yourself to do nothing occasionally.