Why Isn't There a Cure for Cancer Already?
We’re making great strides in the race to find a cure for cancer. In 2014, the number of people in the United States living beyond their cancer diagnosis hit almost 14.5 million. By 2024, this number is expected to climb to around 19 million as we continue to make progress against cancer as a whole.
The overall cancer death rate in the US has been falling at a slow and steady pace since the early 1990's. From 2003-2012 cancer death rates have decreased by 1.8% per year for men, 1.4% per year for women, 2% per year for children (0-19).
It’s very apparent that we’re making a dent in the impact that cancer has on society around the globe, but researchers aren’t just squaring off against just one disease. With so many types of cancer, a one-size-fits-all cure isn’t going to cut it.
Learn more about advancements in cancer treatments and solutions in this infographic.
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11moJohn Kelleher, money is the root of evil. Its hard to swallow we'd rather kill our own for a few more bucks. But its sadly true. It makes no sense to me. But I do believe it. Hey John. I'm starting my own business and would like some info from you. My email krvish84@gmail.com. Thanks
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8ySimple there is no big profit in curing it, the drug company's and there shareholders make more to continue to care for patients then to cure them. It's unfortunate it's all about the bottom line and help those in need.