Why Leadership Models Won’t Save You: The Power of Mastering Yourself First
I can’t help but notice the incredible number of posts offering leadership advice, models, traits, and strategies on LinkedIn every day.
Many of these posts attract countless likes and comments, yet I wonder. How effective are they in truly creating better leaders?
The constant stream of advice suggests that something fundamental might be missing.
Despite the wealth of leadership strategies presented, I haven’t yet come across a model that says, “Read and reflect on leadership posts daily.”
And while these models provide valuable guidance, there’s rarely any mention of the inner transformation required to fully embody them.
Servant leadership is a wonderful approach, but like most leadership styles, it’s often treated as a surface-level strategy.
The issue is that true servant leadership isn’t a strategy to be applied; it’s an expression of inner alignment with the truth of who we are, beyond the mind and ego.
Without the inner work to discover that the mind and ego aren’t our true identity, leadership efforts will always be limited.
As Lao Tzu wisely said, “Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”
This quote points to a deeper truth. Leadership doesn’t start with mastering techniques or gaining control over others. It starts with mastering ourselves.
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When leaders operate from a place of inner awareness, authenticity and compassion naturally occur. The external techniques of leadership become secondary to the quality of being they embody.
The most transformative leadership is grounded in stillness, where true support, upliftment, and transformation occur—not through effort, but through deep connection with the present moment and with others.
This is the missing ingredient in many leadership discussions across platforms like LinkedIn.
As we continue to engage with and share leadership content, let’s not forget that real leadership is an inner journey.
Without it, no model, no matter how popular, can lead to lasting change.
What do you think? I'd like to get your take on this.
— Bill
Bill Fox, Founder, LeaderONE.org
Pioneering Leadership from Within | Unlocking Human and Organizational Potential
Developing resilient leaders who build strong teams by navigating conflict through effective communication.
3moThe engagement numbers from Gallup indicate we are not changing anything. When I talk with clients, they are always interested in fixing others. There seems to be this magical spell that descends upon people when they achieve a title of Director or above. In their minds the title equates leadership prowess. Until ALL leaders at ALL levels go deep within and consider the possibility that they have something to learn, we will continue to have high rates of disengagement and attrition. The people who need development the most are the least likely to seek it.
Facilitating #futurereadiness
3moBill, totally agree. It's like driving down a superhighway with sign after sign promising life changing experiences from the road when what is needed is the courage to take an off ramp, slow down and actually experience something other than the blur of 90 mile-an-hour driving. Your invitation to a better experience is clear, concise and full of promise. If only....
Guiding individuals into business ownership, leveraging experience with 10 diverse brands | Author | Senior Franchise Consultant | Franchise Director | E-2 Visa Consultant
3moMastering ourselves is essential for authentic influence and connection with others.