Why a Volume-Based Coaching or Consulting Model Will Keep You Stuck, Frustrated and Broke.
Tired of the slow grind of low end sales? Burned out by a volume based business that requires you constantly get new clients just to hit your income goals? What if you could structure your business in a way that would allow you to work with fewer clients and make way more money?
What if you could sell large packages and hit your income goals quickly? This is exactly what I help my clients do. Welcome to the world of ultra high ticket sales where you can make six figure leaps in your revenue by selling high $25K, $50K, $100K+ packages. So if you want to know how to make a simple, profitable, high ticket coaching or consulting business, you will love my latest newsletter.
The Low End Grind
The #1 trap that coaches and consultants make that keep them stuck working 60 hour weeks, constantly trying to find new clients and capped in the low six figures is billing by the hour or selling small packages.
Either of these models require volume and will put you on the path to burnout quickly.
Let's look at some simple math.
If your goal is to make $500K per year and you are selling $5K packages, you would need to sell 100 to hit your goals. Thats acquiring roughly 8 new clients per month.
Now consider sales calls. The average industry close rate is usually 20-25% or (1 out of every 4 to 5 sales calls). So to close 8 new clients, you would need to have 32 to 50 sales calls per month! By the way if you are struggling to close clients I highly recommend checking out my article on the Top 10 Reasons Why Your Prospects Are Wasting Your Time On Calls (and What to do About it)
That is an insane amount of qualified leads. There is no way you would achieve that organically unless you have a massive following and are constantly marketing to those people. This means you would have to spend money on ads and have all the pieces dialed in to get that working as it should. More on that later...
But let's say, you crushed your sales calls and were able to cut that number in half. That is still 18 to 25 sales calls per month. Most coaches and consultants struggle to book 5-10 sales calls per month. Now imagine trying to 2-4x their number of leads. With this model, the numbers just don't make sense.
Reality Check: How Much Are You Really Making?
Now let's imagine that you dialed in everything you need for lead gen. You have your machine running. You are paying for ads, closing sales and delivering. There is still the client delivery side of onboarding 8 new clients per month while delivering for existing clients, off-boarding old clients and not to mention every other aspect of running a business- building and managing a team, marketing, financials, strategic planning and more.
Can this model work? Yes. Is it probable or sustainable? No. Why? As I mentioned you would need ads to scale to generate enough leads to hit your income goals. You could also hire business development people but that cuts into your margins.
You would also get burned out trying to do the sheer number of sales calls necessary to hit your numbers while also trying to deliver and run your business. This means you would likely need to hire a salesperson to close sales. Your actual revenue of that “$5k client” would go way down. Too often entrepreneurs don't really understand the math. That's why even if they do get this model right, their profit is still relatively low unless they are doing massive amounts of business.
Math Aside: What About Getting "It" Right?
Besides the fact that the numbers wouldn't make sense, you would have to have one of the most misunderstood aspects of consistent lead generation and ads dialed in- a high converting funnel and ad strategy.
This means the right landing page with the right copy and perhaps the right video to the right market coupled with the right awareness campaign with ads.
Many entrepreneurs drop tens of thousands of dollars in webinar and ad programs only to fail miserably, losing not only their investment in the program but also their ad spend. Unless you are digital marketing expert, or a copy pro, its hard to get these pieces right in a 8 week coaching program. Not only that but guess what? A webinar and ads isn't the end all strategy.
Many of my clients are former CEOs and CFOs and their ideal clients are executives or organizations and they not interested in watching your 60 minute webinar.
You have to have the right strategy for your market. The busier people are, the higher their rank, the higher their income, the less time they have and the more they are willing to pay for a fast solution.
They value time over money. On the flip side, those who are struggling financially have more time on their hands but less money, so they can hang out on your webinar and still go into fear around investing $5K. It's exhausting.
You might even hire an agency to run your ads for you and still not see the results you were hoping. No matter what, with the lower end model, its hard to do it right and realize the numbers you are hoping for.
Ultra High Ticket = A Better Way
But there is a better way, position yourself to sell ultra high end services. Let's look at the math again.
This model is life changing and thats just from the lead generation and revenue side of things. Not only do you need fewer qualified leads and spend less time on sales calls, but your margins are that much higher. Even if you spend say $3k or $5K on ads to acquire a $25K or $50K+ client, the numbers make sense.
They simply don't with low end packages unless you have an upsell model built on the backend. This is another big mistake that coaches and consultants make, they buy into the "Myth of the Ascension" Model.
The Myth of the Ascension Model
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Basically sell your services for a lower price point, get people into your world and then work to upsell them into higher and higher levels of working with you.
Can this work? Yes. Is it simple. Absolutely not.
For every offer, you need different levels of marketing, funnels and even team members to support the program and upsell. The more complexity you build, the more moving parts, the more things that break, the more people to manage, etc.
Also keep in mind that the likelihood of someone buying a $5k program and ascending up to buy a $50K program is about 10%. That is a lot of work for little return.
The reality is trying to sell 100 $5K packages to hit half a million as a business model is a race to the bottom. Keep in mind that you are competing with the gurus spending six figures a month on ads who can out spend you. It's a losing game.
So why bother building this complex model? Start high and focus on going after a higher caliber market, after all the people that are going to invest $5k are completely different than the ones who will pay $50K.
These are serious prospects who see your value, are willing to pay you top dollar for your time and are ready to do the work to realize a return on their investment.
A person paying you $50K is much more likely to do what you say than someone paying you $5K. Later on, as you reach expert status and have scaled your ultra high ticket programs, you can always add digital products to create more "passive income."
You will have the credibility to sell it, the audience to buy it, the method built to deliver results and the team and systems to manage it. This is MUCH easier than starting low and eventually getting to the high ticket.
It Just Makes Sense
With ultra high ticket you have a model that means:
From all perspectives- lead, sales, cost to acquire, delivery, profitability, etc. ultra high ticket sales just make more sense. So if you want to have a simple, profitable, high ticket coaching or consulting business, do just that, keep it simple.
Strategist Closes Six Figure Deal
Meet my client Whitedove, an incredible business strategist and consultant.
She is a powerhouse, building a six figure accounting firm and a successful digital marketing agency and consultancy. From the moment I met her I KNEW she had 7 figure energy she just needed support around recognizing her own genius and owning the value she brings to the table. We helped her with the confidence to ask for more, the mindset to play bigger and the strategy to get there. The result? She sold a multi six figure deal that catapulted her into next level visibility and success! Whitedove is just one of our many amazing client success stories. If you liked to discover more, apply for a call today
Have You Downloaded Our 30 Page Guide on the Ladder of Influence?
Discover the secrets to influencing others to buy from you so you can scale your authority and grow a 7+ figure coaching or consulting business.
Inside, you will gain valuable insights as to what is holding you back (your level of influence) and how to ascend up the ladder of influence so you can grow your impact and income. download a copy of for free here.
About Jessica Yarbrough
Jessica Yarbrough has quickly developed a reputation of being one of the best business strategists for coaches and consultants who want to sell and scale ultra high end services. Her background is in international business and she has built multiple companies.
Jessica is a genius at showing entrepreneurs how to build an expert platform, rapidly raise their value, build their credibility online and attract high paying clients. She travels the world teaching and inspiring entrepreneurs and helping them grow their influence and make the income and impact they desire.
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