Winners never quit, and quitters never win, Period.
Winners never quit, and quitters never win, period. You can quit on projects, things, and other people without notice, and that is sad, but if you quit on the one thing you should believe in the most, that is yourself, that is a sad day. Thank God Thomas Edison did not quit after over 900 attempts in making a light bulb.
Thank God Abraham Lincoln said "I'm going to run for office one more time."
Thank God Dr. Martin Luther King never quit.
Thank God Michael Jordan didn't quit after being cut.
Thank God Colonel Sanders didn't give up after being rejected over 100 times for his recipe.
Thank God that Stephen King's wife pulled his manuscript from the trash can after being disposed of after 30 rejection letters. "Try one more time, " she said.
So, what about you. Will we be thanking God that you did not give up? Will your children, relatives, neighbors and family Thank God that you saw "it" through? Will you be talked about as someone who persevered?
Or, will you be like the quiet masses. A giver upper. A person who says, "I tried, once." A person with Someday Syndrome, "Someday, I will get to it....someday." Will you succumb to the opinions of others. Opinions from people who have ZERO accountability for your financial future....people who will not pay your bills, or take care of your family, but be quick to offer their opinion of why not.
It is the end of the day. The choice is yours....Quit, or see your destiny through!
Chief Operating Officer @ OneDirect Health Network where we empower people to take charge of the rehab journey by offering innovative products and next level customer service.
3moDave, thanks for sharing! How are you?