PC: Paris 2024 Olympic games opening ceremony


In an ideal world, the story of fair treatment or consideration regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexuality should not really matter. No one should care about such differences, especially because we have no control over most of them. But somewhere along the way in our development as a species, we fell short and learned to dwell on these differences. Humans have always been social creatures, and due to our evolutionary nature to grow and adapt to our planet, we learned that we are strong in groups. What started as small clans grew into nations and empires of millions, and these days, billions. 

As we came together, we began to recognize the differences in others, and unfortunately, this led to groups of individuals using these differences to advance at the cost of causing pain and suffering to others. History is filled with stories of the horrors that humans have inflicted upon their own kind. However, compassion and empathy are also strong human conditions that have driven us through time. So, when an evil is inflicted on others, there have always been those who stood up and fought to change it, even at the risk of their own demise. 

Today, people have learned from past mistakes. As the internet connects everyone in real-time and is accessible to almost anyone on the planet, the world has shifted into an era where communities are no longer restricted to location but are a global phenomenon. This has encouraged more tolerance towards others because if we have learned anything from history, it is that any kind of prejudice can bring out the worst in humans and carry a heavy cost. 

It is safe to say that the world is more tolerant today, but we must not ignore the fact that prejudice still exists. The million-dollar question remains: "What are we doing today to change that?" One approach that the world, along with organizations and governments, has been adopting for some time now is educating people through the media, entertainment, and internet campaigns. It is hard to look anywhere these days without some agenda being pushed in your face. 

Some organizations have made it a practice to employ a percentage of minority groups or to allow employees the freedom to practice their beliefs without interference or persecution. New measures are taken daily by those committed to seeing this change happen. While it can be argued that these efforts are not enough, they are welcomed by many as steps towards leveling the playing field for those who have suffered from prejudice. 

Attempts to encourage fairness have worked in some cases but have failed to catch on in others. It is almost impossible to predict when any change is happening too fast or what will work because no one knows how the next person will react to something. Other factors can influence how a certain group of people react to any given situation. Today, we are seeing how even the most well-intentioned efforts can cause outrage worldwide. 

The story of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony is a recent example. The act seemed overdone and caused dismay among many communities worldwide, with the media calling it a "woke dystopia." The internet has been filled with images of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony, focusing on a particular part of the show that featured what many have described as "drag queens" parodying the Christian event of "The Last Supper." The Olympics, known for promoting tolerance and fairness, seemed to defeat their own purpose by mocking what many consider a holy and sacred event. 

Despite the opposition, the message reached billions around the world, making it hard to predict whether this will be more acceptable a decade from now. History suggests that it might be. Even with the best intentions, gestures of tolerance can be received with resistance or rub people the wrong way. This should never stop us from striving to do better as people. 

Regardless of how we want the world to be, it is only logical to understand that today, almost every aspect of human existence is affected by some kind of prejudice. In both professional and personal lives, it is something most adults cannot escape because it exists everywhere. Accepting the differences in ourselves and others while learning the right ways to interact with these differences is key to survival in today's era. 

Humanity has made significant strides towards creating a future that is more tolerant and accepting of others. However, it is evident that even in 2024, we are still figuring it all out. We must continue to educate ourselves and others, advocate for change, and practice empathy and compassion in our daily lives. Only then can we hope to build a world where prejudice no longer holds power over us. 

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” - Yogi Berra 

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