The World as a Mirror…

The World as a Mirror…

What makes you angry? What kind of events or attitudes upset you the most? What does it take to get under your skin? We ‘re all shaped by our early childhood experiences and we unconsciously absorb the pivotal values and reactions that tend to stay with us for the rest of our lives. But do you ever wonder why you get angry? When you think of the consequences, it’s a very strong emotional reaction that affects our entire body and it rarely leaves us feeling better. So, why do we allow ourselves to get so upset?

Understanding any sensitive areas that can trigger an outburst of anger – whether you express the feelings or keep them suppressed – is a very helpful step in rationalising the hidden fears that can initiate the anger response. But, there might be more to the way you react than meets the eye.

Thanks to some extraordinary research, we’re learning more and more about the mysteries of human consciousness and how we perceive the world. Within the bubble of our perception, we know that we see everything through a filtration system that’s calibrated by our emotions. That’s why so many experiences are deeply personal and subjective. The world as we know it is better described as an interpretation rather than a clear and objective expression of reality. I know. It’s a complete contradiction to our assumptions about almost everything. But when we consider the world more as a mirror that reflects our attitudes, beliefs and conditioned responses, we can understand that the issues that spark our disquiet and kindle our anger, the people we find so unbearable, are aspects of ourselves that are calling for integration and resolution. The pioneering psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung, wrote extensively about this essential exercise in restoring balance to our psyches but the concept has been taught in a variety of cultures across thousands of years. The idea is not new. But it serves to remind us that the way we react is more a reflection of our internal landscape than a valid response to the world around us.

If the world is a mirror in which we see ourselves reflected, let’s find space to appreciate its beauty, its grandeur and its natural wonder.

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