Are you feeling the same?
It has been A. WEEK.
Do you ever have those weeks that are just totally off the rails and you wake up thinking "what crazy sh*t is going to happen today?"
BTW: If you have these weeks more often than not - I want you to start taking note, because it's usually a sign (in the somatic world) of emotional & energetic imbalance. If you want more info on that, just reply to this email -- I can discuss it all day.
I used to have these kind of weeks a lot when I lived in Saigon. It's a direct reflection of the city's frequency for sure. What we're exposed to becomes our reality. And Saigon was absolute chaos all the time. No wonder I felt frantic and all over the place!
However, life in France is very much the opposite. We wake up to birds chatting to eachother, sun in the window, my rescue Bao barking his head off at his brother tormenting him and I get a full hour of creativity and somatic work to myself before the dog walk.
We work, we hang out, we workout, we cook, we drink epic coffee, we make music and art.
To say it's predictable is an understatement. I love it.
But this week has been upside down.
2 reasons:
It's happened to me a few times ( working in crypto does that ) and old Emily usually loses her sh*t and goes into freeze state for a few days ( iykyk).
However, somatic practitioner & coach Emily who has worked to master her emotions for years now, acts very differently.
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The bank freeze news arrived as I was on my way to the dentist, I was sweating and hot af, my hair was sticking to my face and I was just "eurgh".
Instead of focusing on the news and how I was feeling, you know what I did? I replied to the email calmly, took 5 HA Breaths and shook out my shoulders ( I was clenching them) and laughed. I said to myself " It's ok! There's more where that comes from!"
I did all this unconsciously, it's that dialed in now.
The breath & laugh stimulated the vagus nerve, helping to regulate my nervous system - the shaking moved out the emotions and the external processing ( writing an email response ) supported that too. The affirmation moved me into a state of abundance & receiving.
Who the bloody hell knows why the bank is frozen, all I know is I can't control it, so why let it control me?
The reason I am telling you about this is to remind you that you are the creator of your reality.
That, with emotional resilience and your own self-resourcing strategies you too, can handle difficult days, difficult people, difficult work situations, and unexpected news in a way that supports vs hurts you.
In fact, we're working on all this with 40 people in the Summer Bootcamp and I also take my B2B, 1:1 clients, private community members, and soon, my powHER UP accelerator clients through emotional resilience training too, because without it - leading a team and a company is pretty much impossible.
I would love your take on this, how do you handle difficult weeks? What works for you? Reply to this email I would love to chat!
Speak soon,
P.S If you are going through that right now, dancing and shaking, will help you so much even if you don't feel like it, try it. Here's the playlist I share with all my clients for moments like this.