"You Fill Up My Senses"
"You Fill Up My Senses"
You fill up my senses.
You're music to my soul.
I taste honey, not the
bitter berry that was so hard
for me to swallow.
You reach me in places
I've never been before.
You touch the very heart
of who I truly am.
You're the light on the darker
side of me.
You're the orange, golden sunrise
coming up over the horizon.
You uplift me with your spirit.
I feel like I could soar.
No mountain is too high
for me to get over.
I'm ready to take chances.
With you I'm no longer afraid.
I followed your calling.
I feel strong and brave.
Thank you for guidance,
your wisdom and your love.
Thank you for your inspiration
and your kindness.
Thank you for giving me the pokes
that I needed to move forward.
Thank you for your loyalty.
Thank you for your truth.
Thank you for making me see
past my own fears and insecurities.
Thank you for pushing me beyond
my comfort zone.
I've been stagnant far too long.
Thank you for moving me
when I was idle and my heart
was so heavy that it felt like stone.
Thank you for reviving me.
I'm alive once more.