Are you looking for a change? Let your own intentions surprise yourself!
Many business leaders contact me to better define their objectives and find the means to reach them.
But what is an objective that does not meet an expressed intention?
And what is an intention?
Feeling better is an intention (it meets an inner need); losing weight is one of the many objectives I can set for myself (it is measurable); and doing sports regularly is one of the ways to achieve it.
What do you really want?
When you say you want to “ remain the number 1", "progress", "lead a larger organization", "change sectors", what intention underlies these goals, for what and for whom?
When we take the time to explore your intentions - the impetus to move forward, to progress, to change - we discover that they are very personal, very rich and forward-looking, and most of all surprising :
- Perhaps you are looking to explore new things or new facets of your personality, to take advantage of resources you have built up, to move along new paths with your company.
- Perhaps you want to revive old promises you made to yourself in the past or to fulfill regrets.
- Perhaps you are looking to protect yourself and your business.
- Perhaps you are speaking for yourself, for your shareholders, for your employees or for your family.
- Perhaps you want to feel more serene, less tired, spend less energy for nothing, feel more focused.
- Perhaps you are looking for a project in which to invest all your energy, because you feel constrained.
Which part of yourself do you cultivate? The altruistic part that seeks to invest itself, your ego that wants a new boost? Is your mind looking for a new aesthetic of life, or your soul for a new balance?
Making an appointment with yourself
Only when their own intentions are clear to them are business Leaders effective. Finding the right objectives and the right means is their trademark! They know how to gather “actors' energies" around the project: shareholders, teams, customers, the market.
But when they feel they are lacking "something" without having discovered their true intentions, the project remains vague and its execution unanswered. Leaders get slippery.
When the intention is clear, the project develops by itself.
Are you looking for a change? Let your intentions surprise you, the rest will follow!
Make an appointment with yourself, contact me at for a confidential meeting.