Are you successful in your business? How you can reach your goals?
Can you answer following statements with yes, to use following strategy to pursue your goals?
1) I am specific in target and KPI settings, knowing exactly what I want. I am clear and precise.
2) I use the mental contrasting technique, to imagine how I will feel attaining my goal, picturing as vividly as I can in my mind. I use mental contrasting to turn my wishes and desires into reality, and I feel energized and determined.
3) I am using the if-then-technique to achieve any goal. Making if-then-plans for current projects, health or relationship. For example, if I haven’t sent the email today, then I will make it the first thing I do when I return home tonight. My if-then-plans are so effective, that I will stick on them, even there are obstacles (temptation, distraction) that derails me.
4) I exactly know, where I am and where I want to be. My brain detects a discrepancy and throws resources (like attention, effort, willpower) at it. For example, project status, EBITA status, bank account status, etc. I create reminders for myself to perform my assessments, for example using calendar, post-its, Excel-table.
5) I am engaged in lots of positive thinking about how likely I am achieving my goals. I believe, that success will come easily to me, and it will. As a realistic optimist, I am physically healthier, recover quickly from illnesses, suffer less from depression, be better at prioritizing and multitasking, easily adapt challenges. My preparations, like planning, persistence, right strategy, increases my confidence in my own ability to get things done.
6) I believe that the road to success will be rocky. It forces me to take actions, which leads to greater success. I am confident, success will not come easily, therefore put more effort and planning how to deal with problems before they arise. I avoid taking risks by thinking things through. I visualize how I will deal with each of my challenges. I always have a plan B, if plan A will fail, by using if-then-plans.
7) I focus on getting better, rather than being good. I always give myself permission to screw up, because when I am allowed to make mistakes, they are significantly less likely to actually make them. I approach any task to get-better goals, where the focus is on developing ability and learning to master a new skill. I see a test as an opportunity to learn a new problem-solving skill, no matter how hard it is, I stay motivated and do well.
8) I find what I do more interesting and enjoyable, when I think about progress, rather than perfection. I compare myself and my current performance with my own past performance and check my improvements.
9) I can get more ability if I want more. All I need is grit, which is persistence and commitment to long-term goals. I spent many hours mastering necessary skills and knowledge with my grit. It is all about not giving up in the face of difficulties. I believe, improvement is always possible, and my gritty attitude leads to far greater long-term accomplishments. My ability becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and self-doubt would sabotage in the end. If there are aspects in my life or work that I feel I am not good at, I believe I can become good at them. I focus on improving and developing my skills, and naturally become grittier in pursuit my goals.
10) When rest is not an option, I can speed up or boost my self-control recovery, simply by thinking about people I know who have a lot of self-control. Or putting myself in a good mood by lifting my spirit, e.g. listening to a favorite song, watching a funny video, calling a good friend, or reflecting on a past success. I give my willpower regular workouts (practice) to strengthen my capacity for self-control, e.g. keep tracking my finances, my weight, my exercises, my temper, avoiding starting sentences with “I’, depending on my habits. I strengthening my muscle with regular, less strenuous workouts, before taking on a goal that requires lots of my willpower, e.g. quitting smoking at one step.
11) As a successful man/woman, I know not to make reaching a goal harder than it already is, and I will run out of steam if I overtax it. My willpower muscle is limited. I know, to overestimate my willpower will lead to return to my old habits, so I will tackle willpower challenges one at a time.
12) I focus on what I will do, instead of what I will not do. If I want to change my ways, I ask myself, what I will do instead (if-then-plan) and figure out what exactly goes in it. But if I am offered a new project, then I will think it over for a day before responding. And if I have the urge to drink, then I will ignore it. I know, if I am go shopping and promise, I won’t buy anything, will cost me a small fortune. Therefore, I focus on only what I will do.
Summarized from “9 things successful people do differently”, Harvard business press review press, Heidi Grant Halvorson,
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Best regards
Karlheinz ZUERL
CEO / Founder and Owner of GTEC German Technology & Engineering Cooperation
Germany: 96266 Schneckenlohe
China: 215131 Suzhou
Interim Manager since 2013 with focus on:
Since 1973, 47 years career in Industry:
My last Interim Manager Assignments:
Results: Cost reduction, company structure changes, adapting strategy, automation and process optimization, developing suppliers, restructuring, motivation of employees.
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2yHi Karlheinz, It's very interesting! I will be happy to connect.