Young ones these days...
My favourite recipe for a mid-life crisis
Perhaps I hang around with too many old people, but I hear more and more
Young ones these days….
The tension between generations is nothing new. Teenagers wouldn’t be teenagers if they didn’t rebel a little, get into (hopefully only a little bit of) trouble and push a few boundaries. Without this questioning of the values of the previous generations, the world would never change.
Now this rhetoric has moved beyond family dynamics into workplace dynamics. And it is too easy to label people as snowflake, the iPad TikTok generation or as lazy, entitled and unambitious.
Young people are not the only ones questioning why we work. I’m a Gen X. Many of us absorbed the values of our traditionalist parents. Our parent's worked hard so we’d have a good education with a wide range of extra-curricular activities, making the most of opportunities that weren’t imaginable in their day.
My generation put in the hard graft, long hours and climbed the ladder.
Then something happened, a health scare, divorce, redundancy and Gen X asked, “Why are we working so hard?”. Then we realised that 80-hour weeks, high stress and prestige job opportunities came at the cost of health, relationships and living life.
Cue the violins as you
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a perfect mid-life crisis
Some of my generation, I think, are more than just a little jealous that the young ones got it figured out without a mid-life crisis. Gen Tiktok didn't put on 10 kilos, burnout or breakup, to work like there is more to life than work.
So don’t beat them, join them:
Why not try
Yes, I know you're thinking
Or perhaps….you’ll enjoy it and enjoy work again because you’re Working like a Human!
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1yFor a long time we have treated the symptoms of poor well-being Jane but not the causes. We willingly deprive ourselves of sleep to burn the midnight oil. Flexibility in our work reduces our stress by 20% or more - we can definitely learn some lessons from the 'young ones'. Great post - thanks for sharing!
Human Resources Consultant with Executive MBA and HR Coaching Expertise
1yGreat article, Jane, thanks for sharing!
I coach professionals to achieve better results | Get the Best out of Themselves and their Team
1yJane, your article brilliantly encapsulates the generational differences and the evolution of work-life values over time. Some wonderful food for thought.
Enabling transformations with a human centric approach | Digital Transformation | Executive and Team Coaching | Consulting | Business Transformation | HR- People and Culture | Project Leadership
1ythis is a great article , thanks for sharing