Your Leadership Legacy Statement
Can I read your Leadership Legacy Statement
I am curious. Can you reflect back on the leaders you have worked with or for? Looking at the two poles of the best and the worst. Can you describe your memory of the experience with each?
Note too that if you have led or are currently leading a team/organization, the folks currently experiencing your leadership are mentally noting and archiving their experience with you and could when requested generate their leadership memory statement about you.
What best statement would you be glad you team members or followers used to describe their experience with you after serving in your current capacity?
The concept of legacy leading requires that you have this leadership memory statement actively worked on and developed as your personal leadership brand experience. You need to document your leadership legacy statement, peruse and think deeply about it.
Is your Leadership Legacy Statement satisfying, fulfilling and authentic? Does it have packed there at the opportunity to deliver a nourishing but demanding environment to you and your team members? Ask yourself if you currently have the capacity to deliver such quality of leadership that that statement would ring true. If not, you now know your leadership capacity gap and the need to begin working seriously on it.
This is leading intentionally with legacy in mind.
I will tell you mine soon.
All the Best All the Way,
Sunny O. Phillips