Your Monday Menu - 26/10/20
I have considered doing a psychology masters degree. Increasingly, however, I’m questioning the value of traditional degrees and more generally about learning styles. When there are so many MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and content which is free, what do I really get for my money? A distance learning degree costs around £10,000 and all have mixed reviews often in respect of the most important element - the human feedback and tutorials. Do I want or need a certificate or simply to increase my knowledge and understanding? I will watch the 41 bite sized videos in “Crash Course Psychology” and report back.
If you are interested in developing approaches to learning then I can recommend a very helpful email each week from “Learning How to Learn”. Lots of tips, ideas and book recommendations each week.
Your Monday Menu variety selection this week:
Read - An interesting blog post around categorization and definition of ATT&CK Data Sources
[7th September - 7 min read]
Read - Unit 42 overview of the Microsoft CVE-2020-16898, vulnerability in IPv6 DNS RA options
[14th October - 1 min read]
Read - What to know about Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management
[22nd October - 2 min read]
Amuse Bouche - Automate all the things... Really? Know your limits ;-)
[Episode 1205 - glance]