Your Story of Pain is Your Power: Reverse Victimhood to Leadership

Your Story of Pain is Your Power: Reverse Victimhood to Leadership

Happy Sunday y'all,

I'm on fire! I set my entire heart and soul on my mission and can't hold back anymore. I'm no longer a servant to my mind. 'Oh, what do people think about this? When you do this, how do people perceive you? will you ruin your chances if you do xyz.' I'm officially done! My identity shift has happened to be unapologetic about who I am and what I do. And I do it with conviction!

I met so many people in the past weeks and months who were just coming out or were stuck in a narcissistic relationship! It was almost uncanny how often I talked about my own experience, and I said: 'Ok God, I got you, you want me to get my story out' - or one part of it.

By the way, leadership should be easy for us leaders, influencers, and decision-makers. But we still try to remain in the role the world assigns to us.

Funny enough, we wait somehow for the particular call, the message from somebody we regard as a role model, to get us out there and provide us with ultimate freedom.

Financially, in our relationships, somebody has to 'believe' in us before we 'trust' ourselves.

Isn't that weird? Don't get me wrong; I also sometimes fall into that game. But I created a way out.

This way came not from the ambition to build a business around it but from a transformation initiated by - to the outside - my greatest adversaries.

The Path into Victim Hood Leads to Clarity

Growing up in a family, not knowing my biological father, I always felt like the odd one out. Yet, I tried to fit in with all the power I had. I depleted my energy, and I lost my inherent glow over the years and my self-worth. In my teenage years, I had entirely forgotten about my worth as I tried to blend in with the people I surrounded myself with, from super religious to super rebellious and even sometimes walking the line of drifting in grey zones and dangerous places of the nightlife. I'm not blaming my parents or other family members; I was just thrown into that environment to learn this lesson of self-worth from an early age. I was addicted to the thrill of getting myself into the mess to prove again and again my self-worth. In love, financially, in business, and friendships. I felt that when I'm not initiating something - nothing will happen. If I'm not putting in the extra work - success will not come.

Secretly, I held grudges against my environment, was even sometimes embarrassed by it, and wanted to escape, creating a new, more flawless identity - or at least I tried to do that. I played the victim of having this 'cold' environment, emotionally absent parents, and being misunderstood and misjudged.

We all have these places that start in childhood and make us use the victim card whenever needed. We are addicts for validation and want to hear that people have compassion with us. Don't deny it entirely because part of it is still there - no matter how small it might seem.

'My parents didn't have the money so that I couldn't go to a private school.' 'I had always to stand up and live in my older brother's shadow'. 'I had to withhold my sexual orientation.' I was born in the wrong body, that's why xyz.' And so on.

God/the Universe/Source put you there where you were thrown, at that particular place, to mold you and show your power. I always thought I was born on the wrong side of the planet in the wrong family, but no, it's exactly how it has to be to activate this God energy in me and radiate through me. I was meant to go through 3 divorces to find my partner with whom I'm building, growing, and being on a mission together. I was meant to jump into industries and careers to get an overview and connect the dots.

It happened all, to stand the ground - and let go of victimhood, shame, or guilt: My soul decided to go that road to equip me for my mission with ease and love that radiates in togetherness!

Look at those places where you indulged in victimhood until today because they make you prone to falling into drama in adulthood in many ways. Your soul wanted that experience to remind you of your power and who you are! The sooner you understand this connection, the faster you prosper—this is one of the things we'll discover together, and I will guide you step by step through my program.

Reverse the 'Poor Lil Ol' Me' into Unstoppable Power

I lived in a toxic, dangerous, narcissistic relationship for eight years. Followed by the next. And meeting and spotting many others along the way. My soul had set out to experience the entire spectrum - the textbook insanity. It was unbelievable that people stopped believing in me because it sounded so out of this world. It occurred that I lost even more than I had expected, whereas I was on top at the beginning of the custody battle. Well, it was not a loss; it was not mine because nobody can take what is mine.

I had been a people pleaser all my life, trying to 'fit in' and 'win people over' through what I did, my intellect, my charme; this is an open door to narcissists and manipulators.

And now you will hate me because, by playing nice and doing everything for others, you are the manipulator yourself! So you invite more manipulation in the form of a partner, a colleague, a boss, or a kid!

For many years, I fought internally, holding back my power, my glow, part of myself. The reason why I was pulled to narcissistic partners in private and business was because I had never really made peace with who I am and seen my self-worth and that the 'manipulation' was not needed. Convincing others of my skills and self-worth was not required. As a child I laid I experienced not belonging, and one of the narcissistic techniques is to gain power over you and deprive you of your glow and energy, and it happens silently because - you are in love with this 'poor lil ol' me'.

But you have the power to shine through, and sometimes, these horrifying and dangerous situations lead you to strip down all that is not you to your core; that's who you are, and after that—guess what—you're unstoppable.

My son decided to live with his father and refused to make contact with him at all. I could let go for good because I understand the connection to the bigger picture. It's his path, and by stepping in, I'd manipulate what is potentially not part of the plan for now.

We drive ourselves into pain the more we invest thought, energy, and anger in it. I was scared to share this with the world; now I realize why I should. It's part of who I am and has also led me to what I do, my work, and my mission.

And once you have nothing to lose—because nobody can take what is already mine—you become unstoppable! The weirdest part is that you can even become grateful for your pain because it transmutes into a puzzle piece needed to step into the light.

Stop Playing Your Part and Remember

In my previous blog, I discussed how important it is to not play the role the world assigns to you. Again, I emphasize this today with the victimhood we love so much, which leads you to amplify the situation.

Your situation—which you don't like—is that way because you still love to pull out the victim card of any kind. The minute you decide to play that part no longer and step into the light, that very minute your entire world shifts. Maybe certain things change immediately, others might take some time, and for others you'll need more allignment - that's where I step in and help you on the journey.

Every setback, refusal, and rejection is a step towards getting the obstacle out of the way. An obstacle in the way is, in fact, a sign that you are in flow again after feeling stagnant.

In my example, I played the role of the good mother. I am a good mother; this is a fact! But what I mean by playing the role is that I emphasized it, showed it even more to the world, and justified every step I took to show I am. It fired back - I organized parties and events, did everything, supported the parent's council, and saw what was happening here. Now, after I was so unapologetically honest with you, you are reading it for a reason.

I justified why my coaching starts at USD 650.00 an hour. I pitched my projects and ideas, pointing out the necessity of it all - why? If it is aligned, it will happen. There is never a 'too expensive', ' too much', or 'too big' if it's meant to be and if it is coming from a heart space. Abundance is overflowing and everywhere. When you don't find the right clients or investors, you have to adjust something inside of you - something is out of alignment.

Most people agree with me on that in dating—but see, sales is like dating. Business is dating. It's all connected. For some, this means even that it is intertwined to the extent that you can't escape it. Your business is connected to love and love of business. For some, that means - no matter what other people do or say - your business will only succeed with the right partner - or you'll only find love once you're aligned professionally to your soul's mission.

When you know your part in the game of life - which includes family, business, and the world - there is no need to explain yourself. If people want to learn more about you, this is something else, but if people start questioning you or pushing back, there are two ways to go about it. Everything is a channel to grow yourself and your work. Don't judge - that's the most challenging part, I know!

1) reflect

2) ask yourself why you needed to hear/experience

3) what do you radiate

4) is this your truth, or do you play a role

5) shake it off (I developed a unique method that speeds up the process and literally makes obstacles and people disappear!)

All of that is NOT woo-woo. It's science—I'm happy to explain the details of my program to you.

I don't sell it—you can do it all by yourself, reading my articles and listening to me, but it will take you longer, and you could potentially miss opportunities.

For some as well, a journey of psychedelic medicine is part of it. There are many different ways, and there is no right or wrong.

Once you remember, you can't stop sharing

Actually, this is a quote I leave for now as 'unknown.' Eventually, it'll show, and the context will be clear in it's entirety.

It's leadership, and I am claiming and accepting that position. It's not a role. It's who I am and why I'm here.

I went through drama, trauma, and the entire shebang of guilt, shame, and denial. It's a slippery slope to fall back into a pattern when you are not consistently remembering who you are instead of looking at where you are 'trapped'.

This is what happens right now, with this blog and many other events and actions that took place in the past days in my life and for those who are deeply connected with me. Your shift impacts more than just your own life. The macro level of things is amazing and mindblowing once you understand and remember.

My journey from corporate to filmmaking is one part of that. I end this newsletter with a call to action. My incredible cast and crew of the 25th Demon: The World's First True Story About Narcissistic Insanity is looking for supporters, collaborators, and people who have experienced narcissistic abuse by parents, partners, and employers and are interested in supporting a project with our psycho-thriller TV series to open the eyes and the hearts and by providing support of any kind to make it happen. The story is set in the fashion-tech world of New York with a royal family feud.

We are raising funds to finance a trailer, a backdoor pilot, and nine episodes. It's not one story about an individual but portrays the illusion created in a narcissistic relationship and the fantasy world they build.

Check out our TV series:

And I encourage you! Don't hold back. Your 'victimhood' is your power when transmuted into experience. Your most significant loss is your most excellent source of abundance. And it starts with how you talk about it. Your words and intentions matter, and they have already resulted in a shift of more than you imagined.

So go and get it! And stop holding back, dimming your light, and trapping yourself.

Love and Light,


Danny Laker

Mom | Producer | Writer | Actress | Serial Entrepreneur | Author | Visionary | Investor


Thanks for sharing and supporting the mission Kent A. Corso 🙌🏼🙌🏼


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