8(a) at 8AM

8(a) at 8AM

Business Content

8(a) at 8AM is monthly event uniting 8(a)-certified businesses, aspiring participants, and government for collaboration

About us

"8(a) at 8AM" is a monthly event designed to bring together 8(a)-certified businesses, aspiring 8(a) participants, and government personnel for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Held virtually on the 8th of every month (or the nearest weekday if the 8th falls on a weekend), this series features keynote speakers, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions focused on navigating the 8(a) program and creating opportunities for growth. In addition to the virtual series, "8(a) at 8AM" will host in-person networking events at major conferences and industry gatherings, providing further opportunities to connect and learn within the government contracting space.

Business Content
Company size
2-10 employees
8(a) and Government Contracting


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