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Godrej 84 Defender Double Door Security Safe

The Godrej 84 Defender Aurum NX Double Door Security Safe is a result of decades of research and innovations by Godrej, providing India with products having highest level of quality and security that offers a complete peace of mind for generations to come.

The Godrej 84 Defender Aurum NX Double Door Safe is a result of decades of research and innovations by Godrej, providing India with products having highest level of quality and security that offers a complete peace of mind for generations to come.
Modern day security threats:

Security threats are always rising. Technology up-gradation, easy access to tools and technical knowledge available to burglars create a need to maintain upgraded security. This trend is evident in recent burglaries involving sophisticated tools like Oxy Acetylene and Power Drill. To combat the ever-increasing security threats, a reliable safe is needed that can withstand even the most intense form of modern day attacks. This will help the jewellers and retail establishments to secure their valuables without compromising on their display space.

Breaking the myths:

The weight of a safe does not define its strength.
A safe completely made of metal may not be strong.
Resistance of every safe is limited upto its defined capacity.

Why Godrej defender Aurum DD?
Largest such manufacturing facility in India for security equipment. One of its kind highly automated manufacturing facility for safes across the world.
Oldest safe manufacturer, with a legacy of 116 years.
Trusted brand with years of patronage in securing wealth of India and ensuring peace of mind.
Sate-of-the-art offerings, designed to withstand ever evolving modern day attacks.
Pan India presence with wide range of dealers and extensive service network.

Godrej Offers the following Classes of Safes:

Godrej C / I TL – 30 x 6, FR 30
Godrej A TRTL – 30 x 6
Godrej BB / II TRTL – 15 x 6
Godrej AA TRTL – 60 x 6
*Only Class Type ‘C’ are Tool Resistant (TL) Safes. 
All Other Class Types ‘BB’, ‘A’ & ‘AA’ are Torch & Tool Resistant (TRTL) Safes.

Fully Welded Strong Seamless Body:

Massive resistance and uniform strength to attacks.
Helps withstand a fall from upper floors.
Drill Defeat Shield:

Provides additional security to the locks and makes the safe more secure.
Passivated Body through Anti-corrosion Treatment:

Enhances life of the safe by preventing rust formation.
Ensures the paint remains unscathed even after number of years.
Double Duty Barrier (DDB):

Provides superior resistance against burglary attacks.

High Strength Door:
Highly resistant to fire & burglary attacks.
Gives better protection from fire & burglary.
Provides more resistance to attacks aimed at dislodging locks.
Automatic Re-locking Devices:

Sets the safe into a deadlock in the event of an attack, ensuring the contents of the safe are secured.
High Precision Locks:

8 Lever dual control brass locks offer high number of combinations.
These locks offer massive resistance against pilferage.
Motion Sensor IntelliLight:

Enables clear visibility of contents, interiors of safe and access of valuables even in dimly lit locations.
Strong Movable Shooting Bolts:

Makes the door secure and ensures safe is highly burglary resistant.

Advanced form of fortified security foils burglar attacks on locks.
Torch and Drill Resistant Matrix (TDR Matrix):

Provides superior resistance to torch and tool attacks.
Enhanced Usable Space:

Increases the storage quantity available to the user by providing greater usable volume.

E Exterior Height (H) 2125 mm 84 inch
X Exterior Width (W) 1304 mm 51 inch
T Exterior Depth (D) 873 mm 34 inch
I Interior Height (h) 1925 mm 76 inch
N Interior Width (w) 1104 mm 43 inch
T Interior Depth (d) 595 mm 23 inch
Volume (Litres) 1265 ltrs
Weight (in Kgs. without packing) 3000 Kgs (±10% Tolerance)
Number of Doors 2
Number of Shelves 3 (Not Fixed – Adjustable / Removable)
Number of Drawers 3
Number of Key Locks 3
Number of Key Sets 2
Number of Locking Bolts 20 (8 – Left Door & 12 – Right Door)
Number of Optional Locks 1 (Combination / Electronic / Biometric Lock)
Class Type ‘I’
Tool Resistance (TL) – 30 mins. on all 6 sides
Fire Resistance (FR) – 30 mins.
Please check the load carrying capacity of floor from structural engineers if the safe is to be kept on the first floor or above.
Place the safe preferably on a beam.
All weights and sizes are approximate. Tolerances – Weight ± 10%, Dimensions ± 5%.

Product FAQ’s
Q : What is the color of the product?
A : Dark Brawn

Q : Are these godrej defender Aurum safe sufficient for commercial usage?
A : defender Aurum DD safe comes with secure storage which gives you ample space to store lot of your valuables, currency, jewellery and other documents.
Q : Are these Godrej defender Aurum safe fire and Burglary resistant?
A : It is Fire & Burglary Resistant, it is incidental.

Q : Do they have internal shelves?
A : Yes. All the godrej defender Aurum Double Door  safe come with internal adjustable shelves for your convenience and usage.

Q : How do I open the defender nx Aurum DD safe if I have misplaced the keys?
A : In case you have misplaced your keys, please contact the service department for help.

Q : Can the Godrej defender Aurum safe be installed in a cupboard or fixed onto the wall?
A : The Defender Aurum range of safe are heavy safes designed for extreme durability and hence cannot be installed into a cupboard or a wall but can be installed in a fixed place.


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