
Flash Player Help

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Protected Content Playback Settings panel

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Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings.

Use the Protected Content Playback Settings panel to reset license files that have been downloaded to your computer.

Some content on the Internet is protected by the content provider using Adobe Flash Access. To enjoy this protected content, users must first get content licenses from the content provider. These content licenses are automatically downloaded to your computer, for example, when you rent or purchase the protected content. Flash Player saves these licenses on your computer.

You might need to reset license files if the content isn't playing correctly. For example, a technical support representative from the content provider might advise you to reset your existing license files so that you can download them again.

Be careful when resetting license files. When you reset license files, Flash Player resets all existing license files for protected content that plays on your computer in Flash Player. You will not be able to access the content in Flash Player from this computer until you have downloaded new licenses from your content provider.

Resetting the license files does not actually remove them from your computer. To permanently remove these files, refer to this Flash Access Support Tech Note.
