If you prefer to keep your identity private on the internet, that’s understandable. It is true, however, that streams with webcams that allow viewers to put a face to the streamer are more engaging. Thankfully, though, there are still options; you can still have an interactive stream, even without your webcam on.

VTubers have become increasingly popular recently, but that's not your only option. You could also become a PNGTuber if that’s more your style.

What Is a PNGTuber?

A PNGTuber is very similar to a VTuber, but instead of using an animated model that tracks all of your movements and speech, you have 2D images. This does make PNGTubers more static than VTubers, but it is a much simpler and low-stress way to give a face to your viewers while keeping your identity private.

PNGTuber playing Genshin Impact on Twitch

Having static images may sound less engaging than a cam or a VTuber setup, but they can be very striking. And at the end of the day, it's your personality that really makes your stream shine. You could always come up with some great Channel Point redemption ideas or employ some of the best bots for Twitch streamers to keep your stream engaging if you're worried about that.

What Do You Need to Create a PNGTuber Avatar?

The first and most important thing you need to become a PNGTuber is your avatar. Your avatar will essentially become your new persona, so you will want to put a lot of thought into what that means for you.

Creating a PNGTuber avatar is as simple as making two different PNG images. One to simulate yourself speaking and the other for when you're silent or in between words. Essentially, that means one PNG image with your avatar’s mouth open and one closed. While you can spice up your avatar by adding blinking PNGs or even ones that reflect an emotional state, two images are all you need.

These images can be resized in your streaming software later, but a good starting point is somewhere between 1000x1000px and 2000x2000px. That will give you the flexibility to make your avatar larger or smaller without losing quality.

Becoming a PNGTuber does require some streaming gear for Twitch, like a good microphone, for example. But you can worry about that after you create your PNGTuber avatar.

How to Make a PNGTuber Avatar

So, all you need to make your PNGTuber avatar is two images. But how do you go about supplying or making those? You could commission an artist to draw your two images for you, you could draw them yourself, or you could use an online image creation tool or avatar-maker website to make your images for free.

1. Commission an Artist to Create Your PNGTuber Avatar

PNGTuber Avatars for sale on Etsy

Most PNGTubers take this route and commission an artist to draw their PNGTuber avatar for them. This allows you to have a unique and professional avatar to work with, as opposed to one from an avatar-maker website that could end up being replicated by someone else.

Commissioning artists does cost money, however. The price will differ depending on the artist but can range anywhere between $20 - $100+ for a waist-up avatar, and possibly more if you are thinking of getting some extra bells and whistles. It is important to note when budgeting for an artist commission that artists' prices vary wildly depending on their skill and how long they have been in the field.

If you want to take the route of commissioning an artist for your PNGTuber avatar but don’t know where to find one, you can always search for the term PNGTuber commission on Etsy or Fiverr. If there is an artist you already know or have seen online, you could also approach them on Instagram or another social media website and ask if they do PNGTuber commissions.

2. Draw Your PNGTuber Avatar Yourself

Procreate Dreams painting with Apple Pencil
Image Credit: Procreate

If you don’t have the budget to commission an artist to create your PNGTuber avatar, you could always take matters into your own hands and draw one yourself on a digital drawing tool like Procreate. This method does require a certain level of drawing skill, but if you tick that box, this would be the best option for you.

Simply launch your drawing tool of choice and start drawing your avatar. Most PNGTuber avatars are illustrated from the waist up, but the choice is yours. Once you have your two images, save them as PNG files, and your avatar will be ready to set up.

3. Create Your PNGTuber Avatar With an Online Image Creation Tool

PNGTuber Avatar on Canva

Not all of us have the funds to pay an artist or the skill required to draw beautiful art ourselves, but that doesn’t mean your PNGTuber journey has to be over before it has even begun. There are still a couple of options left for you. One of those is to use an online image creation tool like Canva to create the two PNGs you need.

To do that, head to canva.com and create your project. Canva has endless tides of images to choose from in the Elements tab on the left side menu. You can search for anything your heart desires and scroll until an image speaks to you. It could be a bunny rabbit, a devil image, or a fairy image in the case of our example.

Save a PNG image of your avatar as it stands, then add an open mouth by searching the term in Canva's Elements. Once you find one that you like, place it on your avatar, and save your second image as a PNG file.

4. Use an Avatar-Maker Website to Create Your PNG Avatar

PNGTuber Avatar on CharatMe

The last option you could use to create your PNGTuber avatar is an avatar-maker website. These are sites that are dedicated to creating avatars and have a plethora of assets to choose from so you can create something that suits your personality.

These websites offer more uniqueness than Canva, where you are choosing from a base image that already exists. While there is still a chance someone could create the same avatar using an avatar-maker, the chances are slimmer given the sheer number of assets available.

There are plenty of avatar makers available online that you can choose from, but a good suggestion is charat.me. Charat is easy and free to use and automatically downloads images in PNG format, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally downloading the wrong file type.

Protect Your Privacy While Keeping Your Stream Interesting

Becoming a PNGTuber is a perfect option for anyone who wants to stream while keeping their identity private or wants to test the waters before diving in and purchasing an expensive webcam. Streaming is nerve-wracking enough as it is, and worrying about your appearance is an added stress you don’t need.

Making a PNGTuber avatar is quick, easy, and, most importantly, a fun experience. If your camera setup had been holding you back from streaming, hopefully, this guide was able to help you cross that hurdle, and you can start your PNGTuber career.