Belly Button Problems
Overview of Belly Button Problems
You probably don't pay much attention to your belly button, however, a little musk or some built-up grime in the navel may grab your attention. A little dirt or lint or even a slight odor is nothing to worry about. If you've noticed discharge, a strong smell, pain, or another change in your belly button, you may need to see a doctor.
If your belly button leaks discharge or blood, you may have a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection.
Here are common belly button problems, and what to do about each one.
Belly Button Discharge
Dozens of types of bacteria call your belly button home. Many are harmless, but some can cause infections. That's especially true if you cut or break the skin near your navel or if you don't clean your belly button regularly. Cleaning your navel with soap and water and your fingertip or a washcloth when you bathe can help prevent infections.
If your belly button is "leaking" clear or colored discharge or blood, you may have a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection. Crusty skin, strong odor, itching, and redness are also signs of an infection. You may develop a fever.
If discharge and crust stick around after you wash your belly button, see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription or over-the-counter antibacterial or anti-fungal cream or ointment depending on the type of infection. In some cases, you may need antibiotics.
Don't use lotion or cream on your belly button unless your doctor tells you to. Bacteria thrive in moist, damp crevices.
A Lump in or Near Your Belly Button
Some people have an "outie" belly button, which is a normal bulge you've had since just after you were born. But if you feel a new lump or bulge in your belly button, you might need a doctor's care.
Here are some problems that could cause it:
This condition develops when an opening form in your belly muscles and part of your intestine pushes through and causes a bulge. A hernia in or near your belly button is an umbilical hernia.
Some signs you might have an umbilical hernia include:
- The bulge disappears when you lie down
- Pain gets worse over time, especially when you lift, strain, or sit or stand for long periods
Hernias usually get worse with time, so see a doctor if you think you may have one. Most hernias require surgery.
If you have intense pain in your belly button or the surrounding area, see your doctor. You could have a severe hernia or another problem that requires immediate care.
If you notice a stone-like mass inside your belly button, it could be an omphalolith or an omphalith. Also called an umbolith. These growths can take over the entire navel and lead to infections and other problems. They're rare, but if you notice a new, hard mass in your navel, see your doctor.
A Pimple-Like Lump
A red, pimple-like lump in or near your belly button could be an epidermoid cyst. It's a non-cancerous growth that forms when skin cells don't shed the way they should. These cysts usually develop on irritated or injured skin. They can arise anywhere on your body, but they're most common on the torso, face, and neck.
Epidermoid cysts aren't always a problem. They might even go away on their own. However, you might have:
- Thick, yellow, smelly discharge
- Swelling, redness, tenderness
If you think you have an epidermoid cyst, have your doctor check it out to see if you need treatment. If your cyst ruptures or is painful, call the doctor right away.
Redness, Heat, or Swelling Near a Belly Button Piercing
If you have a belly button piercing, your navel needs extra attention. You can develop an infection no matter how long you've had that extra hole.
Wash your belly button regularly, and you'll reduce your odds of infection. Wet a washcloth with a saltwater solution and gently dab it on the piercing. Then pat your navel dry with a clean towel or cloth.
Look out for these tell-tale signs of infection:
- Redness
- Skin that's hot to the touch
- Pain
- Itching
- Crusting
- Discharge
If you see these signs, see a doctor right away. You might need antibiotics.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Belly Button Problems
Is a belly button infection serious?
Belly button infection isn't usually serious, and is nothing more than a nuisance. Most infections can be treated with a topical antifungal or antibiotic ointment. If left untreated, the infection can spread further and may require oral medications. Belly button infection in a newborn could be more serious, because it can spread more easily and become deadly, and should be treated promptly. Very rarely, navel stones (omphaloliths) have been known to enter the stomach cavity and cause infection (peritonitis), requiring surgery.
What are belly button warning signs?
Warning signs that something is amiss with your belly button include itching, pain, redness, a lump, or swelling in and around the navel. You may also have a clear, smelly, or bloody discharge from the belly button and crusting.
What could be wrong with my belly button?
Not much can go wrong with the belly button. The most common problem is arguably lint and debris collection, which may become smelly and embarrassing. Occasionally such debris may harden and become navel stones. You may get a fungal or bacterial infection, which generally resolves with topical medications. All of the above can easily be averted with good hygiene. Skin conditions such as psoriasis or intertrigo can cause belly button infection sometimes, which will need appropriate treatment.
Why does my belly button hurt?
The most common cause of belly button pain is an infection or a cyst. An umbilical hernia can also make your navel hurt, as well as cause the belly button or nearby region to bulge. Some pregnant women appear to develop unexplained pain in the navel, which usually goes away on its own.
Why does my belly button smell?
Most often, a belly button smells simply because it isn't clean. A largely unnoticed crevice in the body, it tends to trap lint from our clothes and other debris. Add dead skin cells and the abundant bacteria that live in the navel to the mixture, and it will smell if it is not regularly cleaned. Infections or cysts can also make your belly button smell. Watch for other symptoms such as discharge, crusting, pain, redness, or swelling, and get your infection or cyst treated.
A rare reason for a belly button that oozes and smells is a condition known as patent urachus. Urachus is a connection that a fetus has with the umbilical cord, which serves as the fetal bladder until the baby's bladder becomes functional. Urachus usually scars up and becomes a ligament that runs from behind the navel to the top of the bladder. Rarely, this connection may remain patent allowing urine to leak out of the navel. This has to be corrected with surgery.
How to clean your belly button
Remember to always clean your belly button with soap and water when you bathe. You can use the tip of your finger or a washcloth to gently remove any debris collection. Gently pat it dry with your towel after your shower, including the inside of the navel.
How can I treat a belly button infection at home?
Clean your belly button with mild soap and water and gently pat it dry a couple of times a day. You could also use salt water to clean it. Try to air it out and keep your navel dry as much as possible, because bacteria and fungi thrive in warm moist conditions. If infection symptoms persist, check with your doctor, who will be able to tell you what ointment you can apply to your belly button.
Yeast infection in the belly button is usually caused by a fungus called Candida, which can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription antifungal ointment, and a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotic creams. Apply a thin layer of the medication on the belly button as directed. Your doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic if it is required.
How do you stop a belly button infection?
The best way to stop a belly button infection is to prevent one. Clean your navel thoroughly every day when you shower, and keep it dry. You can most often stop a belly button infection with good hygiene, and topical antifungal or antibacterial applications. Avoid wearing tight clothes, especially in hot and humid weather, and change your clothes if you get sweaty. If these measures don't help, see a doctor as soon as possible.
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center: "How to Clean Your Belly Button."
The Public Science Lab/North Carolina State University: "Belly Button Biodiversity."
Cleveland Clinic: "Ventral Hernia."
Nemours Children's Health System/ "Why Do I Have a Belly Button?"
Mayo Clinic: "Epidermoid Cysts."