Trending Pregnancy Topics
Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman. There are some symptoms that are more frequent in some women. These symptoms include a missed period, nausea, vomiting, bloating, weight gain, headaches, food cravings, and mood changes.
Stages of Pregnancy Pictures Slideshow
Watch this slideshow on the stages of pregnancy. See and learn what changes a woman's body goes through and view fetal images of how her baby grows during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz
Take the Early Pregnancy Symptoms quiz! Would you recognize the early symptoms? Do you understand how a woman's body changes from conception through the various stages of pregnancy.
Pregnancy Stages
Learn what to expect during the three phases of pregnancy (1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester). Find out what changes in your body to expect and how your baby will develop week by week.
Bad Pregnancy Foods
Watch this slideshow on foods to avoid during pregnancy. From lunch meat and coffee to seafood and cheeses, learn what not to eat when pregnant.
Test Your Infertility IQ
What do you know about infertility? What are the causes and different ways to be infertile? What are the treatments? Test your knowledge.
Related Disease Conditions
3 Ways To Get Pregnant Without a Man
No matter why you are motivated to become pregnant without a male sexual partner, there are many ways in which you can still get...
Childbirth Delivery Methods and Types
Learn about the pros and cons of various childbirth methods, such as the Bradley method, C-section, natural childbirth, water...
A common form of short stature, achondroplasia (dwarfism) is a genetic condition causing a disorder of bone growth. Complications...
How Long After a Positive Ovulation Test Are You Fertile?
A woman may only have about 60 hours or less than 2.5 days during the cycle when conception is possible. Once the egg dies, a...
Are Belly Bands Safe During Pregnancy?
How are belly bands used during pregnancy? Learn whether you need belly bands and if they are safe to use during pregnancy....
Are Blood Clots Normal in Early Pregnancy?
Around 15-20% of pregnant women experience bleeding during the first trimester. Light bleeding can be normal, but heavy bleeding...
Are C-Sections Really That Bad?
In most births, the baby exits the uterus through the birth canal after a period of labor. C-sections are more complex than...
Are Pregnancy Pillows Good for Back Pain?
A maternity or a pregnancy pillow is a specially designed body pillow to suit and support the changing curves of the body during...
Braxton Hicks Contractions (False Labor)
Braxton Hicks contractions are also known as false labor pains. Though these irregular uterine contractions may occur in the...
Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor: How to Tell the Difference
Some pregnant women may mistake Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor) for real labor contractions, especially in the first...
Is It Better To Get Breast Implants Before Or After Pregnancy?
What to know about being pregnant and breastfeeding with breast implants. Learn more about the medical reality of breast implants....
Breastfeeding With Rheumatoid Arthritis
You can breastfeed your baby even if you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, you must always consult your doctor before you...
Can a 17-Year-Old Give Birth Naturally?
Not every person or pregnancy is the same, so it won’t always be safe for a pregnant teenager to give birth naturally. This is a...
Can a Baby Survive Placental Abruption?
According to the American Pregnancy Association, fetal death occurs in 15 percent of severe placental abruption instances....
Can A Baby Survive With Hydrops?
Hydrops can be life-threatening and lead to death in some babies. Check out the center below for more medical references on...
Can Baby Position Cause Back Pain?
There are two types of back pain during pregnancy: lumbar and pelvic. It's thought that one cause of back pain is the position of...
Can Fallopian Tubes Grow Back After Removal?
Fallopian tube removal is effective in preventing pregnancy, but it's not entirely reliable. An estimated 1 in every 200 women...
Can Having a Baby Save Your Marriage or Relationship?
All relationships take work and commitment. Instead of thinking that having a baby can save your marriage or relationship, it's...
Can I Feel My Baby At 17 Weeks?
At 17th week of pregnancy, a woman continues to be in the second trimester or 5th month of pregnancy. Both the mother’s body and...
Can I Get Pregnant Even If He Pulls Out?
If you use the pull out method perfectly each time, it has about a 96% success rate. However, it is challenging to do it exactly...
Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?
A common myth is that a woman can’t get pregnant while on her period. This is mostly true, but there is a catch here! Very...
How Many Days After Your Period Can You Get Pregnant?
Getting pregnant just after your period is unlikely, but it's not impossible. However, the chances of getting pregnant are low...
Can I Get Pregnant With PCOS Naturally?
PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects reproductive-aged women. Having PCOS does not mean natural conception is...
Can Infertility Be Cured?
Depending on the cause of infertility, it can be cured through various fertility treatments, including therapies, medications,...
Can Mastitis Go Away on Its Own?
Mastitis is defined as the inflammation of the breast that may be associated with an infection. Mastitis is commonly seen in...
Can Morning Sickness Make You Depressed?
The misery of morning sickness can cause physical and psychological effects. This can also cause you to be depressed....
Can Morning Sickness Start At 1 Week?
Morning sickness is among the most common signs of pregnancy. Usually, morning sickness starts around the ninth week of...
Constipation During Pregnancy: Can Not Pooping Hurt the Baby?
Although the pressure buildup from constipation during pregnancy may feel harmful, it is very unlikely to hurt your baby....
Can Pregnancy Cause Herpes to Flare Up?
There's no evidence that pregnancy causes herpes outbreaks, but approximately 75% of pregnant women with herpes will have an...
Can Sperm Survive in Menstrual Blood?
Sperm can survive in a woman’s reproductive system for up to 5 days whether the woman is menstruating or not. Thus, even if a...
Can You Take a Pregnancy Test When You Have Implantation Bleeding?
Implantation bleeding is light vaginal bleeding that sometimes occurs very early in pregnancy. If you choose to test as soon as...
Can the Baby Feel When I Rub My Belly at 15 Weeks?
According to some researchers, it isn’t until about 21 weeks of pregnancy that your baby may begin to feel sensations when you...
Can You Deliver a Breech Baby?
Breech presentation is when the fetus (unborn child) is placed inside the womb with the buttocks or feet closest to the cervix...
Can You Detect a Pregnancy at 1 Week?
Many mothers-to-be are often wondering, how soon can I take a pregnancy test? The best time to take a pregnancy test is on the...
Can You Feel Baby At 15 Weeks?
At 15 weeks, you have crossed the pesky first-trimester pregnancy woes and are well into the golden trimester or 4th month of...
Can You Feel the Baby at 13 Weeks?
You will mostly start to feel your baby moving around between the 18th and 20th week of your pregnancy. Although seasoned mommies...
When Can You Find Out How Many Weeks Pregnant You Are?
A woman can find out how many weeks pregnant she is at any time during pregnancy. There are several ways to calculate how many...
Can You Get Pregnant with MTHFR Gene Mutation?
While women can get pregnant with an MTHFR gene mutation, they may have an increased risk of complications during pregnancy,...
Can You Get Pregnant Without Ovulating?
You can't get pregnant if you are not ovulating because there is no egg for the sperm to fertilize. You can get pregnant if you...
Can You Have a Hysterectomy With C-Section?
Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) may be performed during Cesarean delivery and is referred to as a Cesarean...
Can You Really Induce Labor Naturally?
Natural ways of inducing labor aren’t backed by science. While you can try the methods listed here, talk to your doctor about...
Can You See Trisomy 18 on an Ultrasound?
A fetal ultrasound during pregnancy can show features that are suggestive of trisomy 18, and the detection rate is about 90%...
Can You Tell If a Woman Is Pregnant by Her Eyes?
While you cannot diagnose a pregnancy by merely looking at a woman’s eyes, pregnancy does cause changes in the body that can...
Can You Travel in the First Trimester of Pregnancy?
What to know about traveling in your first trimester of pregnancy. Learn the risks of traveling while pregnant and considerations...
What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant at 45 or Older?
Your chances of getting pregnant reduce as you progress in age. Find out the probability of conceiving after the age of 45....
What Are the Chances of Successful Pregnancy After Miscarriage?
Your body may require anywhere from a few weeks to over a month to recover from a miscarriage. The pregnancy hormones remain in...
Pregnancy Discomforts: Common Causes
During pregnancy, most women will experience discomforts during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. Common causes of discomforts...
When Should I Be Concerned About Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?
Pelvic pain in pregnancy is a common issue that affects many women. Learn what causes pelvic pain in pregnancy, how doctors...
Conjoined Twins
Conjoined twins are identical twins. In both types of twins, the embryo is supposed to separate during the first two weeks after...
What Is the Difference Between Monozygotic Twins and Dizygotic Twins?
Monozygotic twins have an identical genetic makeup, whereas dizygotic twins do not. Check out the center below for more medical...
Do Premature Babies Hit Their Milestones Later?
Babies develop at their own rate, but if your baby was born premature - within 37 weeks of conception, they may develop at a...
Do You Go into Labor Sooner with Twins? What to Expect
If you're pregnant with twins, chances are that you can expect to go into labor a little bit sooner than you would if you were...
Do You Sleep More Deeply When Pregnant?
When you are pregnant, you tend to sleep more but not as deeply. Many pregnant women experience poor quality sleep and wake up...
Does Body Shape Change After Pregnancy?
Your body changes a lot when you're pregnant. Many of those changes return to normal, but every woman is different. Some women...
Does MCV Increase in Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, there is a small increase in MCV or mean corpuscular volume, which measures the size of an average red blood...
Does Throwing Up Help Morning Sickness?
Does Walking Help C-Section Recovery?
Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise....
Does Xulane Make You Gain Weight?
Hormonal birth control like Xulane can sometimes cause weight gain. Learn about how Xulane works, including its potential side...
What Are the Do's and Don'ts During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?
The first trimester of your pregnancy is the first twelve weeks that you're pregnant. The do's during the first trimester of...
Doula vs. Midwife
A midwife and doula are not the same thing. A doula's job is to provide non-medical, emotional, and personal support to a woman...
Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period
Pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another. Women could have none of the symptoms but can still go on to have a perfectly...
Early Pregnancy Test: How Soon Can You Get Results?
An early pregnancy test can read positive as soon as 11-15 days after conception, 1 day after a missed period. More accurate...
Early Signs and Symptoms of Labor
Every woman's experience with labor and delivery is unique for each woman, and thus "Normal" labor varies from woman to woman....
What Happens If You Eat Raw Foods When You Are Pregnant?
Consuming raw foods during pregnancy could result in certain infections that may lead to miscarriages, premature labor, and birth...
Ectopic Pregnancy (Tubal Pregnancy)
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy located outside the inner lining of the uterus. The majority of ectopic pregnancies occur in...
Embryo vs. Fetus: Differences Between Stages Week by Week
The embryonic stage of pregnancy occurs from the moment of conception until the 11th week pregnancy, or first trimester....
What Exercises Should I Avoid in My Second Trimester?
You should maintain the amount of activity you were doing before pregnancy. Exercises to avoid during the second trimester of...
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy may cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a group of conditions associated with mental, growth, and...
What Foods Should Be Avoided During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?
The first trimester is the first 3 months of your pregnancy. Foods to avoid during the third trimester of pregnancy include raw...
Gestational Diabetes
Learning how to avoid gestational diabetes is possible and maintaining a healthy weight and diet before and during pregnancy can...
Can Having Sex In Your Third Trimester Induce Labor?
Sex allows you to enjoy physical pleasure and intimacy with your partner with little chance of harming your baby. No medical...
Heartburn During Pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy is quite common. During pregnancy the lower esophageal sphincter muscle becomes weakened , which...
What Does High White Blood Cell Count Mean When Pregnant?
What does a high white blood cell count mean when you are pregnant? How do you get white blood cell count tested? Learn about...
How Can I Stop Vomiting During Pregnancy?
Nausea and vomiting happen during pregnancy and are called morning sickness. Stop vomiting during pregnancy by using ginger,...
How Can I Tell When I Am Ovulating?
Ovulating days or the most fertile days in a woman that starts around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. However, this may vary...
How Do Contractions Feel When They First Start?
Labor contractions, popularly known as contractions, refer to the tightening of a pregnant woman's uterus (womb). A contraction...
How Do I Get Rid of Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy?
While you may not be able to completely get rid of it, here is why tailbone pain happens during pregnancy and what you can do to...
How Do I Know If I Can Have a Vaginal Birth?
Some C-sections are medically necessary and can't be avoided. However, there are some things you can do to reduce your chances of...
How Do I Know if It’s Implantation Bleeding?
What is implantation bleeding? Learn the signs of implantation bleeding, what causes it, how to treat it, and when to see a...
How Do You Bond With Your Baby While Pregnant?
You can bond with your baby before birth. Both parents can sing and talk to your baby, and massage your baby bump. By the time...
How Do You Evaluate Gestational Age?
Gestational age is evaluated by calculating the time between conception and delivery, often using the date of the last menstrual...
How Do You Find Out if You Are Able to Get Pregnant?
Unfortunately, not every woman is able to get pregnant. There are many ways you can find out if you can become pregnant. Factors...
How Do You Get Rid of Pregnancy Gas Pains?
Having gas pains during pregnancy is a normal and common thing, but sometimes, it may cause you discomfort and pain. Get rid of...
How Do You Know if You Have Had a Miscarriage?
What is a miscarriage, and how do you know if you have had one? Learn the signs of a miscarriage and what to do if you suspect...
How Do You Know If You Have Mastitis?
Mastitis is a common issue that affects many breastfeeding mothers. Symptoms and signs of mastitis include tenderness, painful...
How Do You Relieve Constipation During Pregnancy?
Learn what medical treatments can help ease constipation during pregnancy and speed up your recovery....
How Do You Treat Polyhydramnios?
Doctors will usually monitor mild cases of polyhydramnios for several weeks before deciding to treat them. Mild cases most often...
How Does Preeclampsia Turn Into Eclampsia?
What is the difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia? How does preeclampsia turn into eclampsia?...
How Does Rh-Negative Affect Pregnancy?
Rh factor is a protein present on the surface of the blood cells. The Rh factor is inherited from either of the parents, and the...
How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Pregnant with Twins?
Do not leave having twins to chance. Increase the chances of getting pregnant with twins by getting pregnant in your 30s or...
How Is a Bakri Balloon Placed?
A Bakri balloon is used in the management of excessive bleeding after childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage). Bakri balloon placement...
How Is A Cesarean Delivery Done?
Cesarean delivery is the surgical delivery of a baby by making an incision in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus. Although...
How Is Delivery Date Calculated?
A healthy pregnancy should last for 280 days or 40 weeks. You can calculate your delivery date using either the date of your last...
How Is Meconium Ileus Treated?
Meconium ileus, a serious condition in newborn babies in which the intestines are blocked by the infant’s first stool, often...
How Is Postpartum Preeclampsia Treated?
Postpartum preeclampsia is a condition that affects mothers after giving birth. Learn what it is and how to identify it so you...
How Late Can a Period Be Before You Know You're Pregnant?
What is a late or missed period, and what can cause it other than pregnancy? Ovulation occurs between days 12 and 20 of your...
How Likely Is Pregnancy After Vasectomy?
Despite having a very high success rate, there are still times when vasectomies fail. This is a rare situation. Less than 1% of...
How Long Can You Live With Spina Bifida?
Many children with spina bifida live long into adulthood, and the median estimated age is 40 years old. Check out the center...
How Long Can You Live With Trisomy 9?
Most trisomy 9 pregnancies end in early miscarriage. About 2.4% of miscarriages occur before the 20th week of pregnancy....
How Long Do Babies Have Their Mother's Immune System?
Babies can enjoy extended protection from their mother's immune systems for a great deal longer if they are breastfed....
How Long Does It Take for hCG To Show Up in Urine?
Pregnancy tests detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. hCG begins to show up in the urine ten days from the...
How Long Does It Take to Recover From Delivery?
Your body spent months preparing to give birth, and you’ve gone through a lot of physical and emotional stress during both...
How Long Does IVF Take to Get Pregnant?
In vitro fertilization is a treatment for infertility that could take several weeks to months before the confirmation of...
How Long Does Labor Last for First-Time Moms?
Labor is the process by which a baby is born. Labor for a first-time moms typically lasts for 12 to 18 hours....
How Long Does It Take to Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy?
Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. It takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get your body...
How Long Is Recovery After C-Section?
Cesarean deliveries make up for an estimated 31.9 percent of all deliveries in the United States. Recovery after cesarean...
How Long Is the Postpartum Period?
The first six weeks after giving birth is called the postpartum period. During the postpartum period, the mother experiences...
How Long Is the Surgery for Ectopic Pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy surgery can be either laparoscopic (via camera and smaller cuts) or via laparotomy (surgery by opening the...
How Many Attempts Does It Take to Get Pregnant?
Experts recommend having sex once a day or every other day 1-2 days before ovulation in order to boost the chances of getting...
How Much Sex Is Safe in First Trimester?
A decrease in sex drive or an increase in frequency can occur during pregnancy and at differing levels. During all stages of a...
How Much Sleep Should a Pregnant Woman Get in Second Trimester Pregnancy?
On average, you will get seven and a half hours of sleep per night during the second trimester of pregnancy....
How Much Weight Should You Gain Each Trimester?
Pregnancy is a unique time during which the body undergoes multiple changes. Pregnant women experience changes in their moods,...
How Soon Before Labor Do You Have Diarrhea?
Diarrhea may be a sign that your labor will start within 24-48 hours, but there are other more reliable signs that labor is...
How Soon Can You Get Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy in the first trimester. Learn the signs of morning sickness, how soon it...
How Soon Can You Get Symptoms of Pregnancy?
Early symptoms of pregnancy are usually different for every woman. Some women might experience the first symptoms a week or two...
How Can You Tell if You're Pregnant if You Have Irregular Periods?
Learn the signs of pregnancy, what causes irregular periods, and when to see a doctor. One common question that teens and women...
How to Prevent Miscarriage
While not all miscarriages have known causes, adopting certain habits before and during pregnancy may help prevent miscarriage....
Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can be treated with synthetic thyroid hormones to maintain the proper thyroid hormone balance....
Is a Positive Ovulation Test a Good Sign?
An ovulation test helps determine the precise time frame in which a woman ovulates during the menstrual cycle. Ovulation tests...
Is Bed Rest Required After Normal Delivery?
Although bed rest may not be necessary, it is important to rest as much as possible after normal delivery. Here are 12 tips for...
Is Gas Common in Early Pregnancy?
Gas is one of the unexpected signs of pregnancy. Gas is a common symptom in pregnancy, showing up around week 11 and lasting for...
Is It Common to Get a Cold During Early Pregnancy?
It is common to get a cold and the flu during pregnancy. Find out if it affects the baby and how to take care of yourself....
Is It Easier To Get Pregnant After Miscarriage?
A miscarriage is broadly defined as any spontaneous loss of a pregnancy. It may be best to try to get pregnant in three to twelve...
Is It Easier to Get Pregnant the Second Time?
You might find that you're not getting pregnant quickly the second time. This might be secondary infertility....
Is It Normal to Have Pain on Your Left Side During Pregnancy? Why and When to Worry
Left side pain and back pain are common symptoms that affect many women during pregnancy. Learn what causes it, how doctors...
Is It Normal to Have Swollen Feet During Pregnancy?
Swollen feet affect many pregnant women. Learn the causes of swollen feet and how they can be treated....
Is It OK to Drink Alcohol While Trying to Conceive?
What to know about drinking alcohol while trying to conceive. Know the risks, facts, and what to do if you drink alcohol while...
Is It Painful to Have an IUD Inserted?
Gynecologists insert a T-shaped device into the woman’s uterus (womb). This process is quick and not very painful. However, some...
Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy?
You should talk to a healthcare provider if you feel like your situation is unique, but the general answer is yes—sex is safe...
How Long Does It Take to Go Into Labor After Being Induced?
The time it takes to go into labor after being induced can take anywhere from a few hours to 2-3 days. Learn what to expect when...
What Does Losing Your Mucus Plug Mean During Pregnancy?
What is a mucus plug and how do you know you have lost yours? Learn when to see the doctor about losing your mucus during...
Miscarriage is the medical term for the spontaneous loss of pregnancy from conception to 20 weeks gestation. Risk factors for a...
Is It Normal to Have Headaches in Second Trimester Pregnancy?
Many women experience headaches during pregnancy. Headaches tend to be worse during the first trimester and they get better in...
Is It Normal to Lose Appetite in 2nd Trimester Pregnancy?
What to know about losing your appetite in pregnancy. Learn about the risks and how you can make sure you're eating a healthy...
What Is the Oldest Age a Woman Can Get Pregnant Naturally?
Fertility declines with age. Most women are not able to get pregnant between 5 and 10 years before menopause. Find out more about...
Ovulation Calculator and Fertility Calendar
Ovulation calculators and calendars are tools that attempt to predict when women might ovulate. These tools are based on the...
PMS vs. Pregnancy: Differences and Similarities
Many women have difficulty figuring out if they are pregnant, have PMS, or are about to start their period. The most common signs...
Pregnancy Planning (Tips)
Pregnancy planning is an important step in preparation for starting or expanding a family. Planning for a pregnancy includes...
Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Am I Pregnant?
Pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman, and not all women experience the same symptoms. When women do experience...
Bleeding During Pregnancy (First Trimester)
Bleeding during pregnancy is never normal. Causes of bleeding during the first trimester of a pregnancy may be caused by...
Pain Relief Options for Childbirth
Women experience and tolerate pain differently. For some pregnant women, focused breathing is all they need to get through labor...
Placenta Previa
Placenta previa is a pregnancy condition that occurs when the placenta lies low and either partly or completely blocks the...
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia is a condition in pregnant women marked by high blood pressure and a high level of protein in the urine. Eclampsia...
Healthy Pregnancy Diet
When a woman is pregnant, she needs more vitamins, minerals, and other foods in her diet to stay healthy and deliver a healthy...
Are Sharp Pains in Your Stomach Normal During Pregnancy?
Many women experience sharp pains in their stomach during pregnancy. Learn the signs of normal stomach pains in pregnancy, what...
What Happens When You Get Shingles When Pregnant?
Becoming infected with chickenpox during pregnancy could cause birth defects in your unborn child. Likewise, shingles could also...
Should I Have a Baby Bump at 17 Weeks?
At 17 weeks of pregnancy, your baby bump may begin to be more visible as your fetus grows, although some women don’t show for a...
Smoking During Pregnancy
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, premature birth and more. Secondhand...
Stillbirth (Stillborn Baby)
About 1% of pregnancies overall result in stillbirth, meaning that there are about 24,000 stillborn births each year in the U.S....
How Can I Treat a UTI While Pregnant Without Antibiotics?
What is a UTI? Learn what other treatments aside from antibiotics can help to relieve your UTI symptoms while pregnant....
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that causes severe birth defects in newborns. Signs and...
True Labor vs. False Labor and the 5-1-1 Rule
If you are in late pregnancy, it's hard to know when it is 'go' time. You may feel many different sensations and not know if it's...
What Is the Greatest Concern in a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery (VBAC)?
The most serious concern of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC) is uterine rupture....
What Vitamins and Supplements Should I Avoid During Pregnancy?
You should always clear it with your obstetrician before taking any vitamins or supplements while pregnant....
What Are Fetal Alcohol and Drug-Related Syndromes?
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder that occurs due to prebirth alcohol exposure including wine, beer, and hard liquor often...
What Are Signs of Fetal Distress?
During pregnancy, fetal stress or fetal distress is a sign that your baby isn’t well in your womb. The major sign of pregnancy...
What Are the 4 Stages of Labor?
The 4 stages of labor are: dilation of the cervix, delivery of the baby, afterbirth, and recovery. Learn more about what to...
What Are the 4 Types of Episiotomy?
The 4 types of episiotomy include mediolateral, median, lateral, and J-shaped....
What Are the Essential Needs of a Pregnant Woman?
Learn how to meet your needs as a pregnant woman, from getting adequate nutrition to preparing for labor and delivery....
What Are the First Signs of Preeclampsia?
The first sign of preeclampsia is typically high blood pressure, which makes monitoring your blood pressure an important part of...
What Are the Risks of Childbearing Later in Life?
Risks to childbearing later in life include potential miscarriage, chromosome abnormalities, and gestational diabetes. Learn more...
What Are the Side Effects of Vacuum Delivery?
Vacuum delivery is a type of assisted birth delivery also called ventouse-assisted delivery. Vacuum-assisted birth is a method to...
What Are the Signs of Ovulation in a Woman?
Ovulation is the release of a mature egg or ovum from the ovary. The ovum is released from the ovary and it travels to the...
What Are the Symptoms of Spina Bifida Occulta?
Spina bifida occulta is a birth defect that occurs due to the malformation of the baby’s spine during pregnancy. In this...
What Are the Warning Signs of Premature Labor?
Labor that starts before 37 weeks of pregnancy could put your premature baby at risk. Know the signs of preterm labor and what to...
What Can You Take for a Cold While Pregnant?
You may take over-the-counter (OTC) treatment after consulting with the physician because these are generally safe. OTC...
What Causes Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy?
What Does Cervical Mucus Look Like After Conception?
Cervical mucus may appear thick, gummy, and clear after conception. Changes in cervical mucus vary, however, and may be barely...
What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with Precum?
Men involuntarily release precum, or pre-ejaculatory fluid, shortly before they have an orgasm and ejaculate. The chances of...
What Day of the Cycle Does Implantation Occur?
Implantation occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, and typically occurs between 6-12 days after ovulation or days...
What Do You Mean by Neonatal Resuscitation?
Neonatal resuscitation is a procedure to stimulate and help newborn babies breathe, if they do not start breathing spontaneously...
What Does a Miscarriage at 5 Weeks Feel Like?
Miscarriage at 5 weeks may often go unnoticed or feel like a heavier period, including symptoms such as vaginal bleeding or...
What Does Ambiguous Genitalia Look Like?
Newborn males may present ambiguous genitalia as a very small penis mistaken for an enlarged clitoris, whereas newborn females...
What Does Early Pregnancy Cramping Feel Like?
Many people experience cramping early in their pregnancy. Learn the signs of cramping, what causes it, when to see a doctor, and...
What Does Pregnancy Nausea Feel Like?
Nausea felt during pregnancy is known as morning sickness, which may range from mild bloating and indigestion to frank vomiting....
What Does the Bloody Show Look Like?
The bloody show commonly occurs at the end of pregnancy. Learn the signs of a bloody show, what causes it, how doctors diagnose...
What Happens During a C-Section?
A C-section or Cesarean section is a surgery in which a baby can be delivered through the abdomen and uterus....
What Happens if a Pregnant Woman Gets a Cold?
Having an ordinary cold shouldn't be harmful to the baby or mother. Pregnant women are highly likely to pick up a cold at some...
What Happens If You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding inhibits ovulation to some extent. However, it is still possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding....
What Happens When You Have Preeclampsia?
What is preeclampsia? Learn about preeclampsia and how it may affect your health during pregnancy....
What Helps IBS During Pregnancy?
Learn thirteen ways to successfully deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) during pregnancy to ease symptoms and keep your baby...
What if I Drank Alcohol Before Knowing I Was Pregnant?
Alcohol use during pregnancy is a significant hazard to your baby. If you drank before you learned you're pregnant, your baby...
What Is a Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound?
An obstetric ultrasound or sonography is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of a baby inside...
What Is a Positive Beta hCG Level?
A positive beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level usually means that you are pregnant. Pregnancy tests detect the hCG...
What Is Better: Normal or Cesarean Delivery?
Delivery of a full-term newborn baby (37-42 weeks from the last menses of mother) through the vagina without the use of forceps...
What Is More Painful C-section or Natural Birth?
Ultimately, a natural birth may be more painful than a cesarean section. However, the pain after your cesarean section combined...
Morning Sickness: Remedies and Relief
Morning sickness refers to the vomiting and nausea begins by the 9th week after becoming pregnant. Morning sickness can happen...
What Is the Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test?
The best time to take a pregnancy test is one week after your missed period, although you can test sooner. Learn about how home...
What Is the Most Common Complication of Childbirth?
The most common complication of childbirth is labor that does not progress. Learn about other childbirth complications and what...
What Is the Process of Normal Delivery?
Normal delivery refers to childbirth through the vagina without any medical intervention. It is also known as a vaginal birth....
What Medications Are Not Safe to Take During Pregnancy?
Taking certain medications during pregnancy could cause non-genetic birth defects. Check out the center below for more medical...
What Medications Are Used for FASD?
No particular medication has been specifically approved for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) although various medications...
What Should I Be Feeling at 18 Weeks Pregnant?
The 18th week of pregnancy is a crucial stage in the development of the fetus. The mother is in the second trimester and starts...
What Should I Be Feeling at 9 Weeks Pregnant?
In the ninth week of pregnancy, a woman is at the end of the first trimester. In the ninth week of pregnancy, a woman may be...
What Should I Do After an Unwanted Pregnancy?
There are a variety of options that may help you handle your situation. It might help you to visualize each option and decide how...
What Should I Expect at 11 Weeks Pregnant?
At 11 weeks, you are almost done with the tiring first trimester and are about to enter the second trimester or “golden period”...
What Trimester Are You Most Tired During Pregnancy?
It is common to feel tired during pregnancy. For most women, the first trimester is the one that causes the most fatigue....
What Week Is the Highest Risk of a Miscarriage?
Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. A miscarriage in the second trimester (between...
When Do Baby Bumps Start Showing in Pregnancy?
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are called the first trimester. When a baby bump starts to show is different for everyone, but...
When Do You Need a Target Scan While Pregnant?
A target scan is an important and required prenatal ultrasound screening during the second trimester of pregnancy and is normally...
How Many Weeks Pregnant Do You Start to Feel Flutters?
When do you start feeling your baby move? Learn about fetal movement and flutters during pregnancy, and when you can expect them....
When Should I Have My First Pregnancy Ultrasound?
The first pregnancy ultrasound is usually done within the first trimester, in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy....
When Should I Worry About Back Pain in Pregnancy?
Back pain is one of the most common problems women face during pregnancy. You should be worried about back pain in pregnancy if...
When Should You Be Worried About Fetal Movement?
During your third trimester, you should be able to feel about 10 fetal movements within 2 hours. Paying attention to the patterns...
When Should You Stop Traveling While Pregnant?
For uncomplicated pregnancies, it can be safe to travel during your pregnancy. However, the recommended time to travel is during...
Which Fruit is Best in the Second Trimester?
When you are pregnant, it is important to have a well-balanced diet, with variable nutritious foods that include fruit and...
Which Trimester Do You Gain the Most Weight During Pregnancy?
You don't need to gain much weight during the first trimester, however, during the second and third trimesters your weight gain...
Why Do Doctors Tell You Not to Push During Labor?
Labor is the process that prepares a woman to deliver her baby into the world. Doctors tell a woman not to push during labor...
Why Do Pregnant Women Pee So Much?
There are several reasons like hormone changes and uterus growth, why you might begin feeling more need to pee when you are...
Why Do Doctors Shave You Before Delivery of Your Baby?
Pregnancy labor shave of the perineum before delivery is usually a topic for debate. Doctors may shave you before delivery for...
Why Sperm Is Good for the Baby During Pregnancy
During a normal, low-risk pregnancy, sex is considered safe. Intercourse during sex has a lot of potential advantages, though...
Multimedia: Slideshows, Images & Quizzes
Conception: The Amazing Journey from Egg to Embryo
Learn about conception and the beginning stages of fetal development. See microscope images of human egg and sperm, as well as...
16 Early Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy: Could You Be Pregnant?
What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Can you know before your missed period? Read about nausea and vomiting...
Am I Pregnant? Test Your Early Pregnancy IQ
What are early pregnancy symptoms? In some women, symptoms range from a missed period to feeling lightheaded. Others may...
Pregnancy Exercises: Safe Workouts Like Prenatal Yoga, Kegels
Pregnancy exercises and workouts for moms-to-be include Kegel exercises and prenatal yoga. A prenatal workout is an important...
Fetal Development Stages: Embryo to Fetus, in Weeks
Take a peek inside the womb to see the stages of fetal development. Learn how embryos develop and grow during pregnancy. See week...
Picture of First Trimester (12 Weeks)
The Baby at 12 Weeks. The nerves and muscles begin to work together. See a picture of First Trimester (12 Weeks) and learn more...
Picture of First Trimester (4 Weeks)
The Baby at 4 Weeks. Your baby's brain and spinal cord have begun to form. See a picture of First Trimester (4 Weeks) and learn...
Picture of First Trimester (8 Weeks)
The Baby at 8 Weeks. All major organs and external body structures have begun to form. See a picture of First Trimester (8 Weeks)...
How Do I Know If I'm Pregnant or If My Period Is Just Late?
Could you be pregnant because your period was late? Understand the causes of late, missed, and irregular menstruation. See...
Infertility Quiz
What is the medical definition of infertility? Take the Infertility Quiz to learn the risks and treatment of infertility. Our...
Fertility Options: Types, Treatments, and Costs
Learn about fertility options such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), acupuncture, and natural lifestyle choices. Read about...
Boost Your Fertility: Ovulation Calculator, Pregnancy Planning and More
Boost fertility and increase your chances to conceive. Learn about ovulation calendars, diet, aging and other factors that can...
Pregnancy: Multiple Births, Twins, Triplets, and More
Multiple births occur when a woman bears twins, triplets, or even more babies during pregnancy. More multiples are born today...
What Are the Most Common Pregnancy Cravings?
Learn about pregnancy cravings, what they are, the most common foods pregnant women crave such as pickles and ice cream, why they...
What Are the Fastest Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?
Learn more about how to quickly and safely lose the weight you gained during pregnancy after you have given birth to your newborn...
Pregnancy Myths and Facts Quiz
Being pregnant is a delicate time for both mother and baby. Take this pregnancy myths and facts quiz to separate the myths and...
What Vitamins and Supplements Should I Take to Increase Fertility?
What to know about fertility and increase chances of getting pregnant. Learn how the benefits of folic acid, B12, zinc, and other...
What Foods Should I Eat During My First Trimester of Pregnancy?
What to know about diet during the first trimester. Learn more about how to protect and fuel your body and baby during this...
Picture of Second Trimester (16 Weeks)
The Baby at 16 Weeks. Muscle tissue and bone continue to form, creating a more complete skeleton. See a picture of Second...
Picture of Second Trimester (20 Weeks)
The Baby at 20 Weeks. Your baby is more active. See a picture of Second Trimester (20 Weeks) and learn more about the health...
Picture of Second Trimester (24 Weeks)
The Baby at 24 Weeks. Bone marrow begins to make blood cells. See a picture of Second Trimester (24 Weeks) and learn more about...
What Are the Dos and Don'ts During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy?
2nd trimester pregnancy - Learn what you should and shouldn't do during the second trimester of pregnancy to protect you and your...
Pregnancy: Smart Snacks When You're Pregnant
Satisfy the munchies and your cravings with healthy food for you and your growing baby....
Stages of Pregnancy: Week by Week
See pictures on the various stages of pregnancy. See and learn what changes a woman's body goes through and view fetal images of...
Picture of Third Trimester (32 Weeks)
The Baby at 32 Weeks. Your baby's bones are fully formed, but still soft. See a picture of Third Trimester (32 Weeks) and learn...
Picture of Third Trimester (36 Weeks)
The Baby at 36 Weeks. The protective waxy coating called vernix gets thicker. See a picture of Third Trimester (36 Weeks) and...
Picture of Third Trimester (37-40 Weeks)
The Baby at 37 to 40 Weeks. By the end of 37 weeks, your baby is considered full term. See a picture of Third Trimester (37-40...
Picture of Tubal Pregnancy
A pregnancy that is not in the usual place within the uterus but is located in the Fallopian tube. See a picture of Tubal...
What Are the Signs of Not Being Able to Have a Baby?
Infertility, or not being able to get pregnant and have a baby, is common condition that affects many couples. Learn about...
Pregnancy: What Foods Make Morning Sickness Worse?
What to know about foods that make morning sickness worse. Learn about the foods to have and avoid if you have morning sickness....
What Not to Eat When Pregnant Pictures: Alcohol, Fish, Fruit Juice, Sushi
Do you know which common foods may be risky during pregnancy? Learn which foods to avoid, while pregnant, such as queso dip,...
What Should I Eat Every Day When I Am Pregnant?
What should you eat as your body changes through pregnancy? Learn more about how to nourish yourself and your baby’s diet on a...
Pregnancy: Your Prepregnancy Checklist
Trying to have a baby? WebMD shows you what you need to do before you get pregnant -- from vitamins to diet -- to make sure you...
Treatment & Diagnosis
- Amniocentesis
- Can an Abortion Be Done in a Doctor's Office?
- Can Episiotomy Be Repaired Years Later?
- Childbirth Class Options
- Chorionic Villus Sampling
- Do They Take Out Your Organs During C-Section?
- Episiotomy
- How Do I Prepare for My 1-Hour Glucose Test?
- How Do You Do CPR On a Newborn?
- How Long Does an Epidural Nerve Block Last?
- How Long Does Endometrial Ablation Last?
- How Painful Is Getting an IUD?
- How Successful Is IUI for Lesbians?
- Is Cervical Stitch Safe During Pregnancy?
- Is External Cephalic Version Painful?
- Labor and Delivery
- Why Is Normal Delivery Not Possible After Cesarean Delivery?
- Prenatal Ultrasound
- What Is the Purpose of Performing an Obstetric Ultrasound?
- Quad Marker Screening Test
- How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Forceps Delivery?
- Pregnancy: 7 Common Third Trimester Tests
- What Are the Risks of Natural Birth After C-Section?
- What Are the Chances of Plan B Failing?
- What Is a Scalp Electrode?
- What to Expect After Cervical Cerclage?
- Anemia During Pregnancy
- Can I Take Eltroxin while I'm Pregnant?
- Does Stress Cause Miscarriage?
- Can We Eat Potatoes During Pregnancy?
- How Do You Know if You Are Pregnant?
- Is It a Boy or Girl? 6 Myths!
- Kidney Infections During Pregnancy
- Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
- Ovulation Calculator
- Paxil & Pregnancy, Possibilty of Birth Defect
- Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
- 12 Common Pregnancy Cravings to Avoid
- Shingles During Pregnancy
- What Are Blood Type and Rh Tests?
Medications & Supplements
Prevention & Wellness
- 19 Amazing Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy
- Can Pregnant Women Eat Goat Cheese?
- Can You Have a Baby Bump at 10 Weeks?
- Can You Have Too Much Sex When Trying for a Baby?
- Do Unplanned Pregnancies Ruin Relationships?
- Does Pineapple Induce Labor?
- How Can I Choose the Gender of My Baby?
- How Can I Satisfy My Man During Pregnancy?
- How Can I Stop Being Scared of Labor?
- How Do You Know if Your Water Breaks?
- How Do You Use a Breast Pump to Induce Labor?
- How Long After Stripping the Membranes Does Labor Start?
- How Many Weeks Is 9 Months Pregnant?
- How Do You Calculate the Exact Day You Get Pregnant?
- Is It Normal to Have Cramps With an IUD?
- 15 Top Pregnancy Power Foods (Superfoods)
- Should I Start Pumping Before the Baby Is Born?
- What Are the Different Fetal Positions?
- What Causes Precipitous Labor?
- What Does hCG Do to a Woman’s Body?
- What Does Minus 1 Mean in Labor?
- What Does Ovulation Day Mean?
- What Is a Placenta?
- What Painkillers Are Safe During Pregnancy?
- When Should You Stop Having Sex While Pregnant?
- Which Prenatal Vitamins Do Doctors Recommend?
- Why Is In Vivo Better Than In Vitro?