The prostate is a small muscular gland that helps in the formation of seminal fluid, which aids in the expulsion of sperm from the penis during ejaculation. Prostate massage is aimed at removing fluid from its ducts, resulting in a spontaneous release of fluid. This secretion may aid in the removal of any fluids from the duct, reducing or alleviating symptoms of several conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, painful ejaculation, urinary tract obstruction, and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate).
Most of the benefits of prostate massage are anecdotal and not extensively supported by medical studies. It has not been proven to be more effective than standard medical treatments. Men, however, may get relief while using this treatment option alone or in combination with other medical or surgical treatment options.
What are the benefits of prostate massage?
While not extensively supported by medical science, some men may benefit from prostate massage by experiencing symptomatic relief for the following conditions (however, prostate massage is usually not a replacement for medical treatment):
- Erectile dysfunction (ED): Erectile dysfunction is when a man is unable to obtain or maintain a penis erection for sexual intercourse. ED can be a symptom of physical or mental ailments or a side effect of certain medications. Prostate massage is believed to help with ED in some cases.
- Painful ejaculation: The male reproductive system can get obstructed due to fluid, which can cause discomfort or agony while ejaculating. Prostate massage treatment can help reduce or get rid of obstructions and pain during ejaculation.
- Urinary tract obstruction: A urinary tract obstruction is a blockage (complete or partial) that prevents urine from flowing normally through the tract. The prostate could be a cause of such a blockage. The urethra (the tube draining urine from the bladder) is surrounded by the prostate. As the prostate's swelling and inflammation worsen, the prostate may begin to obstruct or even shut off the urine flow. Urine flow may improve with prostate massage and help reduce swelling.
- Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate): Prostatitis can produce symptoms, such as pain in the groin and during urination. Prostate massage can be done, alongside antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which help release fluids that have built up in the prostate, relieving pressure and swelling.
Additionally, while not supported by medical science, prostate massage is thought to lower the risk of prostate cancer, which is evidenced by the fact that prostate cancer rates are lower in Asian men where the therapy is widely practiced in certain Asian countries.
What is the risk of prostate massage?
If done by an untrained professional, prostate massage therapy might cause substantial injury to the reproductive system. If too much pressure is applied, it could aggravate existing symptoms or develop new ones. Electronic prostate massagers, including vibrators and sex toys, should be avoided unless the individual has received medical training and advice on using them.
How do you find the prostate gland?
The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and nestled inside the male pelvis. It’s located right in front of the bladder and is wrapped around the urethra. The prostate tends to increase in size with age, making it easier to locate for older men.
To locate the prostate, a person may insert a finger covered in lubricant into the rectum and then push slightly on the front wall of the rectum, which may feel like a slight bulge. It is also possible to indirectly stimulate the prostate by pushing upward on the perineum (skin between the testicles and rectum).
What happens during a prostate massage?
Finding a trained prostate massage therapist may be challenging because this therapy is not commonly accepted by the medical community. Doctors typically don’t do prostate massages, but the doctor may be able to recommend a professional.
A prostate massage resembles a digital rectal examination (DRE). DREs are commonly used by doctors to assess the prostate for tumors, rectal abnormalities, etc. DRE may be used by the doctor to obtain an expressed prostatic secretion that can be analyzed for evidence of prostatitis, infection, or other problems.
The individual doing the massage will insert a gloved finger with lube inside the rectum during the massage treatment. For a few minutes, they will softly push on or massage the prostate and ensure it is not painful, although it may be uncomfortable for some.
It is up to the individual and the doctor or treatment professional as to how often a prostate massage should be done. For at least a month, the individual can plan to attend many sessions per week and then reduce the number of visits.
See AnswerBrusch JL. What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage in the Treatment of Prostatitis? Prostate Milking: Benefits & How to Do It Right.
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