Beneath the North Atlantic is an hour long television documentary completed in 1998, about the incredible wealth of marine life that thrives in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. This O.R.G. film is sure to delight viewers of all ages. Featuring everything from colorful anemones, swimming scallops and toothy wolffish to porpoises, seals, sharks and whales, Beneath the North Atlantic is the most complete film ever made about the marine life of the North Atlantic. The footage, collected over 7 years of filming in New England and eastern Canada, is stunning, and the musical score, by renowned film scorer Bruce Bowers is absolutely beautiful. From plankton to pelagics, this film has it all!
The following broadcasters have aired this film as of March, 1999:
Discovery Canada
Discovery Europe (UK)
Discovery Germany
La Cinquieme (France)
It also aired on various networks in the following countries: China, Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Australia, Switzerland, Belgium, Valencia and Spain. |