Updated: October 28, 2024 |
You configure libraries, drivers, and Screen parameters using the configuration file, graphics.conf.
The graphics.conf file is located in the following directory:
where processor is the CPU architecture of your target hardware (e.g., armle-v7), and platform is the name of your platform (e.g., imx6x).
Unless your target system allows for it, you modify the graphics.conf file on your host, and then build it into your OS image filesystem. When you start the Screen services in your target system, Screen will process the configuration file that you specified in the -c option. See screen in the "Utilities and binaries" chapter of this guide.
The graphics.conf file is a free-form ASCII text file. Screen or clients parse this file. The file can contain extra tabs and blank lines for formatting purposes. Keywords in the file are case-sensitive. You can place comments anywhere within the file (except within quotes). Comments begin with the # character and end at the end of the line.
The graphics.conf file includes the following main sections:
Specifies the libraries and parameters related to Khronos (GPU and WFD libraries). The libraries and parameters in this section apply to your EGL display and WFD driver. This section is denoted by the begin khronos and end khronos statements.
Within each of the sections and subsections of your graphics.conf file, you can specify the configuration of several parameters. Some parameters are platform-specific. Use the following format to configure parameters:
parameter = value
Each configuration parameter must be on its own separate line. If the parameter allows for multiple values as its configuration, then the values follow the = after the parameter and are separated by either a space or a comma. For example:
parameter = value1,value2,value3
parameter = value1 value2 value3
For reference purposes, the complete list of parameters by section in the configuration file is as follows:
A typical graphics.conf file will look something like this:
begin khronos begin egl display 1 egl-dlls = [IMG%s] libusc.so libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so libIMGegl.so glesv1-dlls = libusc.so libsrv_um.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv1_CM.so glesv2-dlls = libusc.so libsrv_um.so libusc.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv2.so gpu-dlls = libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so pvrsrv.so gpu-string = SGX540rev120 aperture = 200 end egl display begin wfd device 1 wfd-dlls = libomap4modes-panda.so libWFDomap4430.so end wfd device end khronos begin winmgr begin globals blit-config = pvr2d blits-logsize = 4096 input-logsize = 8192 requests-logsize = 65536 end globals begin display hdmi formats = rgba8888 rgbx8888 nv12 video-mode = 1280 x 720 @ 60 end display begin class framebuffer pipeline = 3 display = hdmi surface-size = 1280 x 720 format = rgba8888 usage = pvr2d end class end winmgr
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The khronos section specifies the libraries and parameters related to Khronos (e.g., EGL and WFD libraries).
begin khronos begin egl display 1 ... end egl display begin wfd device 1 ... end wfd device end khronos ...
The subsections of the khronos section are:
Libraries and parameters that are related to the EGL display are specified in this section that starts with begin egl display display_id and ends with end egl display.
Libraries and parameters that are related to the WFD driver are specified in this section that starts with begin wfd device device_id and ends with end wfd device.
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The egl display subsection specifies the GPU libraries and parameters.
This section must begin with begin egl display display_id and end with end egl display. Include this section in your configuration file only if your system requires graphics drivers.
Typically, there's only one egl display section. Therefore, conventionally, you set the display ID to 1.
begin egl display 1 egl-dlls = [IMG%s] libusc.so libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so libIMGegl.soD glesv1-dlls = libusc.so libsrv_um.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv1_CM.so glesv2-dlls = libusc.so libsrv_um.so libusc.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv2.so gpu-dlls = libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so pvrsrv.so gpu-string = SGX540rev120 aperture = 200 end egl display
Most of these libraries and parameters are provided in the default graphics.conf configuration file delivered with your platform.
This egl display section is not related, in any respect, to physical displays, or to the display subsection of the winmgr section.
On your target, all libraries that you specify in this egl display subsection of your configuration file should reside in the same directory as the configuration file itself.
The following are valid parameters that can be configured under the egl display subsection:
Parameter | Description | Type | Possible value(s) |
aperture | The number of MB of GPU memory to allocate at startup | Integer | Range varies |
cl-dlls | The OpenCL client libraries for your platform. | String |
libOpenCL.so |
egl-dlls | The EGL libraries | String |
libusc.so libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so libIMGegl.so |
glesv1-dlls | The OpenGL ES 1.X libraries | String |
libusc.so libsrv_um.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv1_CM.so |
glesv2-dlls | The OpenGL ES 2.X libraries | String |
libusc.so libsrv_um.so libIMGegl.so libImgGLESv2.so |
gpu-dlls | The GPU libraries | String |
libsrv_um.so libpvr2d.so pvrsrv.so |
gpu-string | The SGX core. The gpu-string will determine core-specific behavior. | String |
SGX535rev121 SGX530rev125 SGX540rev120 |
vg-dlls | The OpenVG libraries | String |
libsrv_um.so libIMGegl.so libImgOpenVG.so |
vk-exps | List of Vulkan JSON file names or paths. The path could be full or relative to the graphics.conf file. Any non JSON files are treated as prerequisite libraries and are loaded before any attempts at loading explicit layers at runtime. Layers specified as explicit can be activated by applications at runtime. You can also activate these layers by setting the VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS environment variable. This variable can be set with a colon separated list of layer names that need activation. The first layer in the list is the topmost, the layer closest to the application. The last layer in the list is at the bottom, the layer closest to the driver. |
String |
VkLayer_khronos_validation.json /usr/lib/graphics/vulkan/
VkLayer_khronos_validation.json |
vk-icds | List of Vulkan JSON file names or paths. The path could be full or relative to the graphics.conf file. Any non JSON files are treated as prerequisite libraries and are loaded before any attempts at loading the ICD driver. |
String |
intel_icds.json /usr/lib/graphics/vulkan/intel_icds.json |
vk-imps | List of Vulkan JSON file names or paths. The path could be full or relative to the graphics.conf file. Any non JSON files are treated as prerequisite libraries and are loaded before any attempts at loading implicit layers. Any layer specified as implicit is automatically loaded by the ICD loader. |
String |
VkLayer_MESA_overlay.json /usr/lib/graphics/vulkan/
VkLayer_MESA_overlay.json |
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The wfd device subsection specifies the OpenWF Display libraries and parameters.
This section must begin with begin wfd device device_id and end with end wfd device. Include this section in your configuration file only if your system requires display drivers.
Typically, there's only one wfd device section. Therefore, conventionally, you set the device ID to 1.
begin wfd device 1 wfd-dlls = libj5modes-evm.so libWFDjacinto5.so grpx0 = lcd grpx1 = hdmi grpx2 = hdmi video-layer0 = lcd video-layer1 = hdmi end wfd device
The parameters that can be configured under the wfd device section are platform-specific. You must obtain the valid parameters for your platform by running the use command on the libraries for your platform:
use libWFDplatform.so
The use command will display a message describing the specific parameters and libraries to configure for your particular platform. These libraries are usually located on your host in the following directory: $QNX_TARGET/PROCESSOR/usr/lib/graphics/platform/
where PROCESSOR is the name of the CPU, e.g., armle-v7) and platform is the name of your target's platform (e.g., imx6x).
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The winmgr section specifies the parameters related to Screen.
Your graphics.conf configuration file must include a winmgr section where your global, display, and class parameters are specified.
The winmgr section is identified as the section of the configuration file that's enclosed by begin winmgr and end winmgr.
... begin winmgr begin globals ... end globals begin display hdmi ... end display begin class framebuffer ... end class end winmgr
The subsections of the winmgr section are:
Parameters that apply globally to Screen are specified in this subsection starting with begin globals and ending with end globals. There can be only one globals section in your configuration file.
Parameters that are related to the display are specified in this subsection starting with begin display display_id and ending with end display. There can be multiple display subsections, each corresponding to a physical display that's available and supported by the platform.
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The globals subsection specifies the configuration to apply globally to Screen.
This section must begin with begin globals and end with end globals.
There can only be one globals section. Parameters that are set in this section are applied to all pipelines.
Below is an example of a globals section of a graphics.conf file.
begin globals blit-config = pvr2d blits-logsize = 4096 end globals
You can view the globals configuration at anytime. The configuration parameters and their associated values are stored in the /dev/screen/0/globals file. See the At runtime subsection of the Debugging section for more information.
The following are valid parameters that can be configured under the globals subsection:
Parameter | Description | Type | Possible value(s) |
alloc-config |
The name of the module used for buffer allocation. Screen uses the
following algorithm to determine the allocation module to load:
"screen-" + <value of alloc-config> + ".so"This configuration is platform-specific, and it's already set in the graphics.conf provided to you for your platform. We don't recommend changing this configuration from its original value. |
String | imx6xbuf |
blit-config |
The blitter used when your application explicitly calls
the native blit API functions (screen_blit() and
screen_fill()). Screen uses the
following algorithm to determine the blitter module to load:
"screen-" + <value of blit-config> + ".so" Specify none to disable the use of a blitter module. If you specify none, screen_blit() and screen_fill() will fail to execute. Note:
Only one blitter can be configured. The selection of valid blitters depends on your platform; there can be multiple blitter values available for your particular platform. This parameter differs from the blitter specified in the usage parameter under your class section in graphics.conf. The blitter specified in the usage parameter is the blitter that Screen uses for composition. |
String |
sw (default) pvr2d bv-j5 gles2blt none |
blit-defer | Specify whether Screen loads the blitter module on startup or only when a blit operation is called. | String |
blits-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
default-display |
The primary display. Identify the primary display by using the display_id that's used to define your displays in the display section of graphics.conf. This is typically a port number, or you can specify a string value. This parameter is valid only if your system supports displays. |
Integer | A numeric value specifying the port number or one of these string values:
gesture-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
idle-timeout | The maximum time (in nanoseconds) between two input events that the system receives before Screen deems it to be in an idle state. By default, the SCREEN_PROPERTY_IDLE_STATE property is set to 0, and the idle-timeout check isn't active. The SCREEN_PROPERTY_DISPLAY property returns the handle of the display when a window enters an idle state. The SCREEN_PROPERTY_GROUP property returns the group when one of the windows has entered the idle state (if applicable). | Integer |
input |
Human interface device (HID). This parameter can be configured with multiple values. If you don't specfiy input at all in your configuration file, Screen defaults to include all input (i.e., the same as if you had specified input = gamepad joystick keyboard mouse). Specify none (with no other valid input string) to explicitly disable all input. Note:
If you specify any valid input string other than none,
you must ensure that you have io-hid running before starting screen;
you must also have libhiddi.so in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
String |
gamepad joystick keyboard mouse none |
input-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
joystick-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
keyboard-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
keymap | The location of all keymap files and/or the name of the default keymap file to use when a new keyboard device is created. This parameter is applicable only to HID keyboards. This parameter is optional. If keymap isn't set, then Screen uses /usr/share/keyboard/en_US_101. | String | /usr/share/keyboard/en_US_101 (default) |
pointer-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
queue-start-size | The size of the event queue per context. Events for the context, such as input events, are put into this queue. This queue size doesn't grow if there are more events than the queue size specified. This means that applications may lose events if they aren't handled before more events are queued to beyond the queue's capacity. | Integer | 20 (default) |
requests-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
shortcuts | The string to append to the keymap name before the .kbd extension. The keymap name, this string, and the .kbd extension altogether identify the filename of the keymap file that's used when a window isn't in text-entry mode. | String | |
stack-size |
The stack size (in units of bytes) that Screen
is to use for its threads. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to
represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. If not specified,
the size is the system's stack default size.
This stack-size must be configured appropriately for blitters/compositors that are using Mesa (e.g., gles2blt) because the default stack size is insufficient for these types of blitters/compositors. |
Integer or String |
touch-logsize | The size (in bytes) of an internal working ring buffer. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. | Integer or String |
winmgr-mode | The mode that determines how a window manager context (i.e., a context whose type includes SCREEN_WINDOW_MANAGER_CONTEXT) behaves. | String |
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The display subsection specifies the configuration to apply to the physical displays that are supported by the platform.
This section must begin with begin display display_id and end with end display. Include this section in your configuration file only if your system supports displays or if there are applications on your system that require them.
There can be multiple display sections within a configuration file. The number of display sections depends on the number of physical displays supported by the platform.
You use the display_id to associate each display section with a physical display. The display_id can be a number identifying the display, or it can be the connection type of the display.
If the display_id is an integer, Screen applies the configuration parameters to the display whose ID is that specified by display_id. Otherwise, if the display_id is a string that matches one of the valid display connection types, then Screen applies the configuration parameters to the first available display whose connection type matches that specified by the display_id.
Below is an example of a display subsection of a graphics.conf file. In this example, the display_id is a connection type of hdmi; therefore, the configuration parameters are applied to the first available display that supports hdmi:
begin display hdmi formats = rgba8888 rgbx8888 nv12 video-mode = 1280 x 720 @ 60 end display
The following are valid parameters that can be configured under the display subsection:
Parameter | Description | Type | Possible values (if applicable) |
allow-bypass |
Specify whether Screen, when possible, can bypass copying window buffers to a
framebuffer to show content on the display (i.e., perform composition).
Specifying true for force-composition voids the effect that's
specified by this
String |
background | The background color of the display. Use RGB color code (hexadecimal value) to identify the color (e.g., blue = 0xff). | Integer (hex) | 0x00 (default: black) |
background-alpha | The background opacity of the display. Use alpha transparency code (hexadecimal value) to identify the opacity (e.g., transparent = 0x00). | Integer (hex) | 0xff (default: opaque) |
cbabc | Content-based automatic brightness control; specifies the content type of the display | String |
cursor | The visibility of the cursor on the display | String |
cursor-type |
The configuration required to use a cursor shape. This parameter is specified in the following format: cursor-type; filename; hotspot_x,hotspot_y The parameters for cursor-type are defined as follows:
String | Depends on the cursor type. |
defer-framebuffer-creation | Specify whether Screen creates a framebuffer on startup or only when a framebuffer is required (e.g. for composition). | String |
force-composition |
Specify whether Screen should always use composition.
(i.e., Screen always requires a framebuffer) even when the scene doesn't
require it.
Specifying true for force-composition voids the effect that's
specified by:
String |
formats |
The pixel format(s) supported by the display. You can configure this parameter with multiple values. Specifying the format reduces startup time because Screen doesn't need to discover which formats are supported. |
String |
byte rgba4444 rgbx4444 rgba5551 rgbx5111 rgb565 rgb888 rgba8888 rgbx8888 yvu9 yuv420 nv12 yv12 uyvy yuy2 v422 ayuv |
gamma | The gamma value of the WFD driver. The range for this gamma value is specific to the driver. | Integer | 0 to 255 |
idle-timeout | The maximum number of time (in seconds) between two input events. When specified, if no events are received within the specified timeout, Screen deems it to be in an idle state (i.e., its SCREEN_PROPERTY_IDLE_STATE is 1). The timer is reset when the display receives an input event; the display exits idle state and SCREEN_PROPERTY_IDLE_STATE property becomes 0. By default, the idle-timeout is off (set to 0) and the display is considered to be always active. | Integer |
0 (off) to 18446744073 |
mirroring | The mirror type. | String |
pipelines |
The pipeline identifiers that you want to associate with the display. Valid pipelines that can be associated to
the display are driver-specific.
When multiple pipelines are specified, each pipeline identifier must be separated by a comma or space. |
Integer | |
power-mode | The initial power mode of the display when you start up Screen. | String |
off suspend limited on (default) |
priority | The priority of the update thread (i.e., the thread that renders the framebuffer or framebuffers). | Integer | 15 (default) |
protection-enable | Content protection for the window(s) on the display. Typically, you set this parameter only if the application is interested in HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection). | String |
true false |
rotation |
The desired clockwise rotation of a display, in degrees. Note:
Screen ignores this rotation parameter if you set rotation-mode to none. If you specify rotation, then you must also set defer-framebuffer-creation to false. Otherwise, Screen can't rotate the display. |
Integer |
0 90 180 270 |
rotation-mode |
Your preference of display rotation mode. If the mode of rotation you specify isn't
supported by your display controller, then Screen sets the mode to
Screen ignores the rotation parameter if you set this rotation-mode parameter to none. |
String |
splash | The indicator to post the framebuffer on startup. This parameter is considered only if the WFD driver supports it. | Integer |
stack-size |
The stack size (in units of bytes) that Screen
is to use for its threads. You can specify the size followed by "K" or "M" to
represent multiples of 1024 or 1048576 bytes respectively. If not specified,
the size is the system's stack default size.
This stack-size must be configured appropriately for blitters/compositors that are using Mesa (e.g., gles2blt) because the default stack size is insufficient for these types of blitters/compositors. |
Integer or String |
strict-pipelines |
The indicator to request that Screen must use your specified pipeline assignment.
You can assign pipelines by using the pipeline parameter in the class subsection of your configuration
file, or by setting the SCREEN_PROPERTY_PIPELINE property through the Screen API.
Screen's application of your pipeline specification may be affected based on
your configuration of the
String |
touch-adjustments | The x and y adjustments to be added to all touch events. This configuration must be in the form: x-adjustment,y-adjustment | String | Example: 10,10 |
video-mode |
The initial resolution and refresh rate for the display port. This configuration must be one that is reported by the WFD driver. If you set this to values that aren't supported, then the resolution and refresh rate defaults to the first mode specified by the driver. The resolution and refresh rate must be in the form of: widthxheight@irefresh The i indicates that interlacing is set. |
String | video-mode = 1280x720@60 |
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The class subsection specifies the default values for window properties.
Windows must be associated with a display. Therefore, include this section in your configuration file only if your system supports displays, or if there are applications on your system that require them. This class section must begin with begin class class_name and end with end class.
The class subsection is used to set default values for the window properties defined within the section; these properties are specified through parameters applied to framebuffers and application windows.
The number of class subsections that can be defined for framebuffers depends on the number of displays available. Screen allows one framebuffer per display.
You can use the following convention to specify that a class subsection is used for a framebuffer:
The class_name of the class subsection must start with the string framebuffer, then followed by a unique string to identify the class. For example, some valid class name strings are:
begin class framebuffer1 pipeline = 1 display = 1 format = rgba8888 usage = pvr2d id_string = fb1 end class begin class framebuffer2 pipeline = 2 display = 2 format = rgba8888 usage = pvr2d id_string = fb2 end class
There's no explicit limit on the number of class subsections that can be defined for configuring application windows.
The class_name of the class subsection must be a unique string. This string must also match the window property, SCREEN_PROPERTY_CLASS, that you set in your application.
begin class my_app_properties visible = true surface-size = 640x480 source-position = 0,0 source-size = 640x480 window-position = 0,0 window-size = 640x480 end class
If you use the above class subsection in your configuration file, then you need to set the SCREEN_PROPERTY_CLASS window property in your application code. The setting of this property triggers Screen to apply the configured values that are associated with that class to your application window.
... const char *my_win_class = "my_app_properties"; screen_set_window_property_cv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_CLASS, strlen(my_win_class), my_win_class); ...
instead of this:
... const int visible = 1 const int buffer_size[2] = { 640, 480}; const int src_pos[2] = { 0, 0}; const int src_size[2] = { 640, 480}; const int win_pos[2] = { 0, 0}; const int win_size[2] = { 640, 480}; screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_VISIBLE, &visible); screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, buffer_size); screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, src_pos); screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_SIZE, src_size); screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, win_pos); screen_set_window_property_iv(screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SIZE, win_size); ...
to set your window properties.
Properties that can be set only when SCREEN_PROPERTY_SELF_LAYOUT has been enabled are referred to as layout-related properties. These properties (and the SCREEN_PROPERTY_SELF_LAYOUT property) of application windows are set by their manager. See SCREEN_PROPERTY_SELF_LAYOUT from Screen property types for more information on layout-related properties.
Application windows can set their layout-related properties only in the following cases:
However, when applications windows set their SCREEN_PROPERTY_CLASS property using a predefined class from graphics.conf, all the properties configured in that predefined class are applied.
From the above example, the class, "my_app_properties", configures (among others) the following parameters:
These parameters change layout-related properties. In this case, they're configured in a predefined class ("my_app_properties") in graphics.conf. Therefore, they're applied when, at runtime, the application window sets its SCREEN_PROPERTY_CLASS property to "my_app_properties".
If there is a manager running on the system, it will be notified of these property changes.
The following are valid parameters that can be configured under the class subsection:
Parameter | Description | Type | Possible value(s) |
alpha-mode | The method of alpha blending to use for alpha compositing. | String |
brightness | The brightness of a window. This configuration depends on the hardware. That is, the brightness can be configured, but whether or not it takes effect is determined by your hardware. | Integer | -255 to 255 |
buffer-count | The number of buffers that are to be created or attached to a window (can only be set on the framebuffers). Beyond configuration, you can't set the buffer count; you can only query it. There's no explicit limit for this count. The default is 3. | Integer | Example: 3 |
buffer-size | The width and height of the window buffer. This configuration must be in the form widthxheight. | String | Example: 100x100 |
cbabc | Content-based automatic brightness control; specifies the content type of a window. This configuration depends on the hardware. That is, cbabc can be configured, but whether or not it takes effect is determined by your hardware. | String |
none video ui photo |
clip-position | The x- and y- position of a clipped rectangular viewport within the window buffers. This configuration must be in the form x-position,y-position. | String | Example:100,100 |
clip-size | The width and height (in pixels) of a clipped rectangular viewport within the window buffers. This configuration must be in the form widthxheight. | String | Example: 100x100 |
color | The background color of a window. Use RGB color code (hexadecimal value) to identify the color. (e.g., opaque blue = 0xff0000ff). For framebuffers, window background color is set using the following:
Integer (hex) |
contrast | The contrast adjustment of a window. This configuration depends on the hardware; it can be configured, but may or may not take effect as determined by your hardware. | Integer | -128 to 127 |
display | The connection type to the display or the display on which the window will be shown. If the configuration is an integer, Screen interprets it as the ID of the display. Otherwise, if the configuration is a string that matches one of the valid display connection types, then Screen interprets the string as the display connection type. | String or Integer |
internal composite svideo YPbPr rgb rgbhv dvi hdmi 1..2 |
format |
The pixel format used by a window. Only one format is expected; this format must be supported by the display.
You can configure the value for format as either a string or integer; as an integer, the value can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal. Some platform-specific formats can only be specified as an integer. |
String or Integer |
byte (default) rgba4444 rgbx4444 rgba5551 rgbx5111 rgb565 rgb888 rgba8888 rgbx8888 yvu9 yuv420 nv12 yv12 uyvy yuy2 v422 ayuv |
global-alpha | The global alpha mode to apply to a window | Integer | 0 to 225 |
hue | The hue adjustment of a window | Integer | -128 to 127 |
id_string | A string to identify the contents of a window | String | |
interval | The minimum number of vsync periods between posts | Integer | 0 to 255 |
order | The z-order of a window. It's the distance from the bottom that's used when ordering windows and window groups amongst each other. | Integer | |
permissions | The permissions applied to a window. You can set multiple permissions by separating each valid permission by a comma. See "Permissions and Privileges" for valid permission strings. | String | |
pipeline |
The pipeline identifier that you want to be used with a window of this class. This identifier must be a valid
pipeline that's associated to the display. Valid pipelines that can be associated to the display are driver-specific.
Screen's application of your pipeline specification may be affected based on
your configuration of the following display configuration parameters:
Integer | |
rotation | The clockwise rotation, in degrees, of a window. Window rotation is absolute. | Integer |
0 90 180 270 |
saturation | The saturation adjustment of a window | Integer | -128 to 127 |
self-layout |
The capability of a window's owner to set properties that usually can be set only by its manager.
When self-layout is set to true, then a window's owner can set the following window properties:
String |
true false |
sensitivity |
The sensitivity that a window has to input events (e.g., touch, pointer). The sensitivity is comprised of one or more strings representing valid sensitivity masks. Valid strings are:
When multiple sensitivity masks are configured, each mask in the configuration must be separated by a comma or space (e.g., sensitivity = no_focus, fullscreen). The resulting sensitivity applied to the window is the bitwise OR of all the valid sensitivity masks that are configured with this parameter. If you don't specify this sensitivity parameter in your configuration file, Screen defaults to behaving as follows:
String |
sensitivity-threshold |
The input sensitivity alpha threshold. Specify the sensitivity threshold as an integer in the range [0..255]
(0 is the default). When you set the sensitivity threshold, the alpha component of the selected
pixel will be compared to this sensitivity threshold. If the alpha is less
than or equal to the threshold, the input event will be treated as transparent. Otherwise, if the alpha is
greater than the threshold, the input event will be consumed.
When you're using formats which have alpha components that don't span the full range [0..255], ensure that you set appropriate upscaled sensitivity threshold values. If you're setting both sensitivity and sensitivity-threshold configuration parameters, note that sensitivity takes priority over your sensitivity-threshold setting. |
Integer | 0 (default) |
source-position | The x and y coordinates of the top-left corner of a rectangular region within the window buffer that represents the source viewport of a window. This is the portion of the window buffer that's to be displayed. This configuration must be in the form x-position,y-position. | String | Example: 100,100 |
source-size | The width and height (in pixels) of a region within the window buffer that represents the source viewport of the window. This is the portion of the window buffer that's to be displayed. This configuration must be in the form widthxheight. | String | Example: 100x100 |
static | The indicator of whether the contents of a window are expected to change | Integer |
surface-size | Deprecated. Use buffer-size instead. | ||
usage |
The intended usage for the window buffers and/or the composition module (can only be set on the framebuffers).
You can configure this parameter using any combination of the following:
How you configure this usage parameter has implications on the composition module that Screen loads and uses:
When multiple usage flags are configured, each flag in the configuration must be
separated by a comma or space. You can combine the composition module name with the usage flags in the
same configuration line as long as they're separated by a comma or a space.
For example, the following are examples of valid entries for
configuring usage:
When multiple usage flags are set, Screen
determines the composition module based on the following priorities (from highest to lowest):
For example, if your usage configuration is: usage = gles1 2 pvr2d, you're
specifying a user-provided composition module pvr2d, as well as setting the following usage flags:
String |
visible | The indicator of whether or not a window is visible | String |
true (visible) false (not visible) |
window-position | The x and y positions of the window screen coordinates. Remember that the position of child and embedded windows are relative to the parent window. For example, if the position of the application window is (10, 10) and the position of the child window is (10, 10), then the position of the child window on the screen is actually (20, 20). This configuration must be in the form x-position,y-position. | String | Example:10,10 |
window-size | The width and height (in pixels) of a window. This configuration must be in the form widthxheight. | String | Example: 100x100 |
Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The following procedure describes how to apply your Screen configuration by using a command-line interface.
Screen processes the configuration file, graphics.conf, only when Screen services (screen) starts.
If your target system allows it, you can modify the configuration file and use the following procedure to apply your new configuration. Otherwise, you need to make your modifications to graphics.conf on your host, and then build it into your OS image . When your target boots with the new IFS, and screen starts, your new configuration takes effect.
Your target hardware is running the QNX Neutrino RTOS.
You can run a shell and commands, such as pidin.