Wastewater Treatment

Robuschi has been a leading partner for the wastewater industry for many decades. Its rotary lobe blowers, screw compressors and centrifugal pumps offer energy efficient and sustainable solutions for a variety of applications in this field, such as primary sedimentation, aeration, slurry liquid pumping and back washing sand filtration.

For wastewater treatment plants, energy can account for as much as 75% of the overall operation costs of the facility. Aeration systems are the largest energy user in wastewater treatment plants (more than 60% of the total electricity cost), so improvements in efficiency can significantly reduce energy costs

Up to 75% of your compressed air costs will be spent on energy, so state-of-the-art aeration equipment can make the difference, not only to reduce your carbon footprint, but by substantially lowering life cycle costs. Choosing the right technology is crucial. The benefits of taking the time to learn about the range and choice of products from positive displacement blowers, screw blowers, air blowers, or turbo blowers, are immeasurable.


Discover the Robuschi's Total Blower Capability!

Benefit from Experts

The spectrum and process complexity in theenvironmental industry make it indispensable to choosea well-established, knowledgeable supplier for everyapplication. Thanks to its wide range of technologies, itsbrands’ excellent reputation and its outstanding globalteam of application experts, Robuschi can provide themost suitable solution that combines superior efficiency,small footprint, minimum maintenance, operating costs,long service life and low noise emission. There arepopular control choices for an output blower systemand there are custom solutions. The main thing to do isspeak to an expert about your particular application andits requirements.

Competitive Total Cost of Ownership

The initial investment in wastewater treatmentequipment constitutes only one of the key elements toconsider when choosing a solution. In fact, if we look atthe total cost of ownership, we are better able to assessthe cost competitiveness of each area of spending ie.capital investment, installation, operation and ongoingmaintenance costs. We provide solutions that look atkeeping to a minimum all of these components: energyconsumption, installation and set-up, service andmaintenance.

Robuschi wastewater treatment

Excellent Application Know-how

Excellence in applications is achieved thanks to aclose cooperation with our application engineers.Robuschi offers the experience and know-how gainedover of many decades as one of the industry leadingsuppliers and partners. Domestic sewage treatmentideally provides conversion processes that can turn thedischarge product into a useful byproduct, such as CHPpower, farming or even animal feed.

Choosing the best solution for sewage treatmentsystems that meet the regulations for residentialconditions as well as protecting the environment isessential. There are rainwater, drainage, and pollutantsconditions that vary.

Energy Efficiency

Robuschi is able to offer a wide portfolio with varioustechnologies targeting the most efficient operationpossible, to accommodate the needs of all applicationsand their constraints. In addition to that, we providea wide range of supporting technologies such asfrequency converters, human machine interfaces andinteractive web-based communications tools to keepenergy cost down and optimise process flows.

A Unique Array of Technologies

With its market leading brands and products, Robuschi is in a unique position in the wastewater treatment sector.This is the result of a long and sustainable history of customers’ partnerships built through optimised, tailoredand high quality solutions whose reliability and performances have stood the test of time. From our engineeringexcellence to our management skills, we have the solutions to any waste water treatment plant or sewagetreatment plant application – from the initial install to providing parts and ongoing service.



Primary Sedimentation

Aeration Process in WWT Plants

Slurry Liquid Pumping

Back Washing Sand Filtration

Sludge Treatment
