Norm Inequality for Intrinsic Square Functions in a Generalized Hardy-Morrey Space ()
1. Introduction
, the Hardy-amalgam space
was defined by Ablé and Feuto in [1] by taking in the maximal characterizations of classical Hardy spaces the Wiener amalgam quasi-norm
instead of the Lebesgue one. The authors gave an atomic decomposition theorem of resultant spaces and norm inequalities for some classical operators. But it seems difficult to establish, as is the case in the spaces of Lebesgue and Fofana, inequalities in norm for the commutators associated with these operators. We think that this is due to the fact that Hardy-amalgam space is too big.
We recall that a locally integrable function f belongs to the amalgam space
, where
stands for the classical Lebesgue quasi-norm and
the characteristic function of the ball centered at y with radius
. We put
Notice that for
, the dilated function
defined by
, belongs to
is equivalent to
, but with the equivalence constants depending on r and
. These operators are linear and bounded on
An important subspace of
space when dealing with classical operators such as Riesz potential and the fractional maximal operators (see in [2] [3] [4] ), is the Fofana space
which is a subspace of
defined for
These sub-spaces, introduced by Fofana in [5], are non-trivial only if
. Thus, we will always assume that this condition is fulfilled. They can be viewed as some generalized Morrey spaces, since for
, the space
is exactly the classical Morrey space
In this work, we consider the subspace of Hardy-amalgam space defined by taking in the maximal characterization of classical Hardy space, the quasi-norm
instead of the one of Lebesgue and we prove that the resulting space has an atomic decomposition once
. We also give norm inequalities for Wilson intrinsic square functions [6], and their commutators. This paper is organized as follows.
The next section is devoted to some properties of Fofana’s spaces. In Section 3, we give the definition of our generalized Hardy-Morrey space and some relationships between this space and some existing one. In Section 4, we deal with the atomic decomposition of our spaces, and we give a norm inequality for Wilson intrinsic square functions and their commutators in the last section.
In this work,
will denote the Schwartz class of rapidly decreasing smooth functions equipped with its usual topology. The dual space of
is the space of tempered distributions denoted by
. The pairing between
is denoted by
The letter C will be used for non-negative constants independent of the relevant variables that may change from one occurrence to another. When a constant depends on some important parameters
, we denote it by
. Constants with subscript such as
, do not change in different occurrences and depend on the parameters mentioned in them. We adopt the following abbreviation
for the inequalities
, where C is a non-negative constant independent of the main parameters, and
for the inequalities
. If
, then we write
For a real number
and a cube
(by cube we mean a bounded cube whose edges are parallel to the coordinate axes), we write
for the cube with same center as Q and side-length
times side-length of Q, while
stands for the greatest integer less than or equal to
. Also, for
and a real number
will denote the cube centered at x and side-length
. We use the same notations for balls. For a measurable set
, we denote by
its characteristic function and by
its Lebesgue measure. We adopt the notation
, to designate the support of a complex-valued function f defined in
2. Basic Facts about Fofana’s Spaces
Fofana’s spaces have among others, the following properties (see for example [5] and [3] ):
1) Let
. The space
is a Banach space if
and a quasi-Banach space if
2) If
with equivalent quasi-norms.
3) If
, where
is the weak Lebesgue space on
defined by
4) Let f and g be two measurable functions on
. If
, then
5) For every measurable complex-valued function f on
, we have
with the usual modification when
It is proved in ( [7], Proposition 4.2) that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded in
. We recall that for a locally integrable function f, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function
is defined by
The following result which is more general than the above, is just an adaptation of ( [8], Proposition 11.12). The proof is given just for the sake of completeness.
Proposition 1. Let
. For all sequences
of measurable functions, we have
with the equivalence constants not depending on the sequence
Proof. Let
be a sequence of measurable functions. It is well known that
It is also easy to see that for
we have
so that
for all measurable functions f. It follows that
But then,
So, for
, we have
Multiplying both sides of the above inequality by
and taking the supremum over all
thanks to ( [7], Proposition 4.2) and the fact that
for all
The case
follows immediately from the fact that
. £
3. Generalized Hardy-Morrey Spaces
. The classical Hardy space
is defined as the space of all tempered distributions f satisfying
, where
in the Schwartz class
having non vanish integral, and
for all
It is well known that the space
doesn’t depend on the function
. Hence we will consider through this paper,
having its support in the unit ball and such that
. The associate maximal function will be denoted
will be used for an arbitrary
having non vanishing integral.
. We define the space
of Hardy type, by
We accordingly define the local version of these spaces by replacing in (7) the maximal function
by its local version
. We recall that
is defined as
, but with the supremum taken only on the interval
. We will refer to
spaces as generalized Hardy-Morrey spaces; in fact for
, we recovered the Hardy-Morrey space defined by Jia and Wang in [9]. We can also call these spaces Hardy-Fofana spaces given their definition.
It is clear that
Hardy spaces are translations and dilations invariant, in the sense that for
where for
are defined as tempered distributions whose actions on Schwartz function
are given respectively by
These are immediate consequences of the invariance properties of Lebesgue spaces for translation and dilation, and the fact that these operators commutes with the maximal operator define by (6). It follows that
The following relationship between our spaces and the classical Hardy, Hardy-amalgam and the weak Hardy spaces as defined by Grafakos and He in [10], are immediate consequences of Fofana’s spaces properties. The proofs are omitted.
Proposition 2. Let
Furthermore, we have
The Proposition is still valid if we replace all the spaces by their local versions.
For the relation between these Hardy type spaces and Fofana’s spaces, we have the following proposition which is an extension of a well-known result in classical Hardy spaces.
Proposition 3 Let
1) If
then the spaces
are equal with equivalence norms.
2) The space
is continuously embedded in
Proof Let
. For
, we have
for almost every
, according to ( [11], Theorem 3.2). Now, for all
, we have
so that letting t tends to 0, yields
for almost every
. Hence
We suppose now that
. We have
is the classical Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. It follows that
thanks to ( [7], Proposition 2.4).
Just like classical Hardy and Hardy-amalgam spaces, the spaces
are quasi-Banach once we have
. More precisely, we have the following result.
Proposition 4 Let
1) For
2) The space
is a quasi-Banach space, when it is equipped with the quasi-norm
Proof The Relation (13) follows immediately from the fact that
are completed quasi-normed spaces for
, with
For the second assertion, we adapt the proof of ( [1], Proposition 3.8). Let
be a sequence in
The sequence
is a Cauchy sequence in
and consequently in
. Hence it converges in
and consequently in
. Let f be its limit. Since
tends to zero as n goes to infinity, the series
converges to f in
so that
is completed.
The space
doesn’t depend on the test function
use in its definition. In fact, we can replace the maximal function by grand-maximal function.
Let N be a positive integer and
, where
for a multi-index
. We recall that the radial grand-maximal function
and its non-tangential version
are defined respectively by
for all
. An immediate consequence of the relation (9) is that for
we have
with the equivalence constants depending only on
. The maximal function
is defined by
Relation (14) follows from ( [1], Theorem 3.7) and the fact that the operators
commute with
. We can also take in the definition of
the Poisson kernel instead of Schwartz function. More precisely, we have
4. Atomic Decomposition of
Throughout this paragraph, we assume that
. We also assume that s is an integer greater or equal to
A function
is called
-atom if it satisfies the following conditions:
1) There exists a cube Q such that
, for all multi-index
such that
We denote by
, the set of all couples
such that
and Q satisfy conditions (1)-(3).
Notice that the generalized Hölder inequality can be stated as follows. Let
such that
. If
. Moreover, we have
Proposition 5. For all
where C is a constant not depending on
Proof. Let a be a
-atom. We have
according to Relation (3). We assume that
, since otherwise, the result follows from the classical case and (16). Thanks to the definition of
-atom and Hölder’s inequality, we have
. The result is just a consequence of the size condition on the atom and the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on
. £
Notice that
-atom is exactly the atom for classical Hardy space
-atom. It is also the atom for the Hardy-amalgam space
and in this case, the collection of
satisfying conditions (1)-(3) is denoted
as we can see in [1].
It is easy to see that
if and only if
. As a consequence of this relation, we have the following result.
Theorem 6. Let
. For all sequences
and all sequences of scalars
such that
the series
converges in the sense of distribution and in
. Moreover, we have
Proof. Fix a sequence
and a sequence of scalars
satisfying (17). Since
is a sequence of elements of
such that
the series
converges in the sense of
according to ( [1], Theorem 4.3). It Remains to prove that
. The series
converges in the sense of
, implies that
it comes that
thanks to Proposition 1. £
The next result is an immediate consequence of Proposition 3.4 [11] and the relation between amalgam space and that of Fofana. The proof is omitted.
Proposition 7. Let
. Then
is a dense sub-space of
Theorem 8. Let
be an integer. For all
, there exists a sequence
and a sequence of scalars
such that
and for all
Proof. Let
. According to ( [11], Theorem 3.1.14) there exists a sequence of functions
and a sequence of closed cubes
such that:
1) For all
, we have
2) If
there exist
such that:
, a.e. and
for all polynomials
of degree less or equal to s. The positive constant
is independent of
and k.
almost everywhere and in
Let us put
It comes that
for all
such that
. It follows that,
almost everywhere and in
. It remains to prove that this series converges in the sense of
and that Relation (19) is satisfied.
Notice that for all non negative integers j and all integers k, we have
for all
; with
. It comes from Relation (21) and Proposition 1 that for
, we have
, and
. But then,
thanks to the estimation
given in ( [11], Relation (4.18)). It follows that
Hence the series
converges in
, thanks to Theorem 6.
Theorem 9. For all
, there exists a sequence
and a sequence
of scalars such that
and, for all
Proof. Let
. There exists a sequence
which converges to f in
and such that:
We put
. Since
belongs to
, it comes from Theorem 8 that there exists a sequence
, such that
From Relation (24) we have
which allows us to say that
. If
we have
thanks to Relations (23), (24) and (25). If
, then
once according to Relations (24) and (25). Thus,
which ends the proof. £
Notice that Theorem 9 stills valid if we replace the family
. To prove the converse of Theorem 9, we need the following result which is an adaptation of ( [11], Proposition 3.1.4). We omit the proof.
Proposition 10. Let
is a sequence of scalars and
a sequence of elements of
such that for
, there exists a cube
where the implicit constant doesn’t depend on r,
Theorem 11. Let
be an integer. For all sequences
and all sequences
of scalars such that
the series
converges in the sense of
, with
Proof. The proof is just an adaptation of the one of ( [1], Theorem 4.6).
be a sequence of elements of
a sequence of scalars such that relation (26) is satisfied. Put
. For
, we have
implies that
which is equivalent to
, we have that
converges in the sense of
, and
thanks to ( [1], Theorem 4.6). Let
. We have
in the sense of
, and
Estimate (27) follows from the definition of
and the convergence of the series
is obtained as in the proof of Theorem 6. £
Remark 12. Let
an integer and
1) If
then for
where the infimum is taken over all atomic decompositions of f using
if not.
2) Let
consist of finite linear combinations of
-atoms of
. The space
is a dense subspace of
, where
stands for the space of continuous functions on
Proof. These are immediate consequences of ( [1], Proposition 4.9 and Lemma 4.10), Relation (9) and the fact that if f is a finite linear combinations of
-atoms, then
where the infimum is taken over all finite atomic decompositions of f using
-atoms and
where the infimum is taken over all finite atomic decompositions of f using
-atoms and
5. Intrinsic Square Function and Its Commutator
. We denote by
the family of functions
defined on
such that
. The notation
stands for the closure set of B.
Let f be a measurable function. The intrinsic square function
(of order
) of f is defined by:
for all
, where
is the cone of aperture 1. We have the following result.
Proposition 13. Let
. The operator
can be extended into a bounded operator from
Proof. Let
be an integer,
such that
. We consider
, where
is a sequence of elements of
a sequence of scalars. We put
for all
and denote by
respectively the center and the side-length of
. We have
For the first term on the right hand side of (28), we notice that for
is bounded on
, for
(see [12] ). Therefore
thanks to Proposition 10, since
. It remains to estimate the second term. Let
. We have
. We assume that
since otherwise
. It is easy to see that
. Since
, we have
Additionally, we have the following estimate
. This allows us to say that
for all
, so that
. Finally we have
The density of
gives the result.
This result generalized the analogue established in the context of Fofana’s spaces in [13] when
Our next result deals with the boundedness of the commutator operator associated to this intrinsic square function. Let b be a locally integrable function. The commutator of b and
is defined by
For the case of Lebesgue spaces and Fofana spaces, the boundedness of the commutator has been obtained under the assumption that b belongs to BMO.
We recall that the space BMO consists of functions
denoting the average over B of f, i.e.
We say that a locally integrable function b belongs to
if there exists
such that for all cubes
for all
(C is a positive constant which does not depend on Q and x).
Proposition 14. Let
be an integer and
. Then
is extended to a bounded operator from
Proof. Let
such that
. Let
, with
a sequence of elements of
a sequence of scalars. We put
for all
and denote by
respectively the center and the side-length of
. We have:
. Since
is bounded on
, we have
thanks to Proposition 10.
Let us now estimate the second term on the right hand side of (5). Let
. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 13, we obtain
, it comes that
and then
With regard to the term F, we have
according to relation (29); so
for all
. Hence there exists
, such that
thanks to Proposition 1. It comes that
The result follows from the density of
6. Conclusion
In this article, we have defined Fofana spaces of Hardy type and given their atomic decompositions. These decompositions allowed us to control some intrinsic square functions as well as their commutators with functions in BMOd, a proper subspace of BMO. We are certain that this subspace can be improved if we do not consider the BMO space. Moreover, we assert that a similar control can be given for the commutators of the Calderon-zygmund operators and the elements of BMOd. This is a work in progress and will be the subject of a forthcoming article.
Sincere thanks to Berenger Akon Kpata and Zobo Vincent De Paul Ablé for their valuable comments which helped us to improve this article. We also thank the anonymous reviewer for his suggestions and remarks.