On Dislocated Metric Topology


In this paper, we give a comment on the dislocated-neighbourhood systems due to Hitzler and Seda [1]. Also, we recover the open sets of the dislocated topology.

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M. Ahmed, F. Zeyada and G. Hassan, "On Dislocated Metric Topology," International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2013, pp. 228-231. doi: 10.4236/ijmnta.2013.24032.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the role of topology is of fundamental importance in quantum particle physics and in logic programming semantics (see, e.g. [2-6]). Dislocated metrics were studied under the name of metric domains in the context of domain theory (see, [7]). Dislocated topologies were introduced and studied by Hitzler and Seda [1].

Now, we recall some definitions and a proposition due to Hitzler and Seda [1] as follows.

Definition 1.1. Let be a set. is called a distance function. Consider the following conditions, for all,


(d2) if, then;



If satisfies conditions (d1) - (d4), then it is called a metric on. If it satisfies conditions (d2) - (d4), then it is called a dislocated metric (or simply d-metric) on.

Definition 1.2. Let be a set. A distance function is called a partial metric on if it satisfies (d3) and the conditions:

(d5) if and only if;


(d7)for each.

It is obvious that any partial metric is a d-metric.

Definition 1.3. An (open) ball in a d-metric space with centre is a set of the form, where.

It is clear that may be empty in a d-metric space because the centre of the ball doesn’t belong to.

Definition 1.4. Let be set. A relation is called a d-membership relation(on) if it satisfies the following property for all and: and implies.

It is noted that the “d-membership”-relation is a generalization of the membership relation from the set theory.

In the sequel, any concept due to Hitzler and Seda will be denoted by “HS”.

Definition 1.5.Let be a nonempty set. Suppose that is a d-membership relation on and is a collection of subsets of for each. We call a d-neighbourhood system (d-nbhood system) for if it satisfies the following conditions:

(Ni) if, then;

(Nii) if, then;

(Niii) if, then there is a with such that for all we have;

(Niv) if and then.

Each is called an HS-d-neighborhood (HS d-nbhood) of. The ordered triple is called an HS-d-topological space where.

Proposition 1.1. Let be a d-metric space. Define the d-membership relation as the relation. For each, let be the collection of all subsets of such that. Then is an HS d-nbhood system for for each, i.e., is an HS d-topological neighbourhood space.

The present paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we redefine the dislocated neighbourhood systems given due to Hitzler and Seda [1]. Section 3 is devoted to define the concept of dislocated topological space by open sets. In Section 4, we study topological properties of dislocated closure and dislocated interior operation of a set using the concept of open sets. Finally, in Section 5, we study some further properties of the well-known notions of dislocated continuous functions and dislocated convergence sequence via d-topologies.

2. Redefinition of Definition 1.5.

In Proposition 1.1, it is proved that is an HS d-topological neighbourhood space. We remark that Property (Niii) can be replaced by the following condition:

(Niii) * If, then for each.

One can easily verifies that satisfies (Niii) *.

According to the above comment, we introduce a redefinition of the concept of the dislocated-neighbourhood systems due to Hitzler and Seda [1] as follows.

Definition 2.1. Let be a nonempty set. Suppose that is a d-membership relation on and be a collection of subsets of for each. We call a d*-neighbourhood system (d*-nbhood system) for if it satisfies the following conditions:

(Ni) if, then;

(Nii) if, then;

(Niii)* if and, then;

(Niv) if and, then.

Each is called a d*-neighborhood of. If, then is called a d*-topological neighborhood space.

Now, we state the following theorem without proof.

Theorem 2.1. Let be a d-metric space. Define the d-membership relation as the relation iff there exists for which. Assume that and. Then is a d*-topological neighborhood space.

3. Dislocated-Topological Space

In what follows we define the concept of dislocatedtopological space (for short, d-topological space) by the open sets and prove that this concept and the concept of d*-topological neighborhood space are the same.

Definition 3.1. Let be a nonempty set. Suppose that is a d-membership relation and for each. We call an -topology on iff it satisfies the following conditions:



(dτx3) and.

Each is called a -open set. If is an -topology on for each, then is called a d-topology on. The triple is called an -topological space and the triple is called a d-topological space.

Definition 3.2. Let be an -topological space. is called a -closed iff is a - open..

Theorem 3.1. The concepts of d*-topological neighborhood space and d-topological space are the same.

Proof. Let be the family of all d*- topological neighbourhood systems on and let be the family of all d-topologies on. The proof is complete if we point out a bijection between and. Let and be functions defined as follows:, where for each and, where for each. One can easily verifies that these functions are well defined, and.

The following counterexample illustrates that the statement: iff may not be true.

Counterexample 3.1. Let and


Then is a d-membership relation. Since

, then, i.e. such that and.

We get the following theorem without proof.

Theorem 3.2. Let be a nonempty set. Suppose that is a d-membership relation and for each. Assume that satisfies the following conditions:



(dFx3) and.

Then is a d-topology on, where. If is a dtopological space, then for each the family of all -closed sets satisfies the conditions (dFx1)- (dFx3).

4. Dislocated Closure and Dislocated Interior Operations

In the sequel we define the dislocated closure and dislocated interior operations of a set and study some topological properties of dislocated closure and dislocated interior operation.

Definition 4.1. Let be an -topological space. The -interior of a subset of is denoted and defined by:.

Remark 4.1. From Definition 4.1, if, then is undefined. If, then is defined.

Theorem 4.1. Let be an -topological space.

(A) If, then for each.

(B) If, then


(ii) for each;

(iii) for each;

(iv) or for each.

(v) if or.

Corollary 4.1. (1) If, then is a -open.

(2) If, then.

Theorem 4.2. If such that the conditions B(i), B(iii) and B(iv) are satisfied then

is an -topology on. The -membership relation is defined as iff.

Proof. The desired result is obtained from the following:

(I) (dτx1) since;

(dτx2) and


(dτx3) and, (from B(iii)-(iv)).

(II) and and (from I).

Definition 4.2. Let be an -topological space. The -closure of a subset of is denoted and defined by:.

If, then is undefined but if, then is defined.

Theorem 4.3. Let be an -topological space. Then for each,



From Theorems 4.1 and 4.3, we obtain the following theorem without proof.

Theorem 4.4. Let be an -topological space.

(A) If, then for each.

(B) If, then


(ii) for each;


(iv) or for each;

(v) if or.

Corollary 4.2. (1) If, then is a -closed.

(2) If, then.

5. Dislocated Continuous Functions and Dislocated Convergence Sequences via d-Topologies

Now, we define the dislocated continuous functions and dislocated convergence sequences. We also obtain a decomposition of dislocated continuous function and dislocated convergence sequences.

Definition 5.1. Let and be dislocated-metric spaces. A function is called d-continuous at iff such that. We say is d-continuous iff is d-continuous at each

Theorem 5.1. Let and be dislocated-metric spaces and be any function. Assume that (resp.) be the d-topological space obtained from (resp.). Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) is d-continuous at.


(3) such that, where and are the d*-topological neighborhood systems obtained from and respectively.

(4) such that.

Proof. ((1)Þ(2)): Let. Then such that. Thus such that, i.e., , , then. Hence.

((2)Þ(1)): Let. Suppose that for each, such that. Now,. From the assumption, i.e., such that. Then. The contradiction demands that is d-continuous at.

(1) Û (4) and (2) Û (3) are immediate.

Definition 5.2. Let be a d-metric space. A sequence d-converges to if such that,.

Theorem 5.2. Let be a d-metric space and be the d-topological space obtained from it. Then the sequence d-converges to iff such that for each.

Proof. (Þ:) Let. Then there exists such that. From the assumption such that. Thus for each. So for each.

(Ü:) Let. Since, then. Thus such that for each ,i.e., for each. Hence.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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[5] P. Hitzler, “Generalized Metrics and Topology in Logic Programming Semantics,” Ph.D. Thesis, National University of Ireland, University College, Cork, 2001.
[6] A. K. Seda, ‘Topology and the Semantics of Logic Programs,” Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1995, pp. 359-386.
[7] S. G. Matthews, “Metric Domains for Completeness,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick, Warwick, 1986.

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