The New Data on Stratigraphy of the Riphean Stratotype in the Southern Urals, Russia


A recent series of U-Pb age determinations of zircons (SHRIMP, IDTIMS) from volcanic flows of several levels permitted to refine stratigraphy of the Riphean of Bashkirian megaanticlinorium (Urals, Russia), and provide a better correlation of this straton with the International and Chinese scales of the Proterozoic.

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Puchkov, V. , Krasnobaev, A. and Sergeeva, N. (2014) The New Data on Stratigraphy of the Riphean Stratotype in the Southern Urals, Russia. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2, 108-116. doi: 10.4236/gep.2014.23015.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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[3] (2006). Field Trip Guide on the Proterozoic of the Southern Urals. St. Petersbourg: VSEGEI. (in Russian)
[4] Bleeker, W. (2004). Towards a “Natural” Time Scale for the Precambrian—A Proposal. Lethaia, 37, 219-222.
[5] Ernst, R. E., Pease, V., Puchkov, V. N. et al. (2006). Geochemical Characterizaion of Precambrian Magmatic Formations of the Southeastern Margin of the East European Craton, Southern Urals, Russia. Geologicheski Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 5. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci, Centre RAS, 119-161. (In Russian)
[6] Gao, L. Z., Geng, S. F., Jing, X. Z., Liu, Y. X., & Zhang, H. (2012). New Geological Time Scale of Proterozoic in China. A Presentation. Beijing.
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[8] Grazhdankin, D. V., Marusin, V. V., Meert, J., Krupenin, M. T., & Maslov, A. V. (2011) Kotlin Regional Stage in the South Urals. Doklady Earth Sciences, 440, 1222-1226.
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[10] Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Krasnobaev, A. A. et al. (2011). Arshinian—A New Straton of the Riphean in the Stratotypical Sections of the Southern Urals. Geologicheski Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 9. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci, Centre RAS. 3-8. (in Russian)
[11] Krasnobaev, A. A., Bibikova, E. V., Ronkin, Yu. L., & Kozlov, V. I. (1992). Geochronology of Volcanites of the Ai Formation and Isotopical Age of the Riphean Lower Boundary. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol., 6. 25-41. (in Russian)
[12] Krasnobaev, A. A., Bibikova, E. V., Stepanov, A. I., Kirnozova, T. I., Ronkin, Yu. L., Makarov, V. A., Lepikhina, O. P., & Kravtsov, A. V. (1985). The Age of the Effusives of the Mashak Formation and the Problem of Isotope-Geochronological Boundary of the Lower-Middle Riphean. In Isotope Dating of Processes of Volcanism and Sedimentation (pp. 162-175). Moscow: Nauka. (In Russian)
[13] Krasnobaev, A. A., Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Busharina, S. V., Berezhnaya, N. G., & Nekhorosheva, A. G. (2011). Zirconology of Iron Quartzites of the Taratash Complex (Southern Urals). Doklady Earth Sciences, 437, 527-531.
[14] Krasnobaev, A. A., Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Busharina, S. V., Sergeeva N. D., & Paderin I. P. (2013b). Zircon Geochronology of Mashak Volcanics and the Age of the Lower-Middle Boundary (Southern Urals). Stratigraphy. Geological correlation, 21, 465-481.
[15] Krasnobaev, A. A., Puchkov, V. N., Kozlov, V. I., Sergeeva, N. D., & Busharina, S. V. (2012). New data on zircon geochronology of the Arshinian volcanics (SouthernUrals). Litosfera, 4, 127-139. (in Russian)
[16] Krasnobaev, A. A., Puchkov, V. N., Kozlov, V. I., Sergeeva, N. D., Busharina, S. V., & Le-pekhina, E. N. (2013a). Zirconology of Navysh Volcanic Rocks of the Ai Suite and the Problem of the Age of the Lower Riphean Boundary in the Southern Urals. Doklady Earth Sciences, 448, 185-190.
[17] Levashova, N. M., Bazhenov, M. L., Meert, J. G., Kuznetsov, N. B., Golovanova, I. V., Danukalov, K. N., & Fedorova, N. M.. (2013). Paleogeography of Baltica in the Ediacaran: Paleomag-netic and Geochronological Data from the Clastic Zigan Formation, South Urals. Prec.Res, 236, 16-20.
[18] Maslov, A. V., & Grazhdankin, D. V. (2013). Precambrian in the Scale of Geological Time. Litosfera, 3, 151-155. (in Russian)
[19] Puchkov, V. N. (2013). Plumes in the History of the Urals. Bull. of MOIP. Geological Section, 88, 64-73. (in Russian)
[20] Puchkov, V. N., Bogdanova, S. V., Ernst, R., So-derlund, U. et al. (2013). The ca. 1380 Ma Mashak Igneous Event of the Southern Urals. Lithos, 174, 109-124.
[21] Puchkov, V. N., Krasnobayev, A. A., Schmitz, M., Kozlov, V. I., Da-vydov, V. I., Lepekhina, E. N., & Nekhorosheva, A. N. (2009). New U-Pb Data оn the Age of Mashak Formationof the Southern Urals and Their Comparative Evaluation. Geologichesky Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 8. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci. Centre, Ufa, 3-14. (in Russian)
[22] Semikhatov, M. A., Shurkin, K. A., Aksenov, E. M. et al. (1991). A New Stratigraphic Scale for the Precambrian of the USSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol., 4, 3-13. (in Russian)
[23] Sindern, C., Ronkin, Yu. L., Hetzel, R. et al. (2006). Taratash and Aleksandrovka Metamorphic Complexes (Southern (Urals): Т-t Restrictions. Inst. of Geology and Geochemistry, Uralian Branch of RAS. “Yezhegodnik-2005”, 322-330. (In Russian)
[24] Zhamoida, A. I. (2000) Additions to the Stratigraphical Code of Russia. SPb, VSEGEI. 112 p. (in Russian)
[25] (1983). The Stratotype of the Riphean. Stratigraphy. Geochronology. Moscow: Nauka, 230 p. (in Russian).
[26] (1993). Stratigraphic Schemes of the Urals (Precambrian, Paleozoic). Ekaterinburg: Mezhv. Stratigr. Kom. Rossii. (in Russian)
[27] (2006). Field Trip Guide on the Proterozoic of the Southern Urals. St. Petersbourg: VSEGEI. (in Russian)
[28] Bleeker, W. (2004). Towards a “Natural” Time Scale for the Precambrian—A Proposal. Lethaia, 37, 219-222.
[29] Ernst, R. E., Pease, V., Puchkov, V. N. et al. (2006). Geochemical Characterizaion of Precambrian Magmatic Formations of the Southeastern Margin of the East European Craton, Southern Urals, Russia. Geologicheski Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 5. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci, Centre RAS, 119-161. (In Russian)
[30] Gao, L. Z., Geng, S. F., Jing, X. Z., Liu, Y. X., & Zhang, H. (2012). New Geological Time Scale of Proterozoic in China. A Presentation. Beijing.
[31] Gradstein, F., Ogg, J. G., Schmitz, M., & Ogg, G. (2012). The Geologic Time Scale. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1307 p.
[32] Grazhdankin, D. V., Marusin, V. V., Meert, J., Krupenin, M. T., & Maslov, A. V. (2011) Kotlin Regional Stage in the South Urals. Doklady Earth Sciences, 440, 1222-1226.
[33] Kozlov, V. I. (2002). Geological Survey Map 1: 1000 000, scale N-40-41 (Ufa). St Petersburg: VSEGEI Map printing Office (In Russian).
[34] Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Krasnobaev, A. A. et al. (2011). Arshinian—A New Straton of the Riphean in the Stratotypical Sections of the Southern Urals. Geologicheski Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 9. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci, Centre RAS. 3-8. (in Russian)
[35] Krasnobaev, A. A., Bibikova, E. V., Ronkin, Yu. L., & Kozlov, V. I. (1992). Geochronology of Volcanites of the Ai Formation and Isotopical Age of the Riphean Lower Boundary. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol., 6. 25-41. (in Russian)
[36] Krasnobaev, A. A., Bibikova, E. V., Stepanov, A. I., Kirnozova, T. I., Ronkin, Yu. L., Makarov, V. A., Lepikhina, O. P., & Kravtsov, A. V. (1985). The Age of the Effusives of the Mashak Formation and the Problem of Isotope-Geochronological Boundary of the Lower-Middle Riphean. In Isotope Dating of Processes of Volcanism and Sedimentation (pp. 162-175). Moscow: Nauka. (In Russian)
[37] Krasnobaev, A. A., Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Busharina, S. V., Berezhnaya, N. G., & Nekhorosheva, A. G. (2011). Zirconology of Iron Quartzites of the Taratash Complex (Southern Urals). Doklady Earth Sciences, 437, 527-531.
[38] Krasnobaev, A. A., Kozlov, V. I., Puchkov, V. N., Busharina, S. V., Sergeeva N. D., & Paderin I. P. (2013b). Zircon Geochronology of Mashak Volcanics and the Age of the Lower-Middle Boundary (Southern Urals). Stratigraphy. Geological correlation, 21, 465-481.
[39] Krasnobaev, A. A., Puchkov, V. N., Kozlov, V. I., Sergeeva, N. D., & Busharina, S. V. (2012). New data on zircon geochronology of the Arshinian volcanics (SouthernUrals). Litosfera, 4, 127-139. (in Russian)
[40] Krasnobaev, A. A., Puchkov, V. N., Kozlov, V. I., Sergeeva, N. D., Busharina, S. V., & Le-pekhina, E. N. (2013a). Zirconology of Navysh Volcanic Rocks of the Ai Suite and the Problem of the Age of the Lower Riphean Boundary in the Southern Urals. Doklady Earth Sciences, 448, 185-190.
[41] Levashova, N. M., Bazhenov, M. L., Meert, J. G., Kuznetsov, N. B., Golovanova, I. V., Danukalov, K. N., & Fedorova, N. M.. (2013). Paleogeography of Baltica in the Ediacaran: Paleomag-netic and Geochronological Data from the Clastic Zigan Formation, South Urals. Prec.Res, 236, 16-20.
[42] Maslov, A. V., & Grazhdankin, D. V. (2013). Precambrian in the Scale of Geological Time. Litosfera, 3, 151-155. (in Russian)
[43] Puchkov, V. N. (2013). Plumes in the History of the Urals. Bull. of MOIP. Geological Section, 88, 64-73. (in Russian)
[44] Puchkov, V. N., Bogdanova, S. V., Ernst, R., So-derlund, U. et al. (2013). The ca. 1380 Ma Mashak Igneous Event of the Southern Urals. Lithos, 174, 109-124.
[45] Puchkov, V. N., Krasnobayev, A. A., Schmitz, M., Kozlov, V. I., Da-vydov, V. I., Lepekhina, E. N., & Nekhorosheva, A. N. (2009). New U-Pb Data оn the Age of Mashak Formationof the Southern Urals and Their Comparative Evaluation. Geologichesky Sbornik (Geological Proceedings) 8. Institute of Geology, Ufimian Sci. Centre, Ufa, 3-14. (in Russian)
[46] Semikhatov, M. A., Shurkin, K. A., Aksenov, E. M. et al. (1991). A New Stratigraphic Scale for the Precambrian of the USSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol., 4, 3-13. (in Russian)
[47] Sindern, C., Ronkin, Yu. L., Hetzel, R. et al. (2006). Taratash and Aleksandrovka Metamorphic Complexes (Southern (Urals): Т-t Restrictions. Inst. of Geology and Geochemistry, Uralian Branch of RAS. “Yezhegodnik-2005”, 322-330. (In Russian)
[48] Zhamoida, A. I. (2000) Additions to the Stratigraphical Code of Russia. SPb, VSEGEI. 112 p. (in Russian)

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