Numerical Computation of Structured Singular Values for Companion Matrices ()
1. Introduction
The m-values [1] is an important mathematical tool in control theory, it allows to discuss the problem arising in the stability analysis and synthesis of control systems. To quantify the stability of a closed-loop linear time-invariant system subject to the structured perturbations, the structures addressed by the SSV are very general and allow covering all types of parametric uncertainties that can be incorporated into the control system by using real and complex Linear Fractional Transformations LFT's. For more detail please see [1] - [7] and the references therein for the applications of SSV.
The versatility of the SSV comes at the expense of being notoriously hard, in fact Non-deterministic Polynomial time that is NP hard [8] to compute. The numerical algorithms, which are being used in practice, provide both upper and lower bounds of SSV. An upper bound of the SSV provides sufficient conditions to guarantee robust stability analysis of feedback systems, while a lower bound provides sufficient conditions for instability analysis of the feedback systems.
The widely used function mussv available in the Matlab Control Toolbox computes an upper bound of the SSV using diagonal balancing and Linear Matrix Inequlaity techniques [9] [10] . The lower bound is computed by using the generalization of power method developed in [11] [12] .
In this paper, the comparison of numerical results to approximate the lower bounds of the SSV associated with pure complex uncertainties is presented.
Overview of the article. Section 2 provides the basic framework. In particular, it explain how the computation of the SSV can be addressed by an inner-outer algorithm, where the outer algorithm determines the perturbation level
and the inner algorithm determines a (local) extremizer of the structured spectral value set. In Section 3, we explain that how the inner algorithm works for the case of pure complex structured perturbations. An important characterization of extremizers shows that one can restrict himself to a manifold of structured perturbations with normalized and low-rank blocks. A gradient system for finding extremizers on this manifold is established and analyzed. The outer algorithm is addressed in Section 4, where a fast Newton iteration for determining the correct perturbation level
is developed. Finally, Section 5 presents a range of numerical experiments to compare the quality of the lower bounds to those obtained with mussv.
2. Framework
Consider a matrix
and an underlying perturbation set with prescribed block diagonal structure,
denotes the
identity matrix. Each of the scalars
and the
may be constrained to stay real in the definition of
. The integer S denotes the number of repeated scalar blocks (that is, scalar multiples of the identity) and F denotes the number of full blocks. This implies
. In order to distinguish complex and real scalar blocks, assume that the first
blocks are complex while the (possibly) remaining
blocks are real. Similarly assume that the first
full blocks are complex and the (possibly) remaining
blocks are real. The literature (see, e.g., [1] ) usually does not consider real full blocks, that is,
. In fact, in control theory, full blocks arise from uncertainties associated to the frequency response of a system, which is complex-valued.
For simplicity, assume that all full blocks are square, although this is not necessary and our method extends to the non-square case in a straightforward way. Similarly, the chosen ordering of blocks should not be viewed as a limiting assumption; it merely simplifies notation.
The following definition is given in [1] , where
denotes the matrix 2- norm and I the
identity matrix.
Definition 2.1. [13] . Let
and consider a set
. Then the SSV (or m-value)
is defined as
In Definition 2.1,
denotes the determinant of a matrix and in the following use the convention that the minimum over an empty set is
. In particular,
for all
Note that
is a positively homogeneous function, i.e.,
, it follows directly from Definition 1 that
. For general
, the SSV can only become smaller and thus gives us the upper bound
. This can be refined further by exploiting the properties of
, see [14] . These relations between
, the largest singular value of M, justifies the name structured singular value for
The important special case when
only allows for complex perturbations, that is,
, deserves particular attention. In this case one can write
instead of
. Note that
for any
. In turn, there is
such that
if and only if there is
, with the same norm, such that
has the eigenvalue 1, which implies
. This gives the following alternative expression:
denotes the spectral radius of a matrix. For any nonzero eigenvalue
, the matrix
satisfies the constraints of the minimization problem shown in Equation (3). This establishes the lower bound
for the case of purely complex perturbations. Note that
. Hence, both the spectral radius and the matrix 2-norm are included as special cases of the SSV.
2.1. A Reformulation Based on Structured Spectral Value Sets [13]
The structured spectral value set of
with respect to a perturbation level
is defined as
denotes the spectrum of a matrix. Note that for purely complex
, the set
is simply a disk centered at 0. The set
allows us to express the SSV defined in Equation (2) as
that is, as a structured distance to singularity problem. This gives us that
if and only if
For a purely complex perturbation set
, one can use Equation (3) to alternatively express the SSV as
and one can have that
, where D denotes the open complex unit disk, if and only if
2.2. Problem under Consideration [13]
Let us consider the minimization problem
for some fixed
. By the discussion above, the SSV
is the reciprocal of the smallest value of
for which
. This suggests a two-level algorithm: In the inner algorithm, we attempt to solve Equation (8). In the outer algorithm, we vary
by an iterative procedure which exploits the knowledge of the exact derivative of an extremizer say
with respect to
. We address Equation (8) by solving a system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE's). In general, this only yields a local minimum of Equation (8) which, in turn, gives an upper bound for
and hence a lower bound for
. Due to the lack of global optimality criteria for Equation (8), the only way to increase the robustness of the method is to compute several local optima.
The case of a purely complex perturbation set
can be addressed analogously by letting the inner algorithm determine local optima for
which then yields a lower bound for
3. Pure Complex Perturbations [13]
In this section consider the solution of the inner problem discussed in Equation (9) in the estimation of
and a purely complex perturbation set
3.1. Extremizers
Now, make use of the following standard eigenvalue perturbation result, see, e.g., [15] . Here and in the following, denote
Lemma 3.1. Consider a smooth matrix family
and let
be an eigenvalue of
converging to a simple eigenvalue
. Then
is analytic near
are right and left eigenvectors of
associated to
, that is,
Our goal is to solve the maximization problem discussed in Equation (9), which requires finding a perturbation
such that
is maximal among all
. In the following call
a largest eigenvalue if
equals the spectral radius.
Definition 3.2. [13] . A matrix
such that
has a largest eigenvalue that locally maximizes the modulus of
is called a local extremizer.
The following result provides an important characterization of local extremizers.
Theorem 3.3. [13] . Let
be a local extremizer of
. Assume that
has a simple largest eigenvalue
, with the right and left eigenvectors x and y scaled such that
. Partitioning
such that the size of the components
equals the size of the kth block in
, additionally assume that
that is, all blocks of
have unit 2-norm.
The following theorem allows us to replace full blocks in a local extremizer by rank-1 matrices.
Theorem 3.4. [13] . Let
be a local extremizer and let
be defined and partitioned as in Theorem 3.3. Assuming that Equation (13) holds, every block
has a singular value 1 with associated singular vectors
for some
. Moreover, the matrix
is also a local extremizer, i.e.,
Remark 3.1. [13] . Theorem 3.3 allows us to restrict the perturbations in the structured spectral value set shown in Equation (4) to those with rank-1 blocks, which was also shown in [1] . Since the Frobenius and the matrix 2-norms of a rank-1 matrix are equal, one can equivalently search for extremizers within the submanifold
3.2. A System of ODEs to Compute Extremal Points of
In order to compute a local maximizer for
, with
, First construct a matrix valued function
such that a largest eigenvalue
has maximal local increase. Then derive a system of ODEs satisfied by this choice of
Orthogonal projection onto
. In the following make use of the Frobenius inner product
for two
. Let
denote the orthogonal projection, with respect to the Frobenius inner product, of a matrix
. To derive a compact formula for this projection, use the pattern matrix
denotes the
-matrix of all ones.
Lemma 3.5. [13] . For
, let
denote the block diagonal matrix obtained by entrywise multiplication of C with the matrix
defined in Equation (20). Then the orthogonal projection of C onto
is given by
, and
The local optimization problem [13] . Let us recall the setting from Section (3.1): assume that
is a simple eigenvalue with eigenvectors
normalized such that
As a consequence of Lemma 3.1, see also Equation (15), to have
and the dependence on t is intentionally omitted.
, with
as in Equation (18), now aim at determining a direction
that locally maximizes the increase of the modulus of
. This amounts to determining
as a solution of the optimization problem
The target function in Equation (25) follows from Equation (23), while the constraints in Equation (24) and Equation (25) ensure that Z is in the tangent space of
. In particular Equation (25) implies that the the norms of the blocks of
are conserved. Note that Equation (25) only becomes well-posed after imposing an additional normalization on the norm of Z. The scaling chosen in the following lemma aims at
Lemma 3.6. [13] . With the notation introduced above and
partitioned as in Equation (11), a solution of the optimization problem discussed in Equation (25) is given by
is the reciprocal of the absolute value of the right-hand side in Equation (27), if this is different from zero, and
otherwise. Similarly,
is the reciprocal of the Frobenius norm of the matrix on the right hand side in Equation (27), if this is different from zero, and
otherwise. If all right-hand sides are different from zero then
Corollary 3.7. [13] . The result of Lemma 3.6 can be expressed as
is the orthogonal projection and
are diagonal matrices with
Proof. The statement is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3.5.
The system of ODEs. Lemma 3.6 and Corollary 3.7 suggest to consider the following differential equation on the manifold
is an eigenvector, of unit norm, associated to a simple eigenvalue
for some fixed
. Note that
depend on
as well. The differential Equation (30) is a gradient system because, by definition, the right-hand side is the projected gradient of
The following result follows directly from Lemmas 3.1 and 3.6.
Theorem 3.8. [13] . Let
satisfy the differential Equation (26). If
is a simple eigenvalue of
, then
increases monotonically.
The following lemma establishes a useful property for the analysis of stationary points of Equation (30).
Lemma 3.9. [13] . Let
satisfy the differential Equation (26). If
is a nonzero simple eigenvalue of
, with right and left eigenvec- tors
scaled, then
Remark 3.3. The choice of
originating from Lemma 3.6., to achieve unit norm of all blocks in Equation (29), is completely arbitrary. Other choices would be also acceptable and investigating an optimal one in terms of speed of convergence to stationary points would be an interesting issue.
The following result characterizes stationary points of Equation (30).
Theorem 3.10. [13] . Assume that
is a solution of Equation (30) and
is a largest simple nonzero eigenvalue of
with right/left eigenvectors
. Moreover, suppose that Assumptions (12) and (13) hold for
. Then
for a specific real diagonal matrix
. Moreover if
has (locally) maximal modulus over the set
then D is positive.
3.3. Projection of Full Blocks on Rank-1 Manifolds [13]
In order to exploit the rank-1 property of extremizers established in Theorem 3.4, one can proceed in complete analogy to [16] in order to obtain for each full block an ODE on the manifold
of (complex) rank-1 matrices. Express
, where
have unit norm. The parameters
are uniquely determined by
when imposing the orthogonality conditions
In the differential Equation (26) replace the right-hand side by its orthogonal projection onto the tangent space
(and also remove the normalization constant) to obtain
Note that the orthogonal projection of a matrix
is given by
Following the arguments of [16] , the equation
is equivalent to
, one can obtain that the differ- ential Equation (29) is equivalent to the following system of differential equations for
, where set
The derivation of this system of ODEs is straightforward; the interested reader can see [17] for details.
The monotonicity and the characterization of stationary points follows analogously to those obtained for Equation (33); and also refer to [16] for the proofs. As a consequence one can use the ODE in Equation (30) instead of Equation (26) and gain in terms of computational complexity.
3.4. Choice of Initial Value Matrix and
In our two-level algorithm for determining
use the perturbation
obtained for the previous value
as the initial value matrix for the system of ODEs. However, it remains to discuss a suitable choice of the initial values
in the very beginning of the algorithm.
For the moment, let us assume that M is invertible and write
which aim to have as close as possible to singularity. To determine
, one can perform an asymptotic analysis around
. For this purpose, let us consider the matrix valued function
and let denote
denote an eigenvalue of
with smallest modulus. Letting x and y denote the right and left eigenvectors corresponding to
, scaled such that
, Lemma 3.1 implies
In order to have the locally maximal decrease of
where the positive diagonal matrix D is chosen such that
. This is always possible under the genericity assumptions (12) and (13). The orthogonal projector
can be expressed in analogy to Equation (21) for
, with the notable difference that
. Note that there is no need to form
; x and y can be obtained as the eigenvectors associated to a largest eigenvalue of M. However, attention needs to be paid to
the scaling. Since the largest eigenvalue of M is
, y and x have to be scaled accordingly.
A possible choice for
is obtained by solving the following simple linear equation, resulting from the first order expansion of the eigenvalue at
This gives
This can be improved in a simple way by computing this expression for
for several eigenvalues of M (say, the m largest ones) and taking the smallest computed
. For a sparse matrix M, the matlab function eigs (an interface for ARPACK, which implements the implicitly restarted Arnoldi Method [18] [19] allows to efficiently compute a predefined number m of Ritz values.
Another possible, very natural choice for
is given by
is the upper bound for the SSV computed by the matlab function mussv.
4. Fast Approximation of
This section discuss the outer algorithm for computing a lower bound of
. Since the principles are the same, one can treat the case of purely complex perturbations in detail and provide a briefer discussion on the extension to the case of mixed complex/real perturbations.
Purely Complex Perturbations
In the following let
denote a continuous branch of (local) maximizers for
computed by determining the stationary points
of the system of ODEs in Equation (30). The computation of the SSV is equivalent to the smallest solution
of the equation
. In order to approximate this solution, aim at computing
such that the boundary of the
-spectral value set is locally contained in the unit disk and its boundary
is tangential to the unit circle. This provides a lower bound
Now make the following generic assumption.
Assumption 4.1. [13] . For a local extremizer
, with corresponding largest eigenvalue
, assume that
is simple and that
are smooth in a neighborhood of
The following theorem gives an explicit and easily computable expression for the derivative of
Theorem 4.1. [13] . Suppose that Assumption 4.1 holds for
. Let
be the corresponding right and left eigenvectors of
, scaled according to Equation (22). Consider the partitioning of
, and suppose that Assumptions (12) and (13) hold. Then
5. Numerical Experimentation
This section provides the comparison of the numerical results for lower bounds of SSV computed by well-known Matlab function mussv and the algorithm [13] for companion matrices with different dimensions.
Example 1. Consider the following three dimensional companion matrix of the form,
along with the perturbation set
Apply the Matlab routine mussv, one can obtain the perturbation
. For this example, one can obtain the upper bound
while the lower bound as
By using the algorithm [13] , one can obtain the perturbation
The same lower bound can be obtained
as the one obtained by mussv.
Example 2. Consider the following four dimensional companion matrix of the form,
along with the perturbation set
Apply the Matlab routine mussv, one can obtain the perturbation
For this example, one can obtain the upper bound
while the lower bound as
By using the algorithm [13] , one can obtain the perturbation
and obtain the lower bound
Example 3. Consider the following fifth dimensional companion matrix of the form,
along with the perturbation set
Apply the Matlab routine mussv, one can obtain the perturbation
For this example, one can obtain the upper bound
while the lower bound as
By using the algorithm [13] , one can obtain the perturbation
and obtain the lower bound
Example 4. Consider the following nine dimensional companion matrix of the form,
along with the perturbation set
Apply the Matlab routine mussv, one can obtain the perturbation
For this example, one can obtain the upper bound
while the lower bound as
By using the algorithm [13] , one can obtain the perturbation
and obtain the lower bound
In the following table, it is presented the comparison of the bounds of SSV computed by MUSSV and the algorithm [13] for the companion matrix M given bellow. In the very first column, it is presented the dimension of the matrix M. In the second column, it is presented the set of block diagonal matrices denoted by BLK. In the third, fourth and fifth columns, it is presented the upper and lower bounds
computed by MUSSV and the lower bound
computed by algorithm [13] respectively.
In the following table, it is presented the comparison of the bounds of SSV computed by MUSSV and the algorithm [13] for the companion matrix M given bellow. In the very first column, it is presented the dimension of the matrix M. In the second column, it is presented the set of block diagonal matrices denoted by BLK. In the third, fourth and fifth columns, it is presented the upper and lower bounds
computed by MUSSV and the lower bound
computed by algorithm [13] respectively.
In the following table, it is presented the comparison of the bounds of SSV computed by MUSSV and the algorithm [13] for the companion matrix M given bellow. In the very first column, it is presented the dimension of the matrix M. In the second column, it is presented the set of block diagonal matrices denoted by BLK. In the third, fourth and fifth columns, it is presented the upper and lower bounds
computed by MUSSV and the lower bound
computed by algorithm [13] respectively.
In the following table, it is we presented the comparison of the bounds of SSV computed by MUSSV and the algorithm [13] for the companion matrix M given bellow. In the very first column, it is presented the dimension of the matrix M. In the second column, it is presented the set of block diagonal matrices denoted by BLK. In the third, fourth and fifth columns, it is presented the upper and lower bounds
computed by MUSSV and the lower bound
computed by algorithm [13] respectively.
6. Conclusion
In this article, the problem of approximating structured singular values for the companion matrices is considered. The obtained results provide a characteriza- tion of extremizers and gradient systems, which can be integrated numerically in order to provide approximations from below to the structured singular value of a matrix subject to general pure complex and mixed real and complex block perturbations. The experimental results show the comparison of the lower bounds of structured singular values for companion matrices computed by MUSSV and alogorithm [13] .