A Study of Periodic Solution of a Duffing’s Equation Using Implicit Function Theorem ()
1. Introduction
The well-known implicit function theorem has been employed by many authors to study existence of solution to non-linear differential equations of various types. [1] [2] [3] investigated the existence of solution to ordinary differential equations using implicit function theorem. Other researchers [4] - [10] used implicit function theorem to show the existence of periodic solution for non-linear partial differential equations. The Duffing equation (oscillator):
where a, b, c are real constants and h(t) is continuous, has been widely used in physics, economics, engineering, and many other physical phenomena. Given its characteristic of oscillation and chaotic nature, many scientists are inspired by this nonlinear differential equation given its nature to replicate similar dynamics in our natural world. This equation together with Van der Pol’s equation has become one of the most common examples of nonlinear oscillation in textbooks and research articles. See for instance [11] [12] [13] [14] and the references therein. Due to the importance of the Duffing equation in real world problems, the study of existence of solution of the equation has continued to attract the attention of many researchers. [15] [16] [17] [18] have proposed independently, the existence of periodic solution of Duffing equation of the general form:
is continuous and 2π-periodic in
Motivated by the above results, the purpose of this paper is to study the existence and uniqueness of periodic solution of Duffing equation of the form:
using implicit function theorem where a, b, c are real constants and
is continuous with boundary conditions
2. Preliminaries
Definition 2.1. Consider the general non-linear differential equation of the form
is continuous. The function f in Equation (2.1) is said to be T periodic if for every
and some
for all
Definition 2.2. A solution x of Equation (2.1) defined on R such that
for all
is called T periodic solution or T periodic solution.
Definition 2.3. Let E, F be Banach spaces, U an open subset of E and let
. Let
be a mapping of U into F. f is said to be Frechet differentiable at x0 if there exists a continuous linear mapping;
such that
Definition 2.4. Let E, F, G be Banach spaces, let
be open set and
be a mapping of U into G, with
. f is said to be Frechet differentiable with respect to the first variable x at
if the following conditions hold.
1) There exists a continuous linear mapping
such that
such that
such that
, it follows that.
3) The mapping
is continuous at
Proposition 2.5. Then condition (1) of the definition 2.4 is satisfied if the partial Frechet derivative
exists for
in a neighbourhood of
and if the mapping
is continuous at
Proposition 2.6. If f is Frechet differentiable with respect to the first variable at
, it is Frechet differential with respect to this variable at
with the same L1. Moreover, this is unique. L1 is called the strong partial Frechet derivative with respect to the first variable at
and denoted by
Lemma 2.7. (The Banach fixed point theorem) Let E be a Banach space and
be a contraction mapping, then f has a unique fixed point in E, i.e. there exists a unique
such that
Lemma 2.8. (The implicit function theorem) Let E, F, G be Banach spaces and let
. Set
. For arbitrary
, let
be a mapping satisfying the following conditions.
2) f is Frechet differentiable with respect to the first variable at
is a linear homeomorphism.
Then there exists a neighborhood
and a unique mapping
such that for each
the equation
has in V1, the unique solution
: Moreover,
is continuous at y0.
Lemma 2.9. If X and Y are Banach spaces and
and N(A) = {0}, then
where N(A) is the Null spaces of A and R(A) is the range space of A. B(X, Y) is the space of bounded linear transformations from X to Y.
3. Main Result
We present in this section, the main result of this paper.
Theorem 3.1. Let
= {
: x is a class of C2} and equipped with the usual uniform norm
C = {
: x is continous} with the usual norm,
Then, Equation (1.2) is equivalent to
is defined by
Proof: We first remark that with the norm defined above,
is a Banach space. The strategy for the proof involves application of the implicit function theorem to the function f defined in Equation (3.1). We split the proof into steps.
Step 1:
. This follows trivially from the definition of f: hence
Step 2: f is Frechet differentiable with respect to x at (0; 0). Observe that
Combining (3.3) and (3.4), we obtain that f is Frechet differentiable with respect to the first variable at (0, 0).
Step 3:
defined by
is a linear homeomorphism.
The mapping
is linear and continuous and hence bounded. It is also an onto mapping. Linear homeomorphism would have been established if the mapping is shown to be one to one. This is equivalent to requiring that
be non-critical.
It suffices to place appropriate conditions on the constants a, c such that Equation (3.5) is solvable. The auxiliary equation of (3.5) is
Case I:
, and
where k is a natural number, then
for arbitrary constants
. Clearly
and the solution is non-trivial.
Case II:
, then condition
is satisfied only by the trivial solution z = 0.
Case III:
, only the trivial solution exists. Most generally, put
for some real numbers u, v.
1) Choose c and a such
2) Choose c and a such that
is non-critical [19] .
3) Choose c and a such that
is non-singular where
is fundamental matrix of Equation (3.5) with
identity matrix [20] .
Thus with any of these conditions imposed, one deduces the one to oneness of
. Hence by Lemma 2.8
exists as a bounded linear operator. Linear homeomorphism of
follows. Existence of a unique solution is now assured by the implicit function theorem.