Biodiesel Resistance of Thin Resin Cr-Free Steel Sheets for Fuel Tank
Dong-Joo Yoon, Kyung-Hwan Lee, Jong-Geun Choi, Sangkeol Noh, Jongsang Kim
Fuel Resistance, Cr-Free Steel Sheet, Fuel Tank, Corrosion, Formic Acid, Peroxide Hydrogen
Vol.3 No.5,
ABSTRACT: The content of biodiesel mixed with diesel fuel were compared to inspect the fuel resistance of thin resin Cr-free steel sheets, which are widely used as steel sheets of automobile fuel tank. Some additives which can be presented during the process of biodiesel preparation were added for CCT (Cyclic Corrosion Test). These additives can accelerate the occurrence of corrosion. The corrosion was appeared on the coating and painting layer and in serious cases even substrate material was corroded. For methanol, mixing with blended fuel showed the reduction in corroded area as the additive concentration was reduced in the mixed fuel. Especially the peroxide hydrogen showed the strongest corrosiveness. It is known that formic acid has a tendency of weaker corrosiveness than peroxide hydrogen, but the corrosion is occurred throughout the specimen. Water is not mixed well with fuel, and does not seem to impact on corrosion significantly. However, water is easily mixed with other additives and is considered to facilitate the corrosion by other additives.