APSCA-Recognised Training

Learn From Expert Trainers

SCS Global Services offers APSCA-Recognized trainings that encompass a broad spectrum of essential topics in the field of auditing. These courses provide a comprehensive understanding of auditing principles, effective management of audit programs, and the practicalities of conducting audits. Learn more and enroll today.

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    Visit Our Course Catalogue

    Enroll now and confidently take the next step in your professional journey!  

SCS APSCA-Recognised Trainings include:  

  • Writing Nonconformities  
  • ISO 19011 Auditing Skills, Principles, and Protocols, and  
  • Ethics 


Who is this training for: 

Whether you are a seasoned auditor or just starting your auditing journey, SCS' APSCA-Recognized trainings provide valuable insights, real-world examples, and networking opportunities to enhance your professional skills and knowledge in the auditing domain. 


Why Choose SCS APSCA Recognized Training? 

  • Industry Expertise: Benefit from 40+ years of sustainability auditing across 170+ countries. 
  • Flexible Learning: Choose from interactive sessions or self-paced modules for personalized training. 
  • Practical Application: Acquire real-world skills immediately applicable in your professional journey. 
  • Inclusivity: Courses available in English and other languages, with schedules accommodating global time zones. 
  • Dedicated Support: Our team ensures your success with ongoing support and valuable resources. 



  • CPD Recognition: Earn APSCA-Recognized CPD hours. 
  • Affordable Education: SCS offers budget-friendly training, ensuring quality education is accessible to all professionals, including freelance auditors. 
  • Professional Networking: Enrolling in SCS' trainings opens the door to a network of professionals and experts in the sustainability field. Connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build valuable connections within the industry. 


Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your skills and get APSCA CPD hours. Enroll now and elevate your professional development with SCS Global Services! Learn more and enroll today.

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Enroll now and confidently take the next step in your professional journey!
