Towards Indexing Schemes for Self-Tuning DBMS
@article{Sattler2005TowardsIS, title={Towards Indexing Schemes for Self-Tuning DBMS}, author={Kai-Uwe Sattler and Eike Schallehn and Ingolf Geist}, journal={21st International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'05)}, year={2005}, pages={1216-1216}, url={} }
The need for new indexing schemes suitable for self-tuning, which are sparse and partial indexing, usage-balanced instead of data-balanced structures, and dynamic resource assignment are pointed out.
6 Citations
Autonomic physical database design – from indexing to multidimensional clustering
- 2014
Computer Science, Engineering
A survey on the state of the art in autonomic physical design in database design, starting with the classic index tuning problem and possible solutions, and describing further design problems such as choosing materializations of aggregations for OLAP and multidimensional clustering schemes.
Automated query interface for hybrid relational architectures
- 2017
Computer Science
The first goal is to cope with the dilemma of design decision with tool support for both domains, and the second is to mitigate the design dilemma for changing requirements and for intermediate domains, by integrating the approach to hybrid stores, which support both architectures.
Chapter LXXX Self-Tuning Database Management Systems
- 2009
Computer Science
This chapter addresses the issue of autonomic computing, which has become an important research theme, aiming to reduce the manual efforts of administration of complex systems.
10381 Summary and Abstracts Collection - Robust Query Processing
- 2010
Computer Science
These proceedings first review the seminar topics, goals, and results, then present abstracts or notes of some of the seminar break-out sessions, as well as summaries of a few of those papers that were contributed by some participants.
Epidemiology experimentation and simulation management through scientific digital libraries
- 2012
Computer Science, Medicine
The framework is formally described and provides a deployable set of domain-free services, schema-based domain knowledge representations, and extensible lower and higher level service abstractions that are specialized for semi-structured simulation content and large-scale data producing infrastructures.
Autonomes Index Tuning - DBMS-integrierte Verwaltung von Soft Indexen
- 2007
Computer Science, Physics
Das Self Management in DBMS, und das Self Tuning als wichtiger Teil davon, gewinnt auf Grund der wachsenden Komplexitat von Systemen und Anwendungen und den daraus resultierenden steigenden…
18 References
Autonomous query-driven index mining
- 2004
Computer Science
A cost model taking into account the benefits of indexes for an evolving query workload is presented and strategies for choosing indexes to be created in a space-limited environment are discussed.
Index selection in a self-adaptive data base management system
- 1976
Computer Science
The principles of the automatic index selection facility of a prototype self-adaptive data base management system that is currently under development are described and an heuristic algorithm for selecting indices to match projected access requirements is presented.
On the Selection of Secondary Indices in Relational Databases
- 1993
Computer Science, Mathematics
An Efficient Cost-Driven Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server
- 1997
Computer Science
Novel techniques that make it possible to build an industrial-strength tool for automating the choice of indexes in the physical design of a SQL database, and an iterative approach to handle the complexity arising from multicolumn indexes are described.
Index selection for OLAP
- 1997
Computer Science
The authors give algorithms that automate the selection of summary tables and indexes, and present a family of algorithms of increasing time complexities, and prove strong performance bounds for them.
The LRU-K page replacement algorithm for database disk buffering
- 1993
Computer Science
The LRU-K algorithm surpasses conventional buffering algorithms in discriminating between frequently and infrequently referenced pages, and adapts in real time to changing patterns of access.
Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences
- 2003
Computer Science
Physical database design for data warehouses
- 1997
Computer Science, Engineering
An A* search based solution to the view index selection (VIS) problem is presented as well as rules of thumb and additional experiments are performed to understand the space-time tradeoff as it applies to data warehouses.
A Framework for Automating Physical Database Design
- 1991
Computer Science
This method is envisioned as a cornerstone in the efficient implementation of a Turing-complete, very-high-level progra.tions, but it is also suitable for more conventional relational and -1NF database management.