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Client workbook - INTRODUCTION
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
Trademark owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. Insurance Services Inc.
Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. Investors Group Trust Co. Ltd. is a federally regulated trust company and the mortgagee.
Mortgages are offered through I.G. Investment Management, Ltd. Inquiries will be referred to a Mortgage Planning (Agent) Specialist. Banking products and services
are distributed through Solutions BankingTM
. Solutions Banking products and services are provided by National Bank of Canada.
Solutions Banking is a trademark of Power Financial Corporation. Investors Group and design are trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its
subsidiary corporations. National Bank of Canada is a licensed user of these trademarks.
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
From a Science Point-Of-View...
We initially take a snap shot of each client’s current financial situation.
We quantify investment objectives (in terms of risk tolerance and return
expectations). Then we identify constraints in achieving these objectives
(such as liquidity needs, time horizon, taxes, inflation). Next we
benchmark the portfolio to properly gauge its performance and risk.
That process provides an initial level of clarity.
While the asset-allocation decision is the primary choice in achieving
investment objectives, it is not the only one. We will support our
recommendations with documentation, and attempt to minimize transaction
costs and reduce taxes. It is vital that we continuously monitor and evaluate
changing capital market and economic conditions to take advantage of
opportunities and ensure we hold ourselves accountable to our commitments.
While every good advisor does that, the question arises, why else should
I work with you? That’s the ART.
From an ART Point Of View...
I believe the Art in each client’s success has come from our Paradigm
shift from “Traditional” Financial Planning. Too many advisors have their
telescopes looking outward, identifying success with “External Events”
(i.e. Economy, Markets). They justify their success and happiness
externally (i.e. “I’ll be happy if I get a pay raise”, “I’ll be happy when
my mortgage is paid off”). Our approach is to break this pattern of an
external locus of control. We put away the telescope and bring out
the microscope. Our approach is to start by ensuring clients have the
correct Psychology of Wealth. We focus on an internal locus of control
first. This journey begins with eliminating past conditioned subconscious
mechanisms that guide our decision making process; and re-engraining
the correct mental framing for correct decision making.
I have always listened with humility and respect to each
client’s life story and investment goals. Whether it be
financial independence, security, providing for their families
or avoiding a significant lifestyle change in retirement,
the one thing I know is it starts with a plan.”
“In today’s society too many
people neglect to take an
active interest in the steps
required to achieve their
financial goals. They are
unaware of the strategies
and opportunities available
to them. Sadly, most lose out.
I enjoy passing along the
wisdom and techniques I have
learned about creating and
managing wealth.”
“I believe most advisors truly care about helping their clients. Unfortunately, like the Pavlovian dog, most have
been “conditioned” to provide their clients with products and strategies to avoid poverty rather than to achieve
financial wealth. Our approach involves a paradigm shift from that “Traditional” Financial Planning.
Clients have come to expect a superior risk-adjusted return on their investments. I believe this comes from the
Paradigm Shift in our approach to Wealth Creation. The recipe for our success is Part Science and Part Art.
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
X External Focus on Markets and Economy
X Focus on Pain Avoidance and Fear of Loss
X Behave via Conditioned Responses
X Linear Planning
X Left Brained Analysis
X Traditional Approaches
X Focus on Doing what the Masses do
X Work for Money
X Managing Time
3 Look Internally First
3 Focus on Goal Attainment
3 Breaking Conditioning by Interrupting Patterns
3 Holistic Approach - Begin with the End
3 Right Brained Insight - Emotional Intelligence First
3 Alternative Approaches
3 Focus on Treating yourself like a Corporation
3 Make your Money Work for You
3 Managing Energy
congratulations on taking the first (and most important) step towards
achieving your financial goals. as you may have realized, our approach
is not traditional. We hope that our approach will resonate with you
as you begin to take your first step towards a new paradigm in wealth
creation and wealth management.
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
The first stage is scheduling a meeting with a member of our Practice. We
will define certain targets and evaluate your current Finances. During this
stage you will be provided with homework consisting of questionnaires and
a financial statement checklist. From this, we will establish your realistic
goals. We will also establish an Investor Profile designed to gauge your level
of risk and establish your current financial situation as a result of having you
fax us your statements.
We will provide you with a Letter of Understanding which outlines certain
things such as credentials, corporate backgrounds, compensation methods,
the scope of services provided, confidentiality, your role in the process,
conflicts of interest, assumptions, and so on.
We then use our sophisticated, proprietary financial planning software along
with our Strategic Investment Planning software to establish a plan, outline
optional strategies, make recommendations and conduct “what-if” scenarios.
Further, we review assumptions with you during this stage to gauge the
validity of our projections (ie: inflation, taxes, capital yield, mortality, etc.).
We will also establish an Investment Policy Statement to hold ourselves
accountable to our commitments.
At this point, should we agree to work together (based on a mutually
agreed upon fit), we will outline how to get started based on your time
horizon, risk tolerance, goals, knowledge, and so on. This stage involves
implementing the plan and will be based on the details provided by
you so please be accurate when you are completing our workbook and
questionnaires. Your written plan will be tailored specifically to your goals.
Regular review plays an important role in holding ourselves accountable.
They allow for discussions regarding changes in life events, personal
circumstances, tax laws and economic circumstances. Such circumstantial
changes may determine a need for a plan adjustment. Regularly scheduled
reviews are highly recommended to ensure that you stay on target.
Shafik conducts meaningful
conversations that are called
financial life dialogues, and
they are central to the
financial planning process.
Through this program,
you will be given the tools to
truly understand your own goals
and dreams, thus allowing us to
create a financial plan that is
meaningful and attainable.
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
• 1993	 B.Comm. - University of Calgary, Bachelor of Commerce - Major:
Finance (Hons.), Double Minor (Psych. and Econ.)
• 1998	 CFP - The Financial Planners Standards Council of Canada Certified
Financial Planning Designation
• 1998	 CIFP - Canadian Institute of Financial Planning Chartered Financial
Planning Designation
• 1999	 IFIC - Investment Funds Institute of Canada Branch Managers Course
• 2002	 CPH - Canadian Securities Institute Conducts and Practices Course
• 2004	 CFA Level I - Association for Investment Management and Research
Chartered Financial Analyst
• 2005	 Advocis™ Financial Advisors Association - Chartered
• 2007	 CFA Level II
• Chosen as Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40: Avenue Magazine
• Appearances on CTV’s “Alberta Primetime” and guest speaker on
CBC Radio
• Published author and writer for the Calgary Herald
• Founder, Hirani Foundation for Charitable Giving: established 2010
• Treasurer, Point McKay Community Association: 2006 - 2008
• Vice President, Advocis™ (Media Relations): 2003 - 2006
• Executive Board of Directors, Advocis™: 2002
• Instructor, Mount Royal College - CFP (Chartered Financial Planning
Designation): 1999 - 2005
• Vice President, Canadian Association of Financial Planners: 1998 - 2004
“Not only is Shafik attentive in
matching my portfolio to my goals
on a timely basis, he is also a
pleasure to do business with. He is
professional and tactfully explicit
always with a touch of humor and
good grace.”
Sue Blanchard
Co-Author of Best Selling Book:
“Becoming The Wealthy Woman 
Wealthy Procrastinator”
“I have known Shafik for most
of his career, he is very driven,
personable, and always does
whatever it takes to make sure my
investments are going in the direc-
tion that I need them to go (both
corporate and personal).”
Todd Plettell
CEO, Web Universe
Consulting Inc.
“Shafik is extremely knowledgeable
in his field and I have found him to
show integrity in his dealings. He
has my endorsement.”
Shiraz Ali
President, Budget Rent-A-Car
“As a news anchor for Global
2  7, I have grown to respect
credibility and analysis, and that
made me choose to deal with him.”
Nirmala Naidoo
News Anchor, Global TV
• Awarded Presidents Elite (Top 1% of Investors Group Consultants out of
4,500 Advisors): 2006-20121
• Consistently the top Division Director at Investors Group since 20062
• Awarded Presidents Club (Top 3% of Investors Group Consultants): 20041
1. Based on Investors Group New Business
2.Investors Group National TOP Leader (2006-2008,2010-2012) and National Division Director of
the Year award winner (2006-2009,2012) based on performance, production critera, coaching
and mentoring of Consultants.
SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL
YOUR Team of professionals
Brett Williams
Cassandra Raimundu
Scarlett Zou
Colin Phillips
Through his region office, Shafik has access to
a team of specialists in the areas of mortgage,
banking, estate management, small business,
accounting and law.
Denis Glowasky
TJ Diehl
Kelly Balaberda
Member, Canadian Investors Protection Fund
I.G. Investment Management ltd
I.G. Insurance services inc
Investors group securities inc.
Dome Tower: Suite 800, 333 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 2Z1
TOLL FREE (800) 347-0296 PHONE (403) 284-0494 FAX (403) 289-9674

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Shafik hirani introductionbooklet

  • 1. Client workbook - INTRODUCTION
  • 2. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL TM Trademark owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. Investors Group Trust Co. Ltd. is a federally regulated trust company and the mortgagee. Mortgages are offered through I.G. Investment Management, Ltd. Inquiries will be referred to a Mortgage Planning (Agent) Specialist. Banking products and services are distributed through Solutions BankingTM . Solutions Banking products and services are provided by National Bank of Canada. TM Solutions Banking is a trademark of Power Financial Corporation. Investors Group and design are trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. National Bank of Canada is a licensed user of these trademarks.
  • 3. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL ScienceART From a Science Point-Of-View... We initially take a snap shot of each client’s current financial situation. We quantify investment objectives (in terms of risk tolerance and return expectations). Then we identify constraints in achieving these objectives (such as liquidity needs, time horizon, taxes, inflation). Next we benchmark the portfolio to properly gauge its performance and risk. That process provides an initial level of clarity. While the asset-allocation decision is the primary choice in achieving investment objectives, it is not the only one. We will support our recommendations with documentation, and attempt to minimize transaction costs and reduce taxes. It is vital that we continuously monitor and evaluate changing capital market and economic conditions to take advantage of opportunities and ensure we hold ourselves accountable to our commitments. While every good advisor does that, the question arises, why else should I work with you? That’s the ART. From an ART Point Of View... I believe the Art in each client’s success has come from our Paradigm shift from “Traditional” Financial Planning. Too many advisors have their telescopes looking outward, identifying success with “External Events” (i.e. Economy, Markets). They justify their success and happiness externally (i.e. “I’ll be happy if I get a pay raise”, “I’ll be happy when my mortgage is paid off”). Our approach is to break this pattern of an external locus of control. We put away the telescope and bring out the microscope. Our approach is to start by ensuring clients have the correct Psychology of Wealth. We focus on an internal locus of control first. This journey begins with eliminating past conditioned subconscious mechanisms that guide our decision making process; and re-engraining the correct mental framing for correct decision making. I have always listened with humility and respect to each client’s life story and investment goals. Whether it be financial independence, security, providing for their families or avoiding a significant lifestyle change in retirement, the one thing I know is it starts with a plan.” A MESSAGE from SHAFIK HIRANI... “In today’s society too many people neglect to take an active interest in the steps required to achieve their financial goals. They are unaware of the strategies and opportunities available to them. Sadly, most lose out. I enjoy passing along the wisdom and techniques I have learned about creating and managing wealth.” THE UNIQUENESS OF OUR PHILOSOPHY “I believe most advisors truly care about helping their clients. Unfortunately, like the Pavlovian dog, most have been “conditioned” to provide their clients with products and strategies to avoid poverty rather than to achieve financial wealth. Our approach involves a paradigm shift from that “Traditional” Financial Planning. Clients have come to expect a superior risk-adjusted return on their investments. I believe this comes from the Paradigm Shift in our approach to Wealth Creation. The recipe for our success is Part Science and Part Art.
  • 4. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL THE TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO FINANCIAL PLANNING X External Focus on Markets and Economy X Focus on Pain Avoidance and Fear of Loss X Behave via Conditioned Responses X Linear Planning X Left Brained Analysis X Traditional Approaches X Focus on Doing what the Masses do X Work for Money X Managing Time OUR APPROACH TO FINANCIAL PLANNING 3 Look Internally First 3 Focus on Goal Attainment 3 Breaking Conditioning by Interrupting Patterns 3 Holistic Approach - Begin with the End 3 Right Brained Insight - Emotional Intelligence First 3 Alternative Approaches 3 Focus on Treating yourself like a Corporation 3 Make your Money Work for You 3 Managing Energy OUR PARADIGM SHIFT ON WEALTH CREATION congratulations on taking the first (and most important) step towards achieving your financial goals. as you may have realized, our approach is not traditional. We hope that our approach will resonate with you as you begin to take your first step towards a new paradigm in wealth creation and wealth management.
  • 5. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL The first stage is scheduling a meeting with a member of our Practice. We will define certain targets and evaluate your current Finances. During this stage you will be provided with homework consisting of questionnaires and a financial statement checklist. From this, we will establish your realistic goals. We will also establish an Investor Profile designed to gauge your level of risk and establish your current financial situation as a result of having you fax us your statements. We will provide you with a Letter of Understanding which outlines certain things such as credentials, corporate backgrounds, compensation methods, the scope of services provided, confidentiality, your role in the process, conflicts of interest, assumptions, and so on. We then use our sophisticated, proprietary financial planning software along with our Strategic Investment Planning software to establish a plan, outline optional strategies, make recommendations and conduct “what-if” scenarios. Further, we review assumptions with you during this stage to gauge the validity of our projections (ie: inflation, taxes, capital yield, mortality, etc.). We will also establish an Investment Policy Statement to hold ourselves accountable to our commitments. At this point, should we agree to work together (based on a mutually agreed upon fit), we will outline how to get started based on your time horizon, risk tolerance, goals, knowledge, and so on. This stage involves implementing the plan and will be based on the details provided by you so please be accurate when you are completing our workbook and questionnaires. Your written plan will be tailored specifically to your goals. Regular review plays an important role in holding ourselves accountable. They allow for discussions regarding changes in life events, personal circumstances, tax laws and economic circumstances. Such circumstantial changes may determine a need for a plan adjustment. Regularly scheduled reviews are highly recommended to ensure that you stay on target. OUR FINANCIAL LIFE PLANNING WHEEL ILLUSTRATES THE UNIQUENESS OF OUR APPROACH Shafik conducts meaningful conversations that are called financial life dialogues, and they are central to the financial planning process. Through this program, you will be given the tools to truly understand your own goals and dreams, thus allowing us to create a financial plan that is meaningful and attainable. 1 2 3 4 DISCOVERY REVIEW ANALYSIS PRESENTATION IMPLEMENTATION REGULAR REVIEW OUR PROCESS
  • 6. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL ACHIEVEMENTS AWARDS EDUCATION • 1993 B.Comm. - University of Calgary, Bachelor of Commerce - Major: Finance (Hons.), Double Minor (Psych. and Econ.) • 1998 CFP - The Financial Planners Standards Council of Canada Certified Financial Planning Designation • 1998 CIFP - Canadian Institute of Financial Planning Chartered Financial Planning Designation • 1999 IFIC - Investment Funds Institute of Canada Branch Managers Course • 2002 CPH - Canadian Securities Institute Conducts and Practices Course • 2004 CFA Level I - Association for Investment Management and Research Chartered Financial Analyst • 2005 Advocis™ Financial Advisors Association - Chartered • 2007 CFA Level II • Chosen as Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40: Avenue Magazine • Appearances on CTV’s “Alberta Primetime” and guest speaker on CBC Radio • Published author and writer for the Calgary Herald • Founder, Hirani Foundation for Charitable Giving: established 2010 • Treasurer, Point McKay Community Association: 2006 - 2008 • Vice President, Advocis™ (Media Relations): 2003 - 2006 • Executive Board of Directors, Advocis™: 2002 • Instructor, Mount Royal College - CFP (Chartered Financial Planning Designation): 1999 - 2005 • Vice President, Canadian Association of Financial Planners: 1998 - 2004 SHAFIK’s BIOGRAPHY TESTIMONIALS “Not only is Shafik attentive in matching my portfolio to my goals on a timely basis, he is also a pleasure to do business with. He is professional and tactfully explicit always with a touch of humor and good grace.” Sue Blanchard Co-Author of Best Selling Book: “Becoming The Wealthy Woman Wealthy Procrastinator” “I have known Shafik for most of his career, he is very driven, personable, and always does whatever it takes to make sure my investments are going in the direc- tion that I need them to go (both corporate and personal).” Todd Plettell CEO, Web Universe Consulting Inc. “Shafik is extremely knowledgeable in his field and I have found him to show integrity in his dealings. He has my endorsement.” Shiraz Ali President, Budget Rent-A-Car “As a news anchor for Global 2 7, I have grown to respect credibility and analysis, and that made me choose to deal with him.” Nirmala Naidoo News Anchor, Global TV • Awarded Presidents Elite (Top 1% of Investors Group Consultants out of 4,500 Advisors): 2006-20121 • Consistently the top Division Director at Investors Group since 20062 • Awarded Presidents Club (Top 3% of Investors Group Consultants): 20041 1. Based on Investors Group New Business 2.Investors Group National TOP Leader (2006-2008,2010-2012) and National Division Director of the Year award winner (2006-2009,2012) based on performance, production critera, coaching and mentoring of Consultants.
  • 7. SHAFIK HIRANI | phone (403) 284-0494 (ext. 262) EMAIL SHAFIK’s TEAM YOUR Team of professionals Brett Williams Cassandra Raimundu Scarlett Zou Colin Phillips ASSOCIATE CONSULTANT OPERATIONS AND BOOKING EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT MARKETING COORDINATOR Through his region office, Shafik has access to a team of specialists in the areas of mortgage, banking, estate management, small business, accounting and law. Denis Glowasky TJ Diehl Kelly Balaberda Member, Canadian Investors Protection Fund MORTGAGE PLANNING SPECIALIST I.G. Investment Management ltd INSURANCE MANAGER I.G. Insurance services inc SECURITIES SPECIALIST Investors group securities inc.
  • 8. SHAFIK HIRANI’S PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Dome Tower: Suite 800, 333 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 2Z1 TOLL FREE (800) 347-0296 PHONE (403) 284-0494 FAX (403) 289-9674 EMAIL WEB