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Social Media Trends for 2014
By James Whatley & Marshall Manson

„Content marketing‟ is the buzz term of 2013 and as a
result, every brand (and their corresponding agencies) is on
the hook to constantly create content.
Continuously churning through idea after idea, meme after
The desire to continually satiate the online hunger for more,
more, more means that the content created in turn becomes
smaller, faster and, unsurprisingly, quicker to consume.
Inevitably, this leads to mistakes.
Tweet & Delete
With the inescapable errors that happen in 24hr content
hubs, the chances of a piece of work slipping out the door a)
without the correct sign off or b) errors, increase.
However, unlike an offensive print ad, or a sexist TV
commercial, social channels allow media owners to reach into
the past and delete the offending content – as if it had never
existed in the first place.
This comes with as many risks as it does rewards. The latter
in that it can be missed by many; and for the former: the rise
of screen captured content having post-deletion infamy on the
Buzzfeeds and Reddits of this world.
With the advent and subsequent global penetration of social
media, the professional adults of today are finding that the
penchant for over-sharing that was so new and exciting back
in the noughties is slowly coming back to haunt them.
Well, we‟ve got news for you on this: the kids are wise to it.
The generation growing up RIGHT NOW is unlike no other
before. This is the generation that has never known a world
without the Internet.
Can you even imagine that now?


It‟s an obvious choice but it
simply cannot be ignored.
Given the veracity at which
teenagers have embraced the
platform and its Mission
Impossible-esque way of
dealing with messaging, it‟s no
wonder brands are also getting
in on the act.
New York based frozen yogurt
chain, 16 Handles, was the first
brand to do anything with the
disappearing content platform.
Customers (who were friends
with the brand on the app)
received a special coupon code
for 16%, 50% or 100% off which
they then have just 10 seconds
to show the cashier.
The clincher: customers had to
commit to purchase before
opening their snap.

Taco Bell announced the comeback
of its „Beefy Crunch Burrito‟ using the
platform to share the news with its
biggest fans.
This was the first brand/Snapchat tie
in with the social platform using a
„mass sending‟ functionality for the
first time.

To celebrate
Halloween, Doritos UK used
its in-house Mariachi Band (as
featured in its TV campaign)
to send personalized
Halloween messages to its
biggest fans.
The campaign only ran for a
day and it was supported with
media in other social

Creatives love to be provocative. Be it running work in far
away places to get a cheeky award entry in, through to just
wanting to get something in for a Chip Shop* (Google it).
The Delete and Tweet category shows that its not just
audiences who want their media to disappear, sometimes it‟s
brands too.

UK toilet roll brand,
Charmin, tweeted (and
deleted) this pun-tastic
play on words to tie in
with the launch of THOR:
We‟re guessing legal
wasn‟t happy?
Buzzfeed loved it at least.
The Home Depot quickly
deleted this „agencycreated‟ photo banter after
several followers pointed
out its racial connotations.
Home Depot apologized,
blamed their agency, and
sacked the individual
responsible. In that order.


Chance favors the prepared
To get that viral smash, you
need to have the approval
processes sorted, the brand
guidelines locked, and the
right people in place to
Too many times we see
headlines that blame young
talent for a social media
No, the mistake starts at the
top. You need damn good
talent to make great content
that‟s worth missing.
When it comes to the
ephemeral, it‟s time to be

There‟s no point in having
the right processes and
the right people if you
simply don‟t have the
prowess to get it done
Speed is of the essence

When social media arrived,
industry commentators
heralded a new era of 2-way
conversation between
brands and consumers.
What they didn‟t bank on
was the same 2-way
conversation being opened
up between BRANDS.
It will only GROW in 2014.

Social media is no longer a new thing.
Marketers understand that
while consumers expect
brands to have a voice in
social media, they can also
get away with a lot more too.

We‟ve been talking about
brands „Being Human‟ in
social for the best part of
seven years, but finally
some of them are getting
the hint.

What starts with a bit of
chatter between Tesco
and a customer soon
descends into an all out
FMCG love-in, including
Jaffa Cakes, Yorkshire
Tea, Phileas Fogg, and
All with their own distinct
tone of voice, all with their
own bit of brand banter.

When one customer wondered out loud (via Twitter) as to why
he was still with AT&T, T-Mobile stepped in and beckoned him
to join them. AT&T tried to fight back, but when TMO‟s own
CEO stepped into the fray, they had no chance.

Being a fun brand on Twitter will always endear you to
your followers, just keep in mind that your customers will
need you from time to time too.
Being helpful and informative from time to time is equally
as important, if not more so.

Twitter UK have a simple image to help those „new kids on
the block‟ brands who have yet to find their tone of voice.
“Helpful, funny, or informative: choose two” – Twitter UK
Before you engage in brand banter, you need to ask yourself
if your voice is authentic. We‟ve already commented on the
requirement for brands to show the more human side to them.
This is not news. Keeping that side authentic and true is the
tricky part. Do that, and banter will be yours.
“Hey! Let‟s be funny!” doesn‟t always work.
Especially if your brand
guidelines state
When finding your online
tone of voice, using that
dusty old brand book
that‟s currently propping
up your monitor is not a
bad place to start.

It‟s so simple we can‟t
believe we‟re typing it but
IT‟S TRUE: don‟t tweet
something that‟s so stupid
you wouldn‟t tweet it from
your own account.
Seriously. Just don‟t.

As global brands have pushed
harder to engage with brand
fans, communities have grown
into the millions. But many are
using this only as an
opportunity to reach mass
audiences with one-to-many
Connecting with smaller groups
within communities for more
substantive, relevant dialogue
can be difficult and often
Once new members
connect with the brand‟s
community, they often
don‟t see the themes that
attracted them reflected in
the day to day content.
This disconnect
discourages engagement
and undermines the value
of the community.
Facebook‟s Custom
Audiences tool provides
improved targeting where
paid content will appear in
users‟ newsfeeds.
More data about community
members is available from
the API as well. The result is
the improved ability to target
relevant content more
effectively at smaller
community segments.


Talking to smaller segments of
your community will improve the
content effectiveness and lead
to higher engagement. The
following four principles will
drive success…
1. Target members with themed content
consistent with the content that caused
them to join or that they have engaged with
2. Get a conversation going among a small
group within the community around their
focused interest.
3. Leaders in each interest area are
potentially powerful advocates, both
within and beyond the community.
4. Watch member interactions with other
brand content to identify adjacent
interests, then work to fuel their interest
in those topics.

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3 Social Trends For 2014

  • 1. Social Media Trends for 2014 By James Whatley & Marshall Manson 1
  • 3. THE CONTENT CHURN „Content marketing‟ is the buzz term of 2013 and as a result, every brand (and their corresponding agencies) is on the hook to constantly create content. Continuously churning through idea after idea, meme after meme… The desire to continually satiate the online hunger for more, more, more means that the content created in turn becomes smaller, faster and, unsurprisingly, quicker to consume. Inevitably, this leads to mistakes.
  • 4. Tweet & Delete With the inescapable errors that happen in 24hr content hubs, the chances of a piece of work slipping out the door a) without the correct sign off or b) errors, increase. However, unlike an offensive print ad, or a sexist TV commercial, social channels allow media owners to reach into the past and delete the offending content – as if it had never existed in the first place. This comes with as many risks as it does rewards. The latter in that it can be missed by many; and for the former: the rise of screen captured content having post-deletion infamy on the Buzzfeeds and Reddits of this world.
  • 5. TEENAGE LEGACY REDUCTION With the advent and subsequent global penetration of social media, the professional adults of today are finding that the penchant for over-sharing that was so new and exciting back in the noughties is slowly coming back to haunt them. Well, we‟ve got news for you on this: the kids are wise to it. The generation growing up RIGHT NOW is unlike no other before. This is the generation that has never known a world without the Internet. Can you even imagine that now?
  • 7. SNAPCHAT It‟s an obvious choice but it simply cannot be ignored. Given the veracity at which teenagers have embraced the platform and its Mission Impossible-esque way of dealing with messaging, it‟s no wonder brands are also getting in on the act.
  • 8. EXAMPLE: 16 HANDLES New York based frozen yogurt chain, 16 Handles, was the first brand to do anything with the disappearing content platform. Customers (who were friends with the brand on the app) received a special coupon code for 16%, 50% or 100% off which they then have just 10 seconds to show the cashier. The clincher: customers had to commit to purchase before opening their snap.
  • 9. EXAMPLE: TACO BELL Taco Bell announced the comeback of its „Beefy Crunch Burrito‟ using the platform to share the news with its biggest fans. This was the first brand/Snapchat tie in with the social platform using a „mass sending‟ functionality for the first time.
  • 10. EXAMPLE: DORITOS UK To celebrate Halloween, Doritos UK used its in-house Mariachi Band (as featured in its TV campaign) to send personalized Halloween messages to its biggest fans. The campaign only ran for a day and it was supported with media in other social channels.
  • 11. QUICK! DELETE! Creatives love to be provocative. Be it running work in far away places to get a cheeky award entry in, through to just wanting to get something in for a Chip Shop* (Google it). The Delete and Tweet category shows that its not just audiences who want their media to disappear, sometimes it‟s brands too. *
  • 12. EXAMPLE: CHARMIN UK toilet roll brand, Charmin, tweeted (and deleted) this pun-tastic play on words to tie in with the launch of THOR: THE DARK WORLD. We‟re guessing legal wasn‟t happy? Buzzfeed loved it at least.
  • 13. EXAMPLE: HOME DEPOT The Home Depot quickly deleted this „agencycreated‟ photo banter after several followers pointed out its racial connotations. Home Depot apologized, blamed their agency, and sacked the individual responsible. In that order. Ouch.
  • 15. PREPARATION, PREPARATION, PREPARATION Chance favors the prepared mind. To get that viral smash, you need to have the approval processes sorted, the brand guidelines locked, and the right people in place to execute.
  • 16. WANT AN ‘A’ GAME? RECRUIT THE ‘A’ TEAM Too many times we see headlines that blame young talent for a social media mistake. No, the mistake starts at the top. You need damn good talent to make great content that‟s worth missing. When it comes to the ephemeral, it‟s time to be incredible.
  • 17. BE QUICK, BE NIMBLE, BE AGILE There‟s no point in having the right processes and the right people if you simply don‟t have the prowess to get it done promptly. Speed is of the essence
  • 18. TREND 2: BRAND BANTER 18
  • 19. BRANDS HAVE A VOICE TOO When social media arrived, industry commentators heralded a new era of 2-way conversation between brands and consumers. What they didn‟t bank on was the same 2-way conversation being opened up between BRANDS. It will only GROW in 2014.
  • 20. SOCIAL MEDIA MATURITY Social media is no longer a new thing. Marketers understand that while consumers expect brands to have a voice in social media, they can also get away with a lot more too. We‟ve been talking about brands „Being Human‟ in social for the best part of seven years, but finally some of them are getting the hint.
  • 22. EXAMPLE: TESCO MOBILE, YORKSHIRE TEA, CADBURY AND MORE… What starts with a bit of chatter between Tesco and a customer soon descends into an all out FMCG love-in, including Jaffa Cakes, Yorkshire Tea, Phileas Fogg, and Cadbury. All with their own distinct tone of voice, all with their own bit of brand banter.
  • 23. EXAMPLE: AT&T AND TMO When one customer wondered out loud (via Twitter) as to why he was still with AT&T, T-Mobile stepped in and beckoned him to join them. AT&T tried to fight back, but when TMO‟s own CEO stepped into the fray, they had no chance.
  • 25. CONTINUE TO BE HELPFUL Being a fun brand on Twitter will always endear you to your followers, just keep in mind that your customers will need you from time to time too. Being helpful and informative from time to time is equally as important, if not more so.
  • 26. CHOOSE TWO Twitter UK have a simple image to help those „new kids on the block‟ brands who have yet to find their tone of voice. “Helpful, funny, or informative: choose two” – Twitter UK
  • 27. IS YOUR VOICE AUTHENTIC? Before you engage in brand banter, you need to ask yourself if your voice is authentic. We‟ve already commented on the requirement for brands to show the more human side to them. This is not news. Keeping that side authentic and true is the tricky part. Do that, and banter will be yours.
  • 28. ARE YOU WITHIN YOUR BRAND GUIDELINES? “Hey! Let‟s be funny!” doesn‟t always work. Especially if your brand guidelines state otherwise. When finding your online tone of voice, using that dusty old brand book that‟s currently propping up your monitor is not a bad place to start.
  • 29. ARE YOU BEING STUPID? It‟s so simple we can‟t believe we‟re typing it but IT‟S TRUE: don‟t tweet something that‟s so stupid you wouldn‟t tweet it from your own account. Seriously. Just don‟t.
  • 31. LARGE GLOBAL COMMUNITIES As global brands have pushed harder to engage with brand fans, communities have grown into the millions. But many are using this only as an opportunity to reach mass audiences with one-to-many messages. Connecting with smaller groups within communities for more substantive, relevant dialogue can be difficult and often inefficient.
  • 32. MEMBERS JOIN FOR DIFFERENT REASONS Once new members connect with the brand‟s community, they often don‟t see the themes that attracted them reflected in the day to day content. This disconnect discourages engagement and undermines the value of the community.
  • 33. NEW PLATFORM FUNCTIONALITY Facebook‟s Custom Audiences tool provides improved targeting where paid content will appear in users‟ newsfeeds. More data about community members is available from the API as well. The result is the improved ability to target relevant content more effectively at smaller community segments.
  • 35. FOUR PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS Talking to smaller segments of your community will improve the content effectiveness and lead to higher engagement. The following four principles will drive success…
  • 36. 1. Target members with themed content consistent with the content that caused them to join or that they have engaged with recently.
  • 37. 2. Get a conversation going among a small group within the community around their focused interest.
  • 38. 3. Leaders in each interest area are potentially powerful advocates, both within and beyond the community.
  • 39. 4. Watch member interactions with other brand content to identify adjacent interests, then work to fuel their interest in those topics.

Editor's Notes

  • #7: Image credit: The Verge
  • #9: Source -
  • #10: Source -
  • #11:
  • #24: Source:
  • #31: Photo source:
  • #37: Photo cred:
  • #40: Photo credit: