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Capita Research
Workforce Horizons
Attraction, Development, Retention and Deployment of Talent in
Tomorrow’s Workforce
#FIRMday Manchester March 19th 2015 Capita_Write Research Workforce Horizons
Future Scoping Its Importance to Resourcing
Today Tomorrow 2030
Already aware of
certain trends and
challenges that we
know will be important
into the future:
• Ageing workforce
• Skills shortages
• Changing working
How will these things
change the way we
need to engage,
attract, develop and
deploy our staff?
And what about the
things that we can’t
plan for?
Are we spending enough time today planning for
the outcomes we do know about…. And thinking
about how to prepare for those we don’t?
• Globalisation
• Shifting patterns of economic
• The hourglass workforce
• New demand and
replacement demand
• War for talent
• Changing contractual terms
• Ageing workforce
• Multigenerational workforce
• Increase in workforce
• Decreased political action –
and less money to invest,
particularly in training and
• Policy change which is
empowering employees
The things we can predict…..
Understanding the Trajectories
People and Society
• With empowerment comes
changing expectations –
engagement and meaningful
• Work as a consumer
experience and implications for
employer branding
• Different career pathways and
implications for employee
• Flexible working
• A different type of workplace
• Work-life balance
• Impact of AI – new jobs
requiring new skills
• Big data
What we’ve done… what we plan…
The Research
01 02 03
And What Next?
10 Senior
(including: car
industry, logistics,
broadcasting, I.T.,
engineering, local
5 HR Directors
(public sector,
utilities, business
10 Senior
(including financial
online retailing, local
building materials)
An on-line survey
with Resourcing and
HR Professionals
#FIRMday Manchester March 19th 2015 Capita_Write Research Workforce Horizons
What will keep you awake at night?
Project Forward 10 Years…
• Being clear about what the company
stands for and positioning against peers
• What does good look like – matching
people to the brand (skills and values)
• Tailoring the EVP to the target audience
– and tailoring rewards (particularly for
• Influencing perceptions at a young age
• Questions over the locus of
responsibility for employer branding
Flexible Working
• Getting the balance right between
meeting employee needs and
expectations and customer needs and
• Not just about logistics… about culture
• Focus on outputs not inputs
• Agile working – employer led
• Contract workers seen as a necessary
evil and not a solution to flexible
Workforce Planning
• High on the agenda
and critical to
successful talent
• But hampered by a lack
of joined up thinking
between corporate
teams and strategic
• And hampered by a
lack of skills/capacity
for data analytics
Engagement and the Passive
• Candidates becoming more
discerning and more demanding…
“sell to me and tell me why I should
work for you”
• Early engagement important so the
benefits are understood before the
vacancy becomes available
• Engagement with current staff
critical to retention….
• And improvements in succession
planning required to nurture and
retain top talent
• Do candidates want to stay with one
organisation – or do they want to job
• Social communication central to this
Holistic Career Management
• People are ‘buying’ careers and
development opportunities – not
just jobs
• Balance between supporting
individuals in their career
aspirations and supporting the
business in its change/development
• There are barriers
• Line manager lack of
understanding of career
management and planning
• Lack of role models other than
Closer Working with the Business
• Closer alignment of HR planning
with business strategy
• Is HR about protecting the interests
of staff in the workplace or about
aligning people to the needs of the
• The balance is shifting towards the
latter (although not at the expense
of engagement)
• HR professionals need to be more
business savvy
• HR should have a place at the top
Branding and
and the
Holistic Career
with the
…where does it feature in resourcing’s future?
Big Data
Workforce Planning
Working with
Senior Managers
Workforce Planning
• Big data is key ….but few can
articulate the specific data they will
• It must add value and not just
provide some interesting facts
• It should provide clear direction for
• Data hard to gather in devolved
• We also need to look outwards
Improved Working with Senior
• A more legitimate voice at the top
Performance Management
• A need to be able to demonstrate
the linkage between people assets
and business performance
• Measuring real engagement
(whether or not the organisation is
providing work that enhances
personal value) will remain
• Not wholly clear how… but in terms
of designing new recruitment
solutions that better meet the needs
of candidates and the business
Where will the skills gaps be?
If the war for talent is still raging…
Areas of Skills Shortage
Project Management
Qualified Drivers
Social Workers/Qualified Care Staff
Why are we still
fighting the war for
these skills when they
have been in short
supply for so long?
What is stopping the
development of talent
in these areas?
What do we really
mean by a skills gap/
skills shortage?
Supply Channels
In the future, where will talent come from?
Links with
Grow your Own
Graduate Recruitment
• A continual supply of high calibre
individuals to fulfil ‘replacement
• As well as graduate programmes,
developing internships and
Links with University
• But not always leaving the nature
and content of training ‘to
chance’….increasingly developing
relationships with Universities and
even designing bespoke
Apprenticeships and School Leaver
• Talent required through the layers
of multidisciplinary organisations
meaning that these types of
programmes are important in filling
different types of roles
Grow your Own Schemes
• Some organisations have clear
strategies for ‘building from the
• The perennial challenge of retaining
the staff you train remains.
• At a business unit level – targeting
particular community groups with
specific skills/values/lifestyles
proves a positive solution
What will it look like?
The Future Resourcing Landscape
Holistic Solution
• Solutions more closely aligned to the
business agenda. Shift away from
operational to more strategic
• Workforce planning linked to business
• Better linkages between talent
acquisition and talent development
• Longer term horizons and
engagement with tomorrow’s
• Personalisation in both recruitment,
reward and wider HR
• Brand and EVP/ differentiation
• Quality of hire/predictive analytics
• Values-based recruitment
• Managing diversity
• ATS improvement & time to hire
• Talent pool building
• Engagement-led communication
• Targeted social media
• Mobile recruitment
• Flexible working
• Using data to inform decision-making
• Talent mapping
• Talent pooling
• Succession planning
• Engagement and retention
More of the Same
• Solutions more closely aligned to the
business agenda. Shift away from
operational to more strategic
• Workforce planning linked to business
• Better linkages between talent acquisition
and talent development
• Longer term horizons and engagement with
tomorrow’s workforce
• Personalisation in both recruitment, reward
and wider HR
Holistic Solution• The HR function becomes the strategic
‘enabler’ of attracting, developing,
retaining and deploying talent
• Data and evidence will drive a better
understanding of workforce trends and
HR will design interventions to fill skills
gaps through engagement, attraction
and development
• Personalisation will be supported by line
managers who will become very
different ‘agents’ within the organisation
– supported by HR personnel intent on
making organisations attractive and
dynamic workplaces
Strategic Enabler
#FIRMday Manchester March 19th 2015 Capita_Write Research Workforce Horizons
The Big Themes We Need to Prepare For….
The Questions
Is Resourcing stuck in
an operational rut
without the right
permissions to join the
top table?
Are we prepared for a
role at the top table?
(Business savvy, market
savvy, au-fait with
Are we resourcers or
talent managers and do
we need to re-define our
Are we doing enough to
prepare for the
knowledge and skills the
business will need
Is our tool kit polished
and honed?
What should we be
doing today to prepare
for tomorrow?
The Short Term: Getting our House in Order The Longer Term: Being Strategic
Thank you!
Does anyone have any questions?

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#FIRMday Manchester March 19th 2015 Capita_Write Research Workforce Horizons

  • 1. Capita Research Workforce Horizons Attraction, Development, Retention and Deployment of Talent in Tomorrow’s Workforce
  • 3. Future Scoping Its Importance to Resourcing Today Tomorrow 2030 Already aware of certain trends and challenges that we know will be important into the future: • Ageing workforce • Skills shortages • Changing working patterns How will these things change the way we need to engage, attract, develop and deploy our staff? And what about the things that we can’t plan for? Are we spending enough time today planning for the outcomes we do know about…. And thinking about how to prepare for those we don’t?
  • 4. Economics • Globalisation • Shifting patterns of economic activity • The hourglass workforce • New demand and replacement demand • War for talent • Changing contractual terms Demographics • Ageing workforce • Multigenerational workforce • Increase in workforce diversity Legal/Political • Decreased political action – and less money to invest, particularly in training and education • Policy change which is empowering employees The things we can predict….. Understanding the Trajectories People and Society • With empowerment comes changing expectations – engagement and meaningful work • Work as a consumer experience and implications for employer branding • Different career pathways and implications for employee branding Technology • Flexible working • A different type of workplace • Work-life balance • Impact of AI – new jobs requiring new skills • Big data
  • 5. 5 What we’ve done… what we plan… The Research Exploratory Face-to-face Interviews 01 02 03 Group Discussion And What Next? 10 Senior Resourcing Professionals (including: car industry, logistics, broadcasting, I.T., engineering, local government) 5 HR Directors (public sector, utilities, business services) 10 Senior Resourcing Professionals (including financial services, telecommunications, online retailing, local government, building materials) An on-line survey with Resourcing and HR Professionals
  • 7. 7 What will keep you awake at night? Project Forward 10 Years… Branding • Being clear about what the company stands for and positioning against peers • What does good look like – matching people to the brand (skills and values) • Tailoring the EVP to the target audience – and tailoring rewards (particularly for millennials) • Influencing perceptions at a young age • Questions over the locus of responsibility for employer branding Flexible Working • Getting the balance right between meeting employee needs and expectations and customer needs and expectations • Not just about logistics… about culture • Focus on outputs not inputs • Agile working – employer led • Contract workers seen as a necessary evil and not a solution to flexible working Workforce Planning • High on the agenda and critical to successful talent management…. • But hampered by a lack of joined up thinking between corporate teams and strategic units…. • And hampered by a lack of skills/capacity for data analytics Engagement and the Passive Candidate • Candidates becoming more discerning and more demanding… “sell to me and tell me why I should work for you” • Early engagement important so the benefits are understood before the vacancy becomes available • Engagement with current staff critical to retention…. • And improvements in succession planning required to nurture and retain top talent • Do candidates want to stay with one organisation – or do they want to job hop? • Social communication central to this theme Holistic Career Management • People are ‘buying’ careers and development opportunities – not just jobs • Balance between supporting individuals in their career aspirations and supporting the business in its change/development agenda • There are barriers • Line manager lack of understanding of career management and planning • Lack of role models other than managers Closer Working with the Business • Closer alignment of HR planning with business strategy • Is HR about protecting the interests of staff in the workplace or about aligning people to the needs of the business? • The balance is shifting towards the latter (although not at the expense of engagement) • HR professionals need to be more business savvy • HR should have a place at the top table? Branding and EVP Development (14) Flexible Working (13) Workforce Planning (12) Engagement and the Passive Candidate (9) Holistic Career Management (6) Alignment with the Business (5)
  • 8. …where does it feature in resourcing’s future? Big Data Workforce Planning (14) Improved Working with Senior Managers (5) Performance Management (4) Engagement/ Satisfaction (4) Innovation (1) Workforce Planning • Big data is key ….but few can articulate the specific data they will need • It must add value and not just provide some interesting facts • It should provide clear direction for action • Data hard to gather in devolved structures • We also need to look outwards Improved Working with Senior Managers • A more legitimate voice at the top table Performance Management • A need to be able to demonstrate the linkage between people assets and business performance Engagement • Measuring real engagement (whether or not the organisation is providing work that enhances personal value) will remain important Innovation • Not wholly clear how… but in terms of designing new recruitment solutions that better meet the needs of candidates and the business
  • 9. 9 Where will the skills gaps be? If the war for talent is still raging… Areas of Skills Shortage I.T./Technical Engineering Project Management Finance Languages Qualified Drivers Social Workers/Qualified Care Staff Why are we still fighting the war for these skills when they have been in short supply for so long? What is stopping the development of talent in these areas? What do we really mean by a skills gap/ skills shortage?
  • 10. Supply Channels In the future, where will talent come from? Graduate Recruitment (13) Links with University (10) Apprenticeships (9) Grow your Own (9) Targeted Communities (5) Graduate Recruitment • A continual supply of high calibre individuals to fulfil ‘replacement demand’ • As well as graduate programmes, developing internships and placements Links with University • But not always leaving the nature and content of training ‘to chance’….increasingly developing relationships with Universities and even designing bespoke programmes Apprenticeships and School Leaver Programmes • Talent required through the layers of multidisciplinary organisations meaning that these types of programmes are important in filling different types of roles Grow your Own Schemes • Some organisations have clear strategies for ‘building from the bottom’. • The perennial challenge of retaining the staff you train remains. Targeting • At a business unit level – targeting particular community groups with specific skills/values/lifestyles proves a positive solution
  • 11. 11 What will it look like? The Future Resourcing Landscape Holistic Solution • Solutions more closely aligned to the business agenda. Shift away from operational to more strategic • Workforce planning linked to business planning • Better linkages between talent acquisition and talent development • Longer term horizons and engagement with tomorrow’s workforce • Personalisation in both recruitment, reward and wider HR • Brand and EVP/ differentiation • Quality of hire/predictive analytics • Values-based recruitment • Managing diversity • ATS improvement & time to hire • Talent pool building • Engagement-led communication • Targeted social media • Mobile recruitment • Flexible working • Using data to inform decision-making • Talent mapping • Talent pooling • Succession planning • Engagement and retention More of the Same • Solutions more closely aligned to the business agenda. Shift away from operational to more strategic • Workforce planning linked to business planning • Better linkages between talent acquisition and talent development • Longer term horizons and engagement with tomorrow’s workforce • Personalisation in both recruitment, reward and wider HR Holistic Solution• The HR function becomes the strategic ‘enabler’ of attracting, developing, retaining and deploying talent • Data and evidence will drive a better understanding of workforce trends and HR will design interventions to fill skills gaps through engagement, attraction and development • Personalisation will be supported by line managers who will become very different ‘agents’ within the organisation – supported by HR personnel intent on making organisations attractive and dynamic workplaces Strategic Enabler
  • 13. 13 The Big Themes We Need to Prepare For…. The Questions Is Resourcing stuck in an operational rut without the right permissions to join the top table? Are we prepared for a role at the top table? (Business savvy, market savvy, au-fait with analytics)? Are we resourcers or talent managers and do we need to re-define our discipline? Are we doing enough to prepare for the knowledge and skills the business will need tomorrow? Is our tool kit polished and honed? What should we be doing today to prepare for tomorrow? Summary The Short Term: Getting our House in Order The Longer Term: Being Strategic
  • 14. 14 Thank you! Does anyone have any questions?