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5 Ways to Lockdown Your Sensitive Files
           with DLP and FAM

                         Presented by,
         Ash Devata, Sr. Manager, DLP Products, RSA
     Raphael Reich, Director of Product Marketing, Imperva

 Major Trends
 5 Steps to Regain Control
 Conclusion And Q&A
Today’s Presenter
Ash Devata, Sr. Manager, DLP Products, RSA

 Expertise
    + DLP, data security, information
    + Presented at RSA, ISC2 sessions, EMC
      World, etc.
 Worked at
    + RSA, EMC, Startups
    + Chaired sustainable development
      projects in Boston
 Academics
    + Degrees in MBA and Electronics and
      Instrumentation Engineering
    + Co-author of books/journals on BPO
Today’s Presenter
Raphael Reich, Dir. Product Marketing, Imperva

 Expertise
    + 20+ years in product marketing,
      product management, and software
 Professional Experience
    + Cisco, Check Point, Digital Equipment
 Academics
    + Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
      from UC Santa Cruz
    + MBA from UCLA
 Major Trends
 5 Steps to Regain Control
 Conclusion And Q&A

Data is Growing & Constantly Changing

                         Enterprise data volume
                                                             Substantial volume
               80%             Unstructured (file data)      IDC: 2009 File-Based Storage Taxonomy, 11/09

                               Structured (DB, Apps)

         400                             60%

         200                                                 Constant growth
         100                                                 IDC: 11/09
                1    2    3     4    5   6    7   8    9

                     • As data grows, so does the volume of user access rights
                     • Rights are also very dynamic
                              • Employees, contractors, consultants, etc., join/leave the
                                organization, start/finish projects, change job roles, etc.
Two Types of Sensitive Data

               Data You                    Data You
                 Collect                     Create

         • Credit card data          • Intellectual property
         • Privacy data (PII)        • Financial information
         • Health care information   • Trade secrets
And Companies Are Losing Data

                         Three Main Threat Vectors

         1                             2                        3

 Non-malicious end             IT and Business            Malicious user
user trying to get the          managing data          stealing data using
       job done             without total visibility     authorized tools
And There Are Regulations to Prevent Data Loss

   Regulations: sensitive data must be protected
Regulation           Scope                          Example Requirement                       Control measure
                                     Requirement 7: “Restrict access to cardholder         Audit and review user
PCI-DSS      Credit card data
                                     data by business need to know”                                  rights
                                     Section 164.312(b): “Implement…mechanisms
HIPAA        Healthcare-related PII                                                         Activity monitoring
                                     that record and examine activity…”
FERC-                                Requirement 5.1.2: “…create historical audit trails
             US energy industry                                                             Activity monitoring
NERC                                 of individual user account access activity.”
                                     Section 120.17: Restricts “Disclosing…or              Audit and review user
ITAR         US weapons export
                                     transferring technical data to a foreign person…”               rights
                                     Section 17.04 (1d): “…restrict access to active       Audit and review user
MA 201                               users and active user accounts…"                        rights, plus Activity
             PII of state residents                                     Summary
CMR 17                               Section 17.04 (2a) "restrict those who    monitoring to identify
                                              Requirements                               Controls
                                     need…to perform their job duties"                          dormant users
                                    Business need-to-know               User rights auditing and reviews
                                   Historical audit trails            Audit file access activity
                                   Restrict access to active users Correlate file rights with file access
Personal Information Breach Notification Laws

                                                   46     States have PII breach
                                                          notification laws

                                                   3214   Number of notified
                                                          incidents since Jan 2006

                                                   75%    PII breaches are a result
                                                          of insider actions

 States with No PII Breach Notification Laws
 Alabama, Kentucky, New Mexico, and South Dakota
Highly Prescriptive Regulations for Managing PII



End of The Day, Data Loss is Very Expensive

                                            What does a data breach
                                            cost?  US$7.2 Million
                                                                  or     $214 per record

      Source: 2010, Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach, Ponemon Institute
The Second Type of Sensitive Data Is Import Too

        Source Code         Financial Results                   Blue Prints             Patent Filings

Road Maps             Contracts               Strategic Plans                M&A Initiatives     Bidding

ns    Partnership Plans     Investment Details               Portfolio Models          Competitive Intel

roduct Docs       Research Results         Un-Published Docs                 Raw R&D Data          Busin

              “Secrets comprise two-thirds of the value
                   of firms’ information portfolios”
                              Forrester 2009: Securing Sensitive IP Survey

            Competitive                      Brand                             Employee
            Advantage                        Equity                             Morale
Taking Data With Them When They Go

                                                    70% of employees plan to
                                                     take something with them
                                                     when they leave the job
                                                            + Intellectual Property: 27%
                                                            + Customer data: 17%

                                                    Over 50% feel they own it

       Source: November 2010 London Street Survey of 1026 people, Imperva
Example breach: $50M+ in automotive designs

                                    Xiang Dong Yu

                         •   Worked at Ford 10 years
                         •   Took 4,000 design documents
                         •   Estimated $50-100 Million in value
                         •   Went to work for Beijing Automotive Co.
 Major Trends
 5 Steps to Regain Control
 Conclusion And Q&A

5-Steps To Regain Control

                              sensitive data

                                                       Identify data

                  Implement                    Communicate
                    policy                       with data
                   controls                       owners
Discover Sensitive Data

                                         Attributes & Identity Analysis
                                          • File extension
                                          • File type, size, etc.
             Virtual Grid
                                                Content in File

                             RSA DLP
                                          • General keywords
NAS/SAN                                   • Specialized keywords
             Temp Agents
                                          • Patterns and strings
                                          • Proximity analysis
File Servers Agents                       • “negative” rules

Data Discovery Is Part of RSA Data Loss Prevention

                   RSA DLP Enterprise Manager

       RSA DLP                 RSA DLP                      RSA DLP
       Network                Datacenter                    Endpoint

                                                       Connected   Disconnected
     Email   Web    File shares SharePoint Databases      PCs           PCs
When You Find Sensitive Data…

                                      IT decides on remediation
                                • IT does not have business context
                                 • Potential of disruption to business
         Sensitive files
         discovered by DLP

                                 Involve end-user in remediation

                                 •   Who to contact?
                                 •   What to ask?

                                •
                                     How to track responses?
                                     How to follow up?
                                     How to orchestrate?
                                 •   How to manage the process?
Step 2 In Regaining Control

                              sensitive data

                                                       Identify data

                  Implement                    Communicate
                    policy                       with data
                   controls                       owners
How Owners Are Identified Today

    See who created the file/folder
    Examine ACLs
    Mass e-mails
    Phone calls
    Keep notes

                               Finding an owner: 1 hour per folder on average

Who Owns It? Ask The People Who Know Best…


Step 3 In Regaining Control

                              sensitive data

                                                       Identify data

                  Implement                    Communicate
                    policy                       with data
                   controls                       owners
Communicate With Data Owners


               Grid                           Business Users


                Virtual Grid

                            RSA DLP             RSA DLP
NAS/SAN                    Datacenter   Risk Remediation Manager

               Temp Agents

File Servers                                  Imperva FAM


                                          Manage Remediation
     Discover Sensitive Data
Step 4 In Regaining Control

                                 sensitive data

                                                          Identify data
           Protect files

                     Implement                    Communicate
                       policy                       with data
                      controls                       owners
Real Time Policy Enforcement Through FAM

                          Block and alert when users outside
                             Finance access Finance data

                          See triggered alerts

                         Drill down for details on
                        “who, what , when, where”
Leverage DLP Data Discovery in FAM

                            Click to import CSV
Leverage DLP Data Discovery in FAM

                           View classification in
                            SecureSphere and
                           use in policy building

Step 5 In Regaining Control

                              sensitive data

                                                       Identify data

                  Implement                    Communicate
                    policy                       with data
                   controls                       owners
Apply Controls to Protect Data


               Grid                           Business Users

                                                                       Apply DRM

                Virtual Grid                                            Encrypt

                            RSA DLP             RSA DLP              Delete / Shred
NAS/SAN                    Datacenter   Risk Remediation Manager

                                                                   Change Permissions
               Temp Agents

                                                                    Policy Exception
File Servers                                  Imperva FAM


                                          Manage Remediation            Apply
     Discover Sensitive Data
                                              Workflow                 Controls
Remediate Excessive Access

Should “Everyone” have access to sensitive data?                        Are there dormant users?
 • “Everyone” group in Active Directory literally means all users        • May want to revoke rights of inactive users

                        What rights are not used?
                          • Users with access they appear not to need
Understand Access Rights And Their Origins

                     See what a user can access

               …and how they got access to data
Traditional Approach – The Old Way

Day 4
Minimal context
for file
ownership.                             Day 150
                                       Spreadsheet consolidation
Let the e-mail                         into an access database -
exchange begin.                        Attempt to deliver metrics

      Day 1
      30K files discovered
      by DLP
                             Day 180
                             No consistent data.

                             Contractor funding extensions have ended.

                             Internal resources left with no repeatable process.
With The Solution: Reduce Time Up To 85%

                                        Day T + 60
                                        90% of files remediated
Day T + 5
1200 Owners
                                        Repeatable and
in 10 Countries
                                        continuously monitored
Identified by RSA
                                        Analyst work space and
                                        executive metrics in DLP
Imperva identifies                      RRM.
file owners based
on access to files            Day T + 15
                              DLP RRM sends initial
Day T                         questionnaire to data
30K files                     owners
discovered by RSA
DLP                           Data owners and IT
                              agree on remediation
 Major Trends
 5 Steps to Regain Control
 Conclusion And Q&A

To Wrap Up…

                           sensitive data

                                                                    • Data protection is essential
Protect files
                                                    Identify data
                                                                    • Data protection goes beyond IT
                                                                    • Focus on people & process
                                                                    • Look for more complete solutions
                                                                    • Involve all stake holders in planning
                                              with data
         policy controls
About RSA, The Security Division of EMC

 SIEM            DLP             Monitoring

Web Fraud
                eGRC              IT GRC           Encryption

Manage Risk   Prove Compliance    Secure Access         Secure
and Threats                                          Virtualization
                                                        & Cloud
Imperva: Our Story in 60 Seconds

        Attack                       Usage
      Protection                     Audit

        Virtual                      Rights
       Patching                    Management

      Reputation                     Access
       Controls                      Control
Webinar Materials

 Get LinkedIn to
 Imperva Data Security Direct for…

                         Answers to

                        Much more…
       Recording Link
Questions and Answers
        Questions and Answers

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How to Secure Your Files with DLP and FAM

  • 1. 5 Ways to Lockdown Your Sensitive Files with DLP and FAM Presented by, Ash Devata, Sr. Manager, DLP Products, RSA Raphael Reich, Director of Product Marketing, Imperva
  • 2. Agenda  Major Trends  5 Steps to Regain Control  Conclusion And Q&A
  • 3. Today’s Presenter Ash Devata, Sr. Manager, DLP Products, RSA  Expertise + DLP, data security, information classification + Presented at RSA, ISC2 sessions, EMC World, etc.  Worked at + RSA, EMC, Startups + Chaired sustainable development projects in Boston  Academics + Degrees in MBA and Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering + Co-author of books/journals on BPO
  • 4. Today’s Presenter Raphael Reich, Dir. Product Marketing, Imperva  Expertise + 20+ years in product marketing, product management, and software engineering  Professional Experience + Cisco, Check Point, Digital Equipment Corp.  Academics + Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from UC Santa Cruz + MBA from UCLA
  • 5.  Major Trends  5 Steps to Regain Control  Conclusion And Q&A CONFIDENTIAL
  • 6. Data is Growing & Constantly Changing Enterprise data volume 20% Substantial volume 80% Unstructured (file data) IDC: 2009 File-Based Storage Taxonomy, 11/09 Structured (DB, Apps) 500 400 60% Volume 300 200 Constant growth 100 IDC: 11/09 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time • As data grows, so does the volume of user access rights • Rights are also very dynamic • Employees, contractors, consultants, etc., join/leave the organization, start/finish projects, change job roles, etc.
  • 7. Two Types of Sensitive Data Data You Data You Collect Create • Credit card data • Intellectual property • Privacy data (PII) • Financial information • Health care information • Trade secrets
  • 8. And Companies Are Losing Data Three Main Threat Vectors 1 2 3 Non-malicious end IT and Business Malicious user user trying to get the managing data stealing data using job done without total visibility authorized tools
  • 9. And There Are Regulations to Prevent Data Loss  Regulations: sensitive data must be protected Regulation Scope Example Requirement Control measure Requirement 7: “Restrict access to cardholder Audit and review user PCI-DSS Credit card data data by business need to know” rights Section 164.312(b): “Implement…mechanisms HIPAA Healthcare-related PII Activity monitoring that record and examine activity…” FERC- Requirement 5.1.2: “…create historical audit trails US energy industry Activity monitoring NERC of individual user account access activity.” Section 120.17: Restricts “Disclosing…or Audit and review user ITAR US weapons export transferring technical data to a foreign person…” rights Section 17.04 (1d): “…restrict access to active Audit and review user MA 201 users and active user accounts…" rights, plus Activity PII of state residents Summary CMR 17 Section 17.04 (2a) "restrict those who monitoring to identify Requirements Controls need…to perform their job duties" dormant users Business need-to-know User rights auditing and reviews access Historical audit trails Audit file access activity Restrict access to active users Correlate file rights with file access activity
  • 10. Personal Information Breach Notification Laws 46 States have PII breach notification laws 3214 Number of notified incidents since Jan 2006 75% PII breaches are a result of insider actions States with No PII Breach Notification Laws Alabama, Kentucky, New Mexico, and South Dakota
  • 11. Highly Prescriptive Regulations for Managing PII Proactive Prescriptive Auditable
  • 12. End of The Day, Data Loss is Very Expensive What does a data breach cost? US$7.2 Million or $214 per record Source: 2010, Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach, Ponemon Institute
  • 13. The Second Type of Sensitive Data Is Import Too Source Code Financial Results Blue Prints Patent Filings Road Maps Contracts Strategic Plans M&A Initiatives Bidding ns Partnership Plans Investment Details Portfolio Models Competitive Intel roduct Docs Research Results Un-Published Docs Raw R&D Data Busin “Secrets comprise two-thirds of the value of firms’ information portfolios” Forrester 2009: Securing Sensitive IP Survey Competitive Brand Employee Advantage Equity Morale
  • 14. Taking Data With Them When They Go Insiders  70% of employees plan to take something with them when they leave the job + Intellectual Property: 27% + Customer data: 17%  Over 50% feel they own it Source: November 2010 London Street Survey of 1026 people, Imperva
  • 15. Example breach: $50M+ in automotive designs Xiang Dong Yu • Worked at Ford 10 years • Took 4,000 design documents • Estimated $50-100 Million in value • Went to work for Beijing Automotive Co.
  • 16.  Major Trends  5 Steps to Regain Control  Conclusion And Q&A CONFIDENTIAL
  • 17. 5-Steps To Regain Control Discover sensitive data Identify data Remediate owners Implement Communicate policy with data controls owners
  • 18. Discover Sensitive Data Attributes & Identity Analysis SharePoint Grid • File extension • File type, size, etc. Databases Virtual Grid Content in File RSA DLP • General keywords Datacenter NAS/SAN • Specialized keywords Temp Agents • Patterns and strings • Proximity analysis File Servers Agents • “negative” rules Endpoints
  • 19. Data Discovery Is Part of RSA Data Loss Prevention RSA DLP Enterprise Manager RSA DLP RSA DLP RSA DLP Network Datacenter Endpoint Connected Disconnected Email Web File shares SharePoint Databases PCs PCs
  • 20. When You Find Sensitive Data… IT decides on remediation  • IT does not have business context • Potential of disruption to business Result Sensitive files discovered by DLP Involve end-user in remediation • Who to contact? • What to ask?  • • • How to track responses? How to follow up? How to orchestrate? • How to manage the process?
  • 21. Step 2 In Regaining Control Discover sensitive data Identify data Remediate owners Implement Communicate policy with data controls owners
  • 22. How Owners Are Identified Today  See who created the file/folder  Examine ACLs  Mass e-mails  Phone calls  Keep notes Finding an owner: 1 hour per folder on average 22
  • 23. Who Owns It? Ask The People Who Know Best… ? 23
  • 24. Step 3 In Regaining Control Discover sensitive data Identify data Remediate owners Implement Communicate policy with data controls owners
  • 25. Communicate With Data Owners SharePoint Grid Business Users Databases Virtual Grid RSA DLP RSA DLP NAS/SAN Datacenter Risk Remediation Manager Temp Agents File Servers Imperva FAM Agents Endpoints Manage Remediation Discover Sensitive Data Workflow
  • 26. Step 4 In Regaining Control Discover sensitive data Identify data Protect files owners Implement Communicate policy with data controls owners
  • 27. Real Time Policy Enforcement Through FAM Block and alert when users outside Finance access Finance data See triggered alerts Drill down for details on “who, what , when, where”
  • 28. Leverage DLP Data Discovery in FAM Click to import CSV
  • 29. Leverage DLP Data Discovery in FAM View classification in SecureSphere and use in policy building 29
  • 30. Step 5 In Regaining Control Discover sensitive data Identify data Remediate owners Implement Communicate policy with data controls owners
  • 31. Apply Controls to Protect Data SharePoint Grid Business Users Apply DRM Databases Virtual Grid Encrypt RSA DLP RSA DLP Delete / Shred NAS/SAN Datacenter Risk Remediation Manager Change Permissions Temp Agents Policy Exception File Servers Imperva FAM Agents Endpoints Manage Remediation Apply Discover Sensitive Data Workflow Controls
  • 32. Remediate Excessive Access Should “Everyone” have access to sensitive data? Are there dormant users? • “Everyone” group in Active Directory literally means all users • May want to revoke rights of inactive users What rights are not used? • Users with access they appear not to need
  • 33. Understand Access Rights And Their Origins See what a user can access …and how they got access to data
  • 34. Traditional Approach – The Old Way Day 4 Minimal context for file ownership. Day 150 Spreadsheet consolidation Let the e-mail into an access database - exchange begin. Attempt to deliver metrics Day 1 30K files discovered by DLP Day 180 No consistent data. Contractor funding extensions have ended. Internal resources left with no repeatable process.
  • 35. With The Solution: Reduce Time Up To 85% Day T + 60 90% of files remediated Day T + 5 1200 Owners Repeatable and in 10 Countries continuously monitored Identified by RSA DLP Analyst work space and executive metrics in DLP Imperva identifies RRM. file owners based on access to files Day T + 15 DLP RRM sends initial Day T questionnaire to data 30K files owners discovered by RSA DLP Data owners and IT agree on remediation controls
  • 36.  Major Trends  5 Steps to Regain Control  Conclusion And Q&A CONFIDENTIAL
  • 37. To Wrap Up… Discover sensitive data • Data protection is essential Protect files Identify data owners • Data protection goes beyond IT • Focus on people & process • Look for more complete solutions • Involve all stake holders in planning Communicate Implement with data policy controls owners
  • 38. About RSA, The Security Division of EMC Network SIEM DLP Monitoring Authentication Web Fraud Detection eGRC IT GRC Encryption Manage Risk Prove Compliance Secure Access Secure and Threats Virtualization & Cloud
  • 39. Imperva: Our Story in 60 Seconds Attack Usage Protection Audit Virtual Rights Patching Management Reputation Access Controls Control
  • 40. Webinar Materials Get LinkedIn to Imperva Data Security Direct for… Answers to Post-Webinar Attendee Discussions Questions Webinar Much more… Recording Link
  • 41. Questions and Answers Questions and Answers