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The Next Level in
Referral Recruitment
Building a Top Talent Pipeline
Alexander Crépin
recruitment strategist, trainer & freelance / interim recruiter
Successful companies
Ensure direct, on-demand access to Top Talent,
to their skills & experience, to meet or surpass
customer expectations
Successful companies
Invest in a Top Talent Pipeline
Talent Pipeline Investment
to enhance competitive advantage
- By direct access to skills that support business goals
- By pro-active & cost efficient recruiting
- By building bench strength
Successful companies
Recruitment focus: to ensure
the permanent timely supply of quality Talent
Recruitment takes care of the external Talent Pipeline to fill vacant key roles
Talent Pipeline
A community of pre-screened candidates, (active
& passive job seekers) for key roles, that you try to
engage to work for you when opportunities arise
So when a request for personnel / expertise comes up, recruitment can directly
contact them to discuss this and explore their actual interest and availability
Talent Pipeline
Deep pools of named & known talent with which
there is a talent relationships & that can be
tapped quickly to fill request for personnel
Cache of candidates ready before a specific need
Talent Pipeline
Makes this question “redundant”:
What will we do if we get an opening for which
we do not have any internal candidates?
Talent Pipeline & Recruitment
• TP enables recruitment to respond more rapidly and confidently to
on-going emerging talent needs for key roles
• Time invested on the “front end” leading to significant time
savings later
• TP establishes contact with desired passive candidates which takes
more time and effort
• TP enhances ability to recruit top quality talent, usually based
upon long term relationships and mutual respect
• TP Provides a better basis for judging talent levels in business area
• TP creates the ability to focus more on diversity hiring needs
• TP creates the ability to benchmark internal candidate pool
• TP creates the ability to benchmark EOC position, branding
Building Top Talent Pipeline
Recruitment invests in
Talent Intelligence
• Who are you looking for? Which roles?
• Where are these talents you are looking for?
• Labour Market Research (sufficient supply?)
Building Top Talent Pipeline
Recruitment engages employees
in Talent Intelligence
Ask for referrals!
Taking advantage of the networks of employees
Building Top Talent Pipeline
Recruitment challenge 1:
Ensure a steady Employee Referral supply for
target skills & experience
Building Top Talent Pipeline
Recruitment challenge 2:
Transform Employee Referrals into a
Talent Pipeline of (pre-screened) candidates
Some referral survey statistics
88% of employers rate employee referrals as top source
for generating quality new hires
76% considers referrals as the best source to find passive
candidates, talents not looking for a new job
69% of employers have a formal referral program
26% of external hires generated from employee referrals
But ………
62 % of employers believe that their referral program is
Referral Recruitment Yes, but …..
88% of employers rate employee referrals as top source
for generating quality new hires
But ………
62 % of employers believe that their referral program is
Traditional Referral Programs (ERP)
Designed to encourage an employee to source
potential candidates for open positions
to make quality hires for actual vacancies
Traditional Referral Programs
Underperforming due to:
• Time pressure, missing candidates requiring more time to trace
• The right candidate at the wrong moment because no position
• Black box, lacking transparency
• Poor communication with employees and referred candidates
• Managing expectations not easy
• Disappointment of candidates who are not selected
• Disappointing employees whose sourcing tips were not “honored”
• Follow-up of (not) successful referrals usually an administrative hassle
• No follow-up to sourcing tips that didn’t match actual vacancy profile
• Not specific talent tips are not taken care of
• ………………..
Traditional Referral Programs
NOT the best way for Recruitment to facilitate
building a Top Talent Pipeline
TalenTTipper Vision
A great company is build together by
jointly scouting & engaging great people
that could help to surpass customer expectations
now or in near future
Recruitments role:
Facilitating this by building an external Top Talent Pipeline through
an well organized employee referral program
Next Level Referral Programs
Co-building a Top Talent Pipeline
Collaboratively establishing an effective route to a wider
pool of potential quality talents that strengthens the
companies total workforce capabilities
Next Level Referral Programs
Co-Building a Top Talent Pipeline
for current & future vacancies & projects
Next Level Referral Programs
Co-building: Employees & Stakeholders
Employer Branding Ambassdors
Next Level Referral Programs
• Great candidates, enabling on-demand talent supply
• The right candidate at the right moment for the right position
• More time for selection and judging candidates in business area
• More open approach, less depending on referring at right time
• Communication less vacancy oriented, less time pressure
• Expectations based on collaborative success
• Less administrative hassle
• All sourcing tips are taken into account
• Less specific sourcing tips also getting a follow-up
• Talent engagement to build a sustainable talent relationship
Talent scout
Direct ++contacts
Less familiar ++contacts
“Good” People in the business
Employee referral network
1st tier
2nd tier
3rd tier
Various types of sourcing tips (referrals)
First tier
- Direct contacts, quite familiar above average candidates
(former colleagues, study friends, competitors,
suppliers, customers, contractors etc.)
- True recommendation possible
- Most of contact information is direct available
(Name, initials, address, phone nr., Linkedin,
Facebook, Twitter, ……)
- Any or just some talent intelligence required
- Availability, ambition check ?
Various types of sourcing tips (referrals)
Second tier
- People you have met, you know but who are
not very familiar
- Less information about “quality” available
- Recommendation via hear say
- Some of contact information is direct available
- Additional talent intelligence work required
Various types of sourcing tips (referrals)
Third Tier
- Names of people who have a positive image in
the industry, thought leaders etc.
- No real recommendation possible
- Hardly any direct information about “quality”
- Hardly any contact information available
- Professional association memberships
- Most Talent Intelligence work still to be done
TalenTTipper Solution:
A Talent Pipeline corporate referral program
A Talent Community of referred candidates
A sourcing, Talent Intelligence support center
Talent Relationship Management support
TalenTTipper Solution:
A Talent Pipeline corporate referral program
TalenTTipper Solution:
A solid corporate employee referral program:
Targets above-average candidates (mandatory qualifications)
to fill the Talent Pipeline
for “on-demand” top talent supply now & in the near future
A Corporate Referral Program
- Focuses on above average talent
- Focuses on present & future talent needs
- All employees top talent scouts & EB ambassadors
- Turns candidates into stakeholders
- Adds structure to employee-referral process
- Sets the right expectations
- Has management / hiring managers commitment
- Has a social & mobile strategy
- Ensures a branded career site
- Offers referral support service, supports teamwork
- On-going (stakeholder) marketing of ERP
A Corporate Referral Program
Success Factors:
- Clear purpose & policies
- Employer Value Proposition
- Setting expectations, long-term talent pipeline
- Top down, executive commitment & attention
- Candidate & referrer experience & engagement
- Invest in promotion, education & maintenance
- Offering benefits to employees & candidates
- Quality of follow-up of referrals
- Transparency of process
- Ease, no paper processing & administration
- Feedback & recognition of contribution to referrer
- Communicate to engage at all levels
A Corporate Referral Program
Success Factor: Follow-up of referrals (1)
Offering an engaging Candidate Experience
to referred Talent*
By personal attention, smooth process, fun,
interesting EVP
Ensuring participation in Talent Pipeline
*NB especially first tier network connections
A Corporate Referral Program
Success Factor: Follow-up of referrals (2)
Offering an engaging Employer Ambassadors
By referrer recognition, ease & fun
Ensuring Employees ( & stakeholders) participating over
the long-run in the referral program
A Corporate Referral Program
Referrers recognition, ease & fun
- Sharing success, recognising contribution
- Rewarding referrals rather than hires
-Automate manual processes through the use of
referral recruitment technology, social media,
CRM etc.
- Gamification of referral process
- Offer high quality Referral Support
TalenTTipper Solution:
A corporate referral program
A Talent Community of referred candidates
TalenTTipper Solution:
A Talent Community of referred candidates
using a Community Engagement System
( CRM / Community Management System / Social Network / Outbound
Marketing System )
Storing, organizing, engaging and tracking the Talent Pipeline of
all referred & pre-screened candidates who are interested in
being connected and informed
Talent Referral & Engagement Tool
Candidate referral system, enabling employees to
refer candidates easily
Personal Branding tool for stakeholder talent
Talent Pipeline system, presenting referred and
“checked” / pre-screened candidates
Candidate engagement, communication support
Tool Success Factors:
- Simple, easy to use
- Tagging
- Search options
- Reporting/analyzing tools quality/quantity supply
- Up to date profile via social media link
- Transparency AND privacy proof access
- Data exchange with ATS type of systems
- Engagement support, communication
Referral Quality
Not all referrals are Talent Community ready
- Missing information of above average candidates
- Candidate leads, possibly interesting
Follow-up is required
especially in case of Second Tier & Third Tier contacts
TalenTTipper Solution:
A corporate referral program
A Talent Community of referred candidates
A Sourcing Services Center (SSC)
TalenTTipper Solution:
Sourcing Services Center (SSC)
– A team of Talent Acquisition specialists (searching,
phoning, relating, selling, screening, sourcing, …..)
– Following-up all referrals, especially name only’s
– Ensuring “complete”, up to date Talent Pipeline info
– Service Desk for Referrers & Referred Talent
Sourcing Services Center
Check/Verify if referred candidates are
– Up to date presented & in file
– Qualified for roles
– Interested in company & roles
– Available & willing to discuss a transfer
– Mobile, willing to move
Sourcing Services Center
- Check, verify referral data (CV, contact information)
- Look for additional data to be able to contact
- Try to validate if candidates are good at what they do
- Contact candidate (in)direct for additional info,
current situation happy, their interest to join TP etc.
- Provide feedback to/for referring employee
- Verify if Employee Value Proposition is compelling
- Ensure privacy
Sourcing Services Center
- Service Desk for Referrers & Referred Talent
- TRM intelligence center, analyzing EOC position &
reporting talent pipeline status
Sourcing Services Center
Make / buy ?
We advise:
Outsource support to external specialists
Given the somewhat irregular flow and variation in quality of referrals
We offer:
TalenTTipper Sourcing Center in Slovakia
Sourcing Services Center
SSC Referral & Pipeline Services:
- Talent search & screening
- Talent Community development
- ATS “black box” conversion to Talent Community
- Direct recruitment, inbound marketing
TalenTTipper Solution:
A corporate referral program
A Talent Community of referred candidates
A sourcing, Talent Intelligence support center
Talent Relationship Management support
TalenTTipper Solution:
Investing in Talent Relationship
Ensuring that stakeholders in the Talent Pipeline
feel OK with their status of “just” being engaged
Ensuring that the organization remains being
perceived AND operating as a Talent Magnet
Talent Relationship Support
1. Developing a Contact & Relationship approach
to initiate & maintain good communications with
identified top quality talent in Talent Pipeline
2. Use inbound marketing technology
3. Ensure quality content input to share with
Talent Relationship Support
Inbound Marketing Service
o Building relationships with future hires
o Making people wanting to be a part of your
company, becoming an Employer of Choice
o Investing in magnetic content, talks, training,
boot camps, projects, etc. to attract, educate,
entertain, inform & inspire future hires (& current
employees !)
Talent Relationship Support
Inbound Marketing Technology
- more & more solutions in the market
- not yet a lot exclusively made for recruiting
However when marketing is using this tech,
why shouldn’t recruitment also use (parts) of it?
Talent Relationship Support
Be aware 1:
Screening & building & maintaining relationships
with Talent that will never be submitted to a
hiring manager is performing more work than
So ensure & check your Talent Pipeline is actually
matching (future) company needs!
Talent Relationship Support
Be aware 2:
Whenever Talent / Candidates are not being
advanced through the recruiting & hiring
process, they are waiting!
Waiting is no fun, so invest in engagement of
your top target talent who are “sitting on the
Talent Relationship Support
Be aware 3:
Engagement requires more than a being “kept
warm” in relationship maintenance mode!
So ensure an active win-win, a learn-learn &
mutually valuable relationship
Nurture & develop their interest
Track & measure their engagement
Talent Relationship Support
Be aware 4:
Does the Talent Pipeline actually offers the best
possible candidates?
So continuously check / assess the quality of the
Talent Pipeline
Talent Relationship Support
Be aware 5:
What happens when none of the best candidates
in your pipeline are available, interested, or even
fit your current hiring need?
So have an effective & cost effective plan B,
ensure active sourcing support & target talent
Talent Relationship Support:
Engaging stakeholders in community for example:
- 1 to 2 times per year direct contact via SSC
- Advise & coach hiring managers to participate
- Follow employment status via social media
- Offering employability support, share insights
- Newsletter
- Job alerts
- Social Network “Listening”
Talent Relationship Management
Talent community participation in several subject areas
Comments on their activities (work or social)
Asking for their opinions or for feedback
Notifying them about learning opportunities
(i.e. technical articles, news or best practices)
CRM type reminders (i.e. birthdays & anniversaries)
Requests for referrals from their contact list
Open house and seminar invitations
Talent Relationship Management
When targeting an individual, try to learn:
• Their job switch criteria
• Factors that trigger a job search
• Their job search process
• Where they read/ hangout on the Internet
• Areas where they are an expert
• Areas where they are trying to learn/improve
• Individuals they admire/would listen to
• Their favourite communications channel(s)
• Do they write a blog?
Talent Relationship Management
additional action steps to consider:
1. Learn the rules of online communities
2. Design & present only “authentic” messages (Based on
the perception of the target talent)
3. Identify the most compelling things you can offer to
each target talent segment
4. Provide employees with sample profiles & templates
and offer to critique their profile
5. Ask questions, do a survey/poll to gain attention
Talent Relationship Management
additional action steps to consider
6. Build business “topic-based” pages or groups
7. Write a blog that your targets can RSS subscribe to
(Covering what it’s like to work at your company)
8. Accept an online profile in lieu of an updated resume
(Passives may not have a updated resume)
9. Identify your target’s “influencers” and sell those that
are likely to influence their decision
10. Encourage them to announce their job acceptance
decision in their social groups, to help sway others to
also come
Talent Relationship Management
Support Employees in improving their network skills
- Employee Network Training
- Employee Referral Support Q & A
The better (quality + quantity) of your employee networks
The easier it is to spot the talents your company needs
The Next Level in
Referral Recruitment
TalenTTipper Vision
A great company is build together by
jointly scouting & engaging great people
that could help now or in near future
to surpass customer expectations
Recruitment role:
Building an external Top Talent Pipeline using a
stakeholder approach
Referral popular recruitment source
referral programs significant benefit, increasing:
• cost effectiveness of recruitment
• efficiency, time & effort spent to fill a position
• quality & retention of hires
• speed of diversifying the workforce
• workforce morale, less open positions
• company’s bottom line
A lot of referral programs is underperforming
Talent Relationships
Never forget:
……. To attract the best, lasting relationships need to be developed &
….. Success comes from viewing the Talent Pipeline as a slow dance
Pipelining is not a sprint to a finish line (hire) …..
……. Talent Pipeline candidates are NOT just freeze dried
commodities, to put on a shelf and taken down and used as needed …
…….Talent Pipelines require on-going action to maintain contact &
build relationships with the potential top performing talent …..
TalenTTipper Referral Solution
Adding value to your human capital
- A corporate referral program for Talent Pipeline
- A Talent Community of referred candidates
- A Talent Intelligence support center
- Talent Relationship Management support
TalenTTipper Referral Recruitment
an effective route to a wider pool of potential
quality employees now & in the near future
Dedicated to support our clients - local & international -
to achieve the business results they seek
Our focus is to improve our client’s ability to have direct
access to the right people & make this a distinctive
competitive advantage
TalenTTipper Sourcing Services
1. strategic & integrated Talent Pipeline counsel
2. implementation & operational Talent Pipeline
management support
3. Recruitment online marketing services
Talent Sourcing Support Services:
· Talent Pipeline consultancy, strategy & execution
. Project & implementation management
· Referral development & support
· Training & Coaching of recruiters and hiring managers
· Employer Talent Pipeline development & social media
. Referral automation, vendor selection
· ATS “black box” conversion to transparent Talent Community
. Talent Sourcing and/or Talent Relationship Management support
· Talent search & sourcing outsourcing
Thank You
Thank you
Also on
Developing & implementing effective and cost efficient talent sourcing strategies
Alexander Crépin Sydney Hiele
International Data Driven Hiring Specialists
Developing & implementing effective and cost efficient talent sourcing strategies
Contact: Alexander Crépin
Call: + 31 653 641 905
Utrecht, The Netherlands

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TalenTTipper referral recruitment & building a Talent Pipeline (2015 update)

  • 1. TalenTTipper The Next Level in Referral Recruitment Building a Top Talent Pipeline Alexander Crépin recruitment strategist, trainer & freelance / interim recruiter
  • 2. Successful companies Ensure direct, on-demand access to Top Talent, to their skills & experience, to meet or surpass customer expectations
  • 3. Successful companies Invest in a Top Talent Pipeline candidate
  • 4. Talent Pipeline Investment to enhance competitive advantage - By direct access to skills that support business goals - By pro-active & cost efficient recruiting - By building bench strength
  • 5. Successful companies Recruitment focus: to ensure the permanent timely supply of quality Talent Recruitment takes care of the external Talent Pipeline to fill vacant key roles
  • 6. Talent Pipeline A community of pre-screened candidates, (active & passive job seekers) for key roles, that you try to engage to work for you when opportunities arise So when a request for personnel / expertise comes up, recruitment can directly contact them to discuss this and explore their actual interest and availability
  • 7. Talent Pipeline Deep pools of named & known talent with which there is a talent relationships & that can be tapped quickly to fill request for personnel Cache of candidates ready before a specific need arises
  • 8. Talent Pipeline Makes this question “redundant”: What will we do if we get an opening for which we do not have any internal candidates?
  • 9. Talent Pipeline & Recruitment • TP enables recruitment to respond more rapidly and confidently to on-going emerging talent needs for key roles • Time invested on the “front end” leading to significant time savings later • TP establishes contact with desired passive candidates which takes more time and effort • TP enhances ability to recruit top quality talent, usually based upon long term relationships and mutual respect • TP Provides a better basis for judging talent levels in business area • TP creates the ability to focus more on diversity hiring needs • TP creates the ability to benchmark internal candidate pool • TP creates the ability to benchmark EOC position, branding
  • 10. Building Top Talent Pipeline Recruitment invests in Talent Intelligence • Who are you looking for? Which roles? • Where are these talents you are looking for? • Labour Market Research (sufficient supply?)
  • 11. Building Top Talent Pipeline Recruitment engages employees in Talent Intelligence Ask for referrals! Taking advantage of the networks of employees
  • 12. Building Top Talent Pipeline Recruitment challenge 1: Ensure a steady Employee Referral supply for target skills & experience
  • 13. Building Top Talent Pipeline Recruitment challenge 2: Transform Employee Referrals into a Talent Pipeline of (pre-screened) candidates
  • 14. Some referral survey statistics 88% of employers rate employee referrals as top source for generating quality new hires 76% considers referrals as the best source to find passive candidates, talents not looking for a new job 69% of employers have a formal referral program 26% of external hires generated from employee referrals But ……… 62 % of employers believe that their referral program is underperforming
  • 15. Referral Recruitment Yes, but ….. 88% of employers rate employee referrals as top source for generating quality new hires But ……… 62 % of employers believe that their referral program is underperforming
  • 16. Traditional Referral Programs (ERP) Designed to encourage an employee to source potential candidates for open positions to make quality hires for actual vacancies
  • 17. Traditional Referral Programs Underperforming due to: • Time pressure, missing candidates requiring more time to trace • The right candidate at the wrong moment because no position • Black box, lacking transparency • Poor communication with employees and referred candidates • Managing expectations not easy • Disappointment of candidates who are not selected • Disappointing employees whose sourcing tips were not “honored” • Follow-up of (not) successful referrals usually an administrative hassle • No follow-up to sourcing tips that didn’t match actual vacancy profile • Not specific talent tips are not taken care of • ………………..
  • 18. Traditional Referral Programs NOT the best way for Recruitment to facilitate building a Top Talent Pipeline
  • 19. TalenTTipper Vision A great company is build together by jointly scouting & engaging great people that could help to surpass customer expectations now or in near future Recruitments role: Facilitating this by building an external Top Talent Pipeline through an well organized employee referral program
  • 20. Next Level Referral Programs Co-building a Top Talent Pipeline Collaboratively establishing an effective route to a wider pool of potential quality talents that strengthens the companies total workforce capabilities
  • 21. Next Level Referral Programs Co-Building a Top Talent Pipeline for current & future vacancies & projects
  • 22. Next Level Referral Programs Co-building: Employees & Stakeholders Employer Branding Ambassdors
  • 23. Next Level Referral Programs Advantages: • Great candidates, enabling on-demand talent supply • The right candidate at the right moment for the right position • More time for selection and judging candidates in business area • More open approach, less depending on referring at right time • Communication less vacancy oriented, less time pressure • Expectations based on collaborative success • Less administrative hassle • All sourcing tips are taken into account • Less specific sourcing tips also getting a follow-up • Talent engagement to build a sustainable talent relationship
  • 24. Employee Talent scout Direct ++contacts Less familiar ++contacts “Good” People in the business Employee referral network 1st tier 2nd tier 3rd tier
  • 25. Various types of sourcing tips (referrals) First tier - Direct contacts, quite familiar above average candidates (former colleagues, study friends, competitors, suppliers, customers, contractors etc.) - True recommendation possible - Most of contact information is direct available (Name, initials, address, phone nr., Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, ……) - Any or just some talent intelligence required - Availability, ambition check ?
  • 26. Various types of sourcing tips (referrals) Second tier - People you have met, you know but who are not very familiar - Less information about “quality” available - Recommendation via hear say - Some of contact information is direct available - Additional talent intelligence work required
  • 27. Various types of sourcing tips (referrals) Third Tier - Names of people who have a positive image in the industry, thought leaders etc. - No real recommendation possible - Hardly any direct information about “quality” - Hardly any contact information available - Professional association memberships - Most Talent Intelligence work still to be done
  • 28. TalenTTipper Solution: A Talent Pipeline corporate referral program & A Talent Community of referred candidates & A sourcing, Talent Intelligence support center & Talent Relationship Management support
  • 29. TalenTTipper Solution: A Talent Pipeline corporate referral program
  • 30. TalenTTipper Solution: A solid corporate employee referral program: Targets above-average candidates (mandatory qualifications) to fill the Talent Pipeline for “on-demand” top talent supply now & in the near future
  • 31. A Corporate Referral Program - Focuses on above average talent - Focuses on present & future talent needs - All employees top talent scouts & EB ambassadors - Turns candidates into stakeholders - Adds structure to employee-referral process - Sets the right expectations - Has management / hiring managers commitment - Has a social & mobile strategy - Ensures a branded career site - Offers referral support service, supports teamwork - On-going (stakeholder) marketing of ERP
  • 32. A Corporate Referral Program Success Factors: - Clear purpose & policies - Employer Value Proposition - Setting expectations, long-term talent pipeline - Top down, executive commitment & attention - Candidate & referrer experience & engagement - Invest in promotion, education & maintenance - Offering benefits to employees & candidates - Quality of follow-up of referrals - Transparency of process - Ease, no paper processing & administration - Feedback & recognition of contribution to referrer - Communicate to engage at all levels
  • 33. A Corporate Referral Program Success Factor: Follow-up of referrals (1) Offering an engaging Candidate Experience to referred Talent* By personal attention, smooth process, fun, interesting EVP Ensuring participation in Talent Pipeline *NB especially first tier network connections
  • 34. A Corporate Referral Program Success Factor: Follow-up of referrals (2) Offering an engaging Employer Ambassadors Experience By referrer recognition, ease & fun Ensuring Employees ( & stakeholders) participating over the long-run in the referral program
  • 35. A Corporate Referral Program Referrers recognition, ease & fun - Sharing success, recognising contribution - Rewarding referrals rather than hires -Automate manual processes through the use of referral recruitment technology, social media, CRM etc. - Gamification of referral process - Offer high quality Referral Support
  • 36. TalenTTipper Solution: A corporate referral program & A Talent Community of referred candidates
  • 37. TalenTTipper Solution: A Talent Community of referred candidates using a Community Engagement System ( CRM / Community Management System / Social Network / Outbound Marketing System ) Storing, organizing, engaging and tracking the Talent Pipeline of all referred & pre-screened candidates who are interested in being connected and informed
  • 38. Talent Referral & Engagement Tool Candidate referral system, enabling employees to refer candidates easily Personal Branding tool for stakeholder talent Talent Pipeline system, presenting referred and “checked” / pre-screened candidates Candidate engagement, communication support
  • 39. Tool Success Factors: - Simple, easy to use - Tagging - Search options - Reporting/analyzing tools quality/quantity supply - Up to date profile via social media link - Transparency AND privacy proof access - Data exchange with ATS type of systems - Engagement support, communication
  • 40. Referral Quality Not all referrals are Talent Community ready - Missing information of above average candidates - Candidate leads, possibly interesting Follow-up is required especially in case of Second Tier & Third Tier contacts
  • 41. TalenTTipper Solution: A corporate referral program & A Talent Community of referred candidates & A Sourcing Services Center (SSC)
  • 42. TalenTTipper Solution: Sourcing Services Center (SSC) – A team of Talent Acquisition specialists (searching, phoning, relating, selling, screening, sourcing, …..) – Following-up all referrals, especially name only’s – Ensuring “complete”, up to date Talent Pipeline info – Service Desk for Referrers & Referred Talent
  • 43. Sourcing Services Center Check/Verify if referred candidates are – Up to date presented & in file – Qualified for roles – Interested in company & roles – Available & willing to discuss a transfer – Mobile, willing to move
  • 44. Sourcing Services Center - Check, verify referral data (CV, contact information) - Look for additional data to be able to contact - Try to validate if candidates are good at what they do - Contact candidate (in)direct for additional info, current situation happy, their interest to join TP etc. - Provide feedback to/for referring employee - Verify if Employee Value Proposition is compelling - Ensure privacy
  • 45. Sourcing Services Center - Service Desk for Referrers & Referred Talent - TRM intelligence center, analyzing EOC position & reporting talent pipeline status
  • 46. Sourcing Services Center Make / buy ? We advise: Outsource support to external specialists Given the somewhat irregular flow and variation in quality of referrals We offer: TalenTTipper Sourcing Center in Slovakia
  • 47. Sourcing Services Center SSC Referral & Pipeline Services: - Talent search & screening - Talent Community development - ATS “black box” conversion to Talent Community - Direct recruitment, inbound marketing
  • 48. TalenTTipper Solution: A corporate referral program & A Talent Community of referred candidates & A sourcing, Talent Intelligence support center & Talent Relationship Management support
  • 49. TalenTTipper Solution: Investing in Talent Relationship Ensuring that stakeholders in the Talent Pipeline feel OK with their status of “just” being engaged Ensuring that the organization remains being perceived AND operating as a Talent Magnet
  • 50. Talent Relationship Support 1. Developing a Contact & Relationship approach to initiate & maintain good communications with identified top quality talent in Talent Pipeline 2. Use inbound marketing technology 3. Ensure quality content input to share with community
  • 51. Talent Relationship Support Inbound Marketing Service o Building relationships with future hires o Making people wanting to be a part of your company, becoming an Employer of Choice o Investing in magnetic content, talks, training, boot camps, projects, etc. to attract, educate, entertain, inform & inspire future hires (& current employees !)
  • 52. Talent Relationship Support Inbound Marketing Technology - more & more solutions in the market - not yet a lot exclusively made for recruiting However when marketing is using this tech, why shouldn’t recruitment also use (parts) of it?
  • 53. Talent Relationship Support Be aware 1: Screening & building & maintaining relationships with Talent that will never be submitted to a hiring manager is performing more work than necessary! So ensure & check your Talent Pipeline is actually matching (future) company needs!
  • 54. Talent Relationship Support Be aware 2: Whenever Talent / Candidates are not being advanced through the recruiting & hiring process, they are waiting! Waiting is no fun, so invest in engagement of your top target talent who are “sitting on the shelf”
  • 55. Talent Relationship Support Be aware 3: Engagement requires more than a being “kept warm” in relationship maintenance mode! So ensure an active win-win, a learn-learn & mutually valuable relationship Nurture & develop their interest Track & measure their engagement
  • 56. Talent Relationship Support Be aware 4: Does the Talent Pipeline actually offers the best possible candidates? So continuously check / assess the quality of the Talent Pipeline
  • 57. Talent Relationship Support Be aware 5: What happens when none of the best candidates in your pipeline are available, interested, or even fit your current hiring need? So have an effective & cost effective plan B, ensure active sourcing support & target talent networks
  • 58. Talent Relationship Support: Engaging stakeholders in community for example: - 1 to 2 times per year direct contact via SSC - Advise & coach hiring managers to participate - Follow employment status via social media - Offering employability support, share insights - Newsletter - Job alerts - Social Network “Listening”
  • 59. Talent Relationship Management Talent community participation in several subject areas Comments on their activities (work or social) Asking for their opinions or for feedback Notifying them about learning opportunities (i.e. technical articles, news or best practices) CRM type reminders (i.e. birthdays & anniversaries) Requests for referrals from their contact list Open house and seminar invitations
  • 60. Talent Relationship Management When targeting an individual, try to learn: • Their job switch criteria • Factors that trigger a job search • Their job search process • Where they read/ hangout on the Internet • Areas where they are an expert • Areas where they are trying to learn/improve • Individuals they admire/would listen to • Their favourite communications channel(s) • Do they write a blog?
  • 61. Talent Relationship Management additional action steps to consider: 1. Learn the rules of online communities 2. Design & present only “authentic” messages (Based on the perception of the target talent) 3. Identify the most compelling things you can offer to each target talent segment 4. Provide employees with sample profiles & templates and offer to critique their profile 5. Ask questions, do a survey/poll to gain attention
  • 62. Talent Relationship Management additional action steps to consider 6. Build business “topic-based” pages or groups 7. Write a blog that your targets can RSS subscribe to (Covering what it’s like to work at your company) 8. Accept an online profile in lieu of an updated resume (Passives may not have a updated resume) 9. Identify your target’s “influencers” and sell those that are likely to influence their decision 10. Encourage them to announce their job acceptance decision in their social groups, to help sway others to also come
  • 63. Talent Relationship Management Support Employees in improving their network skills - Employee Network Training - Employee Referral Support Q & A Remember: The better (quality + quantity) of your employee networks The easier it is to spot the talents your company needs
  • 64. TalenTTipper The Next Level in Referral Recruitment Summary
  • 65. TalenTTipper Vision A great company is build together by jointly scouting & engaging great people that could help now or in near future to surpass customer expectations Recruitment role: Building an external Top Talent Pipeline using a stakeholder approach
  • 66. Referral popular recruitment source Studies: referral programs significant benefit, increasing: • cost effectiveness of recruitment • efficiency, time & effort spent to fill a position • quality & retention of hires • speed of diversifying the workforce • workforce morale, less open positions • company’s bottom line However: A lot of referral programs is underperforming
  • 67. Talent Relationships Never forget: ……. To attract the best, lasting relationships need to be developed & fostered ….. Success comes from viewing the Talent Pipeline as a slow dance Pipelining is not a sprint to a finish line (hire) ….. ……. Talent Pipeline candidates are NOT just freeze dried commodities, to put on a shelf and taken down and used as needed … …….Talent Pipelines require on-going action to maintain contact & build relationships with the potential top performing talent …..
  • 68. TalenTTipper Referral Solution Adding value to your human capital - A corporate referral program for Talent Pipeline - A Talent Community of referred candidates - A Talent Intelligence support center - Talent Relationship Management support
  • 69. TalenTTipper Referral Recruitment an effective route to a wider pool of potential quality employees now & in the near future
  • 70. TalenTTipper Dedicated to support our clients - local & international - to achieve the business results they seek Our focus is to improve our client’s ability to have direct access to the right people & make this a distinctive competitive advantage
  • 71. TalenTTipper Sourcing Services 1. strategic & integrated Talent Pipeline counsel 2. implementation & operational Talent Pipeline management support 3. Recruitment online marketing services
  • 72. TalenTTipper Talent Sourcing Support Services: · Talent Pipeline consultancy, strategy & execution . Project & implementation management · Referral development & support · Training & Coaching of recruiters and hiring managers · Employer Talent Pipeline development & social media . Referral automation, vendor selection · ATS “black box” conversion to transparent Talent Community . Talent Sourcing and/or Talent Relationship Management support · Talent search & sourcing outsourcing
  • 75. TalenTTipper Developing & implementing effective and cost efficient talent sourcing strategies Alexander Crépin Sydney Hiele International Data Driven Hiring Specialists
  • 76. TalenTTipper Developing & implementing effective and cost efficient talent sourcing strategies Contact: Alexander Crépin Mail: Call: + 31 653 641 905 Utrecht, The Netherlands