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Jessica Naeve
Director, EDU
How LinkedIn is Adapting
its Platform for Higher Education
schoolscompanies knowledge skillsmembers jobs
The Economic Graph
500M+ 9.2M+ 7.5M+ 56K+ 200k+
daily posts
45k+ skills
3B endorsements
Sales Solutions
(Sales Navigator)
Talent Solutions
LinkedIn Learning Marketing Solutions
- 2 Business units focused on higher ed
- All working in parallel to bring the
Economic Graph mission to reality
for the LinkedIn EDU
The less educated are being left behind
of job growth
in the recovery went to workers with
more than a high school education
99 % 0
Growth of jobs
for those with a high school
diploma or less since the
economic recovery
1 – America’s Divided Recovery: College Haves and Have-Nots, Georgetown University, Center on the
Education and the Workforce
Two recoveries, one not so good
Recession Recovery
Gained 8.4 million jobs
During the recovery
Gained 3.1 million jobs
During the recovery
Or less
Gained 80,000 jobs
During the recovery
Lost 5.6 million jobs
Lost 1.8 million jobs
Gained 187,000 jobs
Affordability is in the spotlight
Measuring outcomes increasingly important
Working learners are the new normal
percent of college students
are both active in the labor market and
formally enrolled in some form of
postsecondary education or training
75 %
1 – Learning While Earning: The New Normal, Georgetown University, Center on the Education and the
In 2014
Online enrollments growing, while
overall enrollments drop
Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States, Babson Research Group
5.8 +
Million students
are taking at least 1 distance
education course
28.4 %
of all
Enrolled students
27.1 %
25.9 %
up from up from
which is
Tangible motivations led to more successful outcomes
• increase salary • upskill for new role
• accelerate career • start my own business
• impact communities • reached a plateau at work
Tangible Motivations
more grads with tangible
motivations achieved a
successful outcome
Source: LinkedIn survey, 2016, U.S. and Canada. Base: NAMER MBA and Masters Grads (n=815)
Declining interest in MBA
Shrinking future audience
Competition has increased
Cost per inquiries rising
It’s a challenging world for education marketers
“In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity”
of admissions directors
did not meet their 2015
enrollment goals
58 % 63
of all American jobs will
require some sort of
education beyond high
school by 2018
– Albert Einstein
1 – 2015 Survey of College and University Admissions Directors, Inside Higher Ed
2 – Job Growth and Educational Requirements through 2020, Georgetown University, 2014
Using social media to improve lead quality and alumni success
Publications /
Teaching /
We see extraordinary data collected throughout the educational journey
Educational institutions operate in siloes
Media Products
Profile Creation
Social Media
Business & Marketing
Lynda subs
Networking and
IP /
LinkedIn has been indispensable but passive
Business schools have been especially active on LinkedIn
use social media
use social media
Admissions Career Services
Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
LinkedIn meets critical needs for admissions
• Add another dimension to admissions
• Assess whether a candidate is a good fit
• Engage potential applicants in conversations
• Connect applicants with alumni or students
• Inform candidates about application process
with applicants
Admissions Info
Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
They increasingly rely on LinkedIn for applicant info
What does a better
candidate look like?
• Strong fit with school
• CV has strong attributes
outside of studies and
• Likely to actively contribute
in class
The best candidates are found on which networks?
Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
Students are also already leveraging LinkedIn for
educational decisions
Audience Size
Only LinkedIn is positioned to empower both educational
institutions and students to make better decisions
The Connected School: Create virtuous cycles of data flow
to the benefit of both schools and students
Accurate Profile
Data + Increased
LinkedIn Use
Better data on
inputs and
outcomes made
available across
Students emerge
better trained to
manage their
careers and
learning for a
Schools and
students are
empowered to
make data-driven
decisions across all
facets of the
student lifecycle
Discovery Selection Start Graduate AlumniAwareness
• Lead
• Qualified
• Conversion
• Start
• Application
• Enrollment
• Completion of First Year
• Graduation
• Paid Tuition
• Employed Alum
• Active, Engaged Alum
• Engagement
• Impression
• Like
• Follower
• Comment
• Video Start
• Video
• Click
Paid and
Most marketers are focused on short-term metrics of success
We know the lead focus means missing most people
Audience Size
4The Connected School changes the shape of the
marketing funnel
Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area
Branding & Content
Convert to enrollments
Convert to leads
Graduate/complete the program
Achieve meaningful employment
LinkedIn leads are more qualified, in
the market for professional betterment.
Using LinkedIn can influence the best
prospects BEFORE they decide on
their short list.
LinkedIn leads are more complete and qualified
Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area
See and click on ads
Convert to enrollments
Convert to leads
Graduate/complete the program
Achieve meaningful employment
Because of the in-market nature of
LinkedIn users, the better financial
stability, and because LinkedIn is a
more trusted resource for making
educational and professional
decisions, the leads that are complete
that came from LinkedIn are more
likely to turn into enrollments.
Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area
See and click on ads
Convert to enrollments
Convert to leads
Graduate/complete the program
Achieve meaningful employment
LinkedIn users have a higher GRIT
rating, and higher financial stability,
which, combined with the products
that we can provide to schools once
students enroll, means LinkedIn can
raise the graduation rate for those
who enroll.
• Alumni API
• Bulk Subscriptions
• Profile Workshops
Those Products Include:
LinkedIn enrollments are more likely to graduate
With LinkedIn products, we can help
schools get better outcomes for their
students, positioning a greater number
of their graduates in meaningful
employment upon graduation.
• Content Marketing Workshops
• Outcomes Targeting and Data
• Alumni Networks
• Custom Surveys
• Recruiter and Skills Data
Those Products Include:
LinkedIn graduates will achieve better
Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area
See and click on ads
Convert to enrollments
Convert to leads
Graduate/complete the program
Achieve meaningful employment
4 More positive outcomes makes future
marketing more efficient
Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area
See and click on ads
Convert to enrollments
Convert to leads
Graduate/complete the program
Achieve meaningful employment
Successful people from your school
who are in positions of power, in
companies around the world, will make
it easier to recruit more and better
quality students in the future. These
graduates will act as individual
ambassadors for your brand, through
their success, making your marketing
increasingly more efficient in the future.
These graduates will influence
prospective applicants long before you
are able to identify and reach them
through marketing campaigns.
The “Connected School” fully harnesses the power of LinkedIn
Prospect Alumni
University Pages
Lead Gen Forms
Dynamic Ads
The Power of
Skills in Demand Reporting
Outcomes Reporting
Linkedin Learning Courses
Premium Subscriptions
Skills in Demand Reporting
Sponsored & Organic Content
University Pages
Alumni & Student Connectivity
Outcomes Reporting
Premium Subscriptions
Elevate for Alums
Sales Navigator for Alums
Sponsored & Organic Content
Alumni & Student Connectivity
Premium LinkedIn subscriptions for university students
Auto-fill alumni
profile entries at log-
Students opt in to
link their LinkedIn
Profiles with your
school’s CRM
system and Alum
School forever
benefits from
Students’ Linkedin
data additions
friction and repetition in completing
alumni database profiles
individual opt-in, to leverage their
graduate community
API/Autofill to auto-populate and refresh alumni database
Autofill for applying to school
Reduce friction and repetition for online, exec ed, certificate, and graduate school applications.
Completion rates INCREASED BY 10x in pilot studies.
LinkedIn Learning to supplement curricula, teach lifelong learning, and
complement job prep
 Makes it easy for employees to share quality,
company-relevant content
 Employee-first design drives outsized adoption
and usage
 Identity insights power business level results
and show full-funnel impact
LinkedIn Elevate to engage and showcase alums
What are the career
outcomes for your
What skills will we
need to enable in the
Which companies
hire from your
Where are your alumni
living and working?
What are their degrees
by geography?
Access to custom
segments comprised
of companies most
likely to hire your
What type of content is
our target audience
consuming on the
Hiring-related supply
and demand for a
specific target audience
in a specific
geographic area.
How is LinkedIn
impacting brand
awareness and
Which geographic areas
deliver the most
How much is your brand
influencing your target
With tools implemented and reinforced, packaged LinkedIn data will
help address a broad range of needs
Standardized outcomes reporting addresses the needs of career services,
reporting, marketing, alumni development
Envisioning a dashboard in the future to run reports and to enable searching and analysis
Skills-in-demand reporting drives curriculum development and
course choices
 Identify and anticipate
trends to best train and
guide current and
prospective students
 Providing cuts by
geography and focus
Want to work in Tech at Amex? Study Middleware + User Interface
Want to work at Google in finance? Study Tax and Risk
LinkedIn alumni data surfaces and showcases outcomes
LinkedIn is partnering with outside data providers and schools to
correlate inputs with outputs
Profiles and
Career Development
First Job
With LinkedIn, schools can bring data-driven-decision making to all of
their stakeholders
With LinkedIn, schools can also bring data-driven decision making to
Support Causes
with Alumni
Apply to
A few forward-thinking schools have already started

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The Connected School

  • 1. Jessica Naeve Director, EDU LinkedIn How LinkedIn is Adapting its Platform for Higher Education
  • 2. schoolscompanies knowledge skillsmembers jobs The Economic Graph 500M+ 9.2M+ 7.5M+ 56K+ 200k+ daily posts 45k+ skills 3B endorsements
  • 3. LSS LTS LIL LMS Sales Solutions (Sales Navigator) Talent Solutions (Recruiter) LinkedIn Learning Marketing Solutions - 2 Business units focused on higher ed - All working in parallel to bring the Economic Graph mission to reality
  • 4. Drivers for the LinkedIn EDU Opportunity
  • 5. The less educated are being left behind of job growth in the recovery went to workers with more than a high school education 99 % 0 Growth of jobs for those with a high school diploma or less since the economic recovery % 1 – America’s Divided Recovery: College Haves and Have-Nots, Georgetown University, Center on the Education and the Workforce
  • 6. Two recoveries, one not so good 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 Dec 07 May 08 Oct 08 Mar 09 Aug 09 Jan 10 Jun 10 Nov 10 Apr 11 Sep 11 Feb 12 Jul 12 Dec 12 May 13 Oct 13 Mar 14 Aug 14 Jan 15 Jun 15 Nov 15 Apr 16 Recession Recovery Gained 8.4 million jobs During the recovery Gained 3.1 million jobs During the recovery High School Or less Gained 80,000 jobs During the recovery Lost 5.6 million jobs Lost 1.8 million jobs Gained 187,000 jobs
  • 7. Affordability is in the spotlight
  • 9. Working learners are the new normal percent of college students are both active in the labor market and formally enrolled in some form of postsecondary education or training 75 % 1 – Learning While Earning: The New Normal, Georgetown University, Center on the Education and the Workforce
  • 10. In 2014 0 7 14 21 28 Online enrollments growing, while overall enrollments drop Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States, Babson Research Group 5.8 + Million students are taking at least 1 distance education course 28.4 % of all Enrolled students That’s 27.1 % In 2013 25.9 % In 2012 up from up from which is
  • 11. 11 Tangible motivations led to more successful outcomes • increase salary • upskill for new role • accelerate career • start my own business • impact communities • reached a plateau at work Tangible Motivations 48 more grads with tangible motivations achieved a successful outcome % Source: LinkedIn survey, 2016, U.S. and Canada. Base: NAMER MBA and Masters Grads (n=815)
  • 12. Declining interest in MBA Shrinking future audience Competition has increased Cost per inquiries rising It’s a challenging world for education marketers
  • 13. “In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity” of admissions directors did not meet their 2015 enrollment goals 58 % 63 of all American jobs will require some sort of education beyond high school by 2018 % – Albert Einstein 1 – 2015 Survey of College and University Admissions Directors, Inside Higher Ed 2 – Job Growth and Educational Requirements through 2020, Georgetown University, 2014
  • 14. QUALITY DATA LEADS SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES to Using social media to improve lead quality and alumni success
  • 15. STUDENTS ADMISSIONSMARKETING CAREER SERVICES IP / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP EDUCATION /FACULTY ENGAGEMENTDEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS / APPLICANTS ALUMNI Funds Raised Alumni Participation Placed Hires Publications / Research Teaching / Transcripts ApplicationsQualified Inquiries We see extraordinary data collected throughout the educational journey
  • 17. ENGAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT CAREER SERVICES CAREER SERVICES IP / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP EDUCATION /FACULTY ADMISSIONS MARKETING Advertising Media Products Profile Checking Event Promotion Mandatory Profile Creation Alumni Searches Social Media Promotion Business & Marketing Professors Lynda subs Prospect Searches Networking and Appreciation Events MARKETING ADMISSIONS DEVELOPMEN T EDUCATION / FACULTY CAREER SERVICES IP / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP LinkedIn has been indispensable but passive
  • 18. Business schools have been especially active on LinkedIn 18 71% use social media 98% use social media Admissions Career Services Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
  • 19. LinkedIn meets critical needs for admissions • Add another dimension to admissions • Assess whether a candidate is a good fit • Engage potential applicants in conversations • Connect applicants with alumni or students • Inform candidates about application process Connecting with applicants Supplementing Admissions Info 90% Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
  • 20. They increasingly rely on LinkedIn for applicant info What does a better candidate look like? • Strong fit with school culture • CV has strong attributes outside of studies and work • Likely to actively contribute in class The best candidates are found on which networks? 88% 35% 24% 1 4 Source: CarringtonCrisp Survey, 2016 – U.S. and Canada
  • 21. Students are also already leveraging LinkedIn for educational decisions Audience Size
  • 22. QUALITY PROSPECTS STUDENT COMMUNITY ALUMNI OPPORTUNITIES Only LinkedIn is positioned to empower both educational institutions and students to make better decisions
  • 24. The Connected School: Create virtuous cycles of data flow to the benefit of both schools and students Accurate Profile Data + Increased LinkedIn Use Better data on inputs and outcomes made available across EDU Students emerge better trained to manage their careers and learning for a lifetime Schools and students are empowered to make data-driven decisions across all facets of the student lifecycle
  • 26. Discovery Selection Start Graduate AlumniAwareness CP: • Lead • Qualified Lead • Conversion • Start • Application • Enrollment CP: • Completion of First Year • Graduation • Paid Tuition • Employed Alum • Active, Engaged Alum CP: • Engagement • Impression • Like • Follower • Comment • Video Start • Video Complete • Click Paid and Organic Strategies Most marketers are focused on short-term metrics of success
  • 27. We know the lead focus means missing most people Audience Size
  • 28. 4The Connected School changes the shape of the marketing funnel Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area Branding & Content Convert to enrollments Convert to leads Graduate/complete the program Achieve meaningful employment LinkedIn leads are more qualified, in the market for professional betterment. Using LinkedIn can influence the best prospects BEFORE they decide on their short list. MORE QUALIFIED, IN MARKET
  • 29. 4 LinkedIn leads are more complete and qualified Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area See and click on ads Convert to enrollments Convert to leads Graduate/complete the program Achieve meaningful employment Because of the in-market nature of LinkedIn users, the better financial stability, and because LinkedIn is a more trusted resource for making educational and professional decisions, the leads that are complete that came from LinkedIn are more likely to turn into enrollments. MORE ENROLLMENTS
  • 30. 4 Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area See and click on ads Convert to enrollments Convert to leads Graduate/complete the program Achieve meaningful employment LinkedIn users have a higher GRIT rating, and higher financial stability, which, combined with the products that we can provide to schools once students enroll, means LinkedIn can raise the graduation rate for those who enroll. HIGHER GRADUATION RATES • Alumni API • Bulk Subscriptions • Profile Workshops Those Products Include: LinkedIn enrollments are more likely to graduate
  • 31. 4 With LinkedIn products, we can help schools get better outcomes for their students, positioning a greater number of their graduates in meaningful employment upon graduation. MEANINGFUL EMPLOYMENT • Content Marketing Workshops • Outcomes Targeting and Data • Alumni Networks • Custom Surveys • Recruiter and Skills Data Those Products Include: LinkedIn graduates will achieve better outcomes Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area See and click on ads Convert to enrollments Convert to leads Graduate/complete the program Achieve meaningful employment
  • 32. 4 More positive outcomes makes future marketing more efficient Marketers’ focus LinkedIn impact area See and click on ads Convert to enrollments Convert to leads Graduate/complete the program Achieve meaningful employment Successful people from your school who are in positions of power, in companies around the world, will make it easier to recruit more and better quality students in the future. These graduates will act as individual ambassadors for your brand, through their success, making your marketing increasingly more efficient in the future. These graduates will influence prospective applicants long before you are able to identify and reach them through marketing campaigns. VIRTUOUS MARKETING CYCLE
  • 33. Student The “Connected School” fully harnesses the power of LinkedIn Prospect Alumni Media Insights Tools University Pages inMail Lead Gen Forms Dynamic Ads The Power of Skills in Demand Reporting Outcomes Reporting Linkedin Learning Courses Premium Subscriptions Skills in Demand Reporting Sponsored & Organic Content University Pages Alumni & Student Connectivity Outcomes Reporting Premium Subscriptions inMail Elevate for Alums Sales Navigator for Alums Sponsored & Organic Content Alumni & Student Connectivity
  • 34. TOOLS
  • 35. Premium LinkedIn subscriptions for university students
  • 36. 36 Auto-fill alumni profile entries at log- in Students opt in to link their LinkedIn Profiles with your school’s CRM system and Alum Database School forever benefits from Students’ Linkedin data additions ENABLE SCHOOLS to reduce friction and repetition in completing alumni database profiles EMPOWER SCHOOLS, via individual opt-in, to leverage their graduate community API/Autofill to auto-populate and refresh alumni database
  • 37. Autofill for applying to school Reduce friction and repetition for online, exec ed, certificate, and graduate school applications. Completion rates INCREASED BY 10x in pilot studies.
  • 38. LinkedIn Learning to supplement curricula, teach lifelong learning, and complement job prep
  • 39.  Makes it easy for employees to share quality, company-relevant content  Employee-first design drives outsized adoption and usage  Identity insights power business level results and show full-funnel impact LinkedIn Elevate to engage and showcase alums
  • 41. CAREER SERVICES ALUMNI RELATIONS THOUGHT LEADERSHIP What are the career outcomes for your graduates? What skills will we need to enable in the future? Which companies hire from your competitors? Where are your alumni living and working? What are their degrees by geography? Access to custom segments comprised of companies most likely to hire your alumni. What type of content is our target audience consuming on the platform? Hiring-related supply and demand for a specific target audience in a specific geographic area. ADMISSIONS How is LinkedIn impacting brand awareness and enrollment? Which geographic areas deliver the most students? How much is your brand influencing your target audience? With tools implemented and reinforced, packaged LinkedIn data will help address a broad range of needs
  • 42. Standardized outcomes reporting addresses the needs of career services, reporting, marketing, alumni development Envisioning a dashboard in the future to run reports and to enable searching and analysis
  • 43. Skills-in-demand reporting drives curriculum development and course choices  Identify and anticipate trends to best train and guide current and prospective students  Providing cuts by geography and focus
  • 44. Want to work in Tech at Amex? Study Middleware + User Interface
  • 45. Want to work at Google in finance? Study Tax and Risk
  • 46. LinkedIn alumni data surfaces and showcases outcomes
  • 47. LinkedIn is partnering with outside data providers and schools to correlate inputs with outputs Courses Grades Internships Profiles and Transcripts Graduation Career Development Professional Brand Success First Job Nurture
  • 49. MARKETING ENGAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ADMISSIONS EDUCATION /FACULTY IP / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP CAREER SERVICES CAREER SERVICES With LinkedIn, schools can bring data-driven-decision making to all of their stakeholders
  • 50. With LinkedIn, schools can also bring data-driven decision making to students Research Schools Upgrade Skills Develop Career Internship Build Network Support Causes Connect with Alumni Apply to School Develop Profile Job
  • 51. A few forward-thinking schools have already started