- cardiorespiratory endurance 心肺耐力
Cardio- 是「心臟的」,respiratory是「呼吸的」,cardiorespiratory endurance指的就是心臟、肺部等器官將氧氣輸送到身體各處的能力。若想增進心肺耐力,可做一些有氧運動(aerobic exercise),像是跑步、跳舞、游泳、騎單車......等。
A: Guys, I have to stop to catch my breath.(大夥兒,我必須停下來喘口氣。)
B: You really need to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance. It's just the third round, and you're panting like crazy.(你真的要改善你的心肺耐力。才第三圈,你就喘得跟什麼似的。)
- muscular endurance 肌耐力
- plank 平板支撐
- sit-ups 仰臥起坐
- push-ups 伏地挺身
- bodyweight squat 深蹲
A: I can't believe that I got a muscle cramp and had to be substituted during the game.(我不敢相信我會在比賽時抽筋而必須被換下場。)
B: It's okay. Let's work out more to build up our muscular endurance before the next game!(沒關係。我們在下場比賽前多鍛鍊身體、提升我們的肌耐力吧!)
- muscular strength 肌肉力量
肌肉產生力量的能力,可以透過一些重量訓練(weight training)來加強。
A: Why are you lifting weights so often these days? (你最近怎麼這麼常去舉重?)
B: I want to build muscular strength. The baseball season is coming.(我想要強化肌肉力量。棒球季就要到了。)
- flexibility 柔軟度
各關節(joint)所能伸展出的最大活動範圍,常透過坐姿體前彎(the sit and reach test)進行檢測。要改善柔軟度,可多做些伸展(stretching)。
A: Try leaning a little bit forward. You almost reach your toes.(試著再往前伸一點。你就快摸到你的腳尖了。)
B: I can't! I told you I’m not flexible!(我做不到!我跟你說過我的柔軟度很差!)
A: Yeah. You are really stiff.(是啊。你的筋真的很硬。)
上述四項能力跟健康也習習相關,因此也被稱為健康體適能(health-related fitness)。除此之外,還有其他運動能力跟運動表現息息相關:
- speed 速度
- power 爆發力
Alfred increased his speed enormously after training for a few weeks. Now he runs like the wind. (Alfred 經過數週訓練之後速度大幅提升。現在他跑得跟風一樣快。)
- balance 平衡感
- agility 敏捷度
- accuracy 準確度
- coordination 協調能力
If you want to enhance your sports performance, you have to work on your agility and hand-eye coordination.(如果你想要增進你的運動表現,必須加強你的敏捷度跟手眼協調能力。)
本文經希平方 - 線上學英文授權刊登,原文以〈運動英文——『柔軟度』、『爆發力』英文怎麼說?〉為題發表
- balance
- coordination
- 運動能力
- cardiorespiratory endurance
- muscular endurance
- plank
- sit-ups
- push-ups
- bodyweight squat
- muscular strength
- flexibility
- power
- agility
- accuracy