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FORT WORTH, United States

Deepak Seth, a Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation expert, a deep thinker and a futurist has handled diverse and progressively increasing responsibilities at leading consulting organizations and with several Fortune 500 companies.

With a background in engineering and management he went back to Post Graduate “school” recently to further hone his knowledge with the latest developments in Data Science, AI and ML. He is a prolific writer and speaker and has authored numerous blog posts, papers, articles, webcast, podcasts and is also actively engaged with the Start-Up ecosystem.

He currently works in the area of TAPSS (Trading Architecture Platform Strategy and Support) with a leading financial services company - Charles Schwab.

Deepak has been a passionate advocate at Fortune 500 and leading consulting companies for innovation and adoption of emerging/ nascent/disruptive technologies into the enterprise to develop new opportunities and applications. In line with this he is currently actively engaged with Generative AI initiatives and publishes a very popular newsletter DEEPakAI: AI Demystified on LinkedIn

Available For: Speaking
Travels From: Fort Worth, TX
Speaking Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Digital Transformation

Academic 0
Author 37
Influencer 8
Speaker 54
Entrepreneur 0
Total 99

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type:
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 15 years

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.02
AI 30.37
AR/VR 31.97
Big Data
Change Management 30.13
COVID19 41.53
Customer Experience 30.02
Digital Disruption 30.95
Digital Transformation 30.18
Emerging Technology 30.80
Future of Work 30.11
Generative AI 30.72
HR 30.12
Innovation 30.71
IT Leadership 31.08
IT Strategy 30.70
Leadership 30.78
Management 30.05
Predictive Analytics 30.01
Quantum Computing 30.50
Retail 30.07
Startups 30.07
Supply Chain 30.06

Industry Experience


26 Article/Blogs
The Double -Edged Sword of AI: A Call for Balance
September 19, 2023
Just like Aki Ito and many others I have been optimistic about technology innovation, AI included.

That's a case I strongly made in my

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

How Can the Generative AI Story Play Out for a Mid-Sized Business?
August 28, 2023
In this 16th edition of

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Tags: AI, Quantum Computing, Generative AI

Generative AI Polarizes Scholars
August 24, 2023

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Tags: AI, Quantum Computing, Generative AI

Is Generative AI just auto-complete on steroids?
August 21, 2023
That's an interesting and somewhat accurate way to put it, but there is more to generative AI than just advanced auto-complete. Generative AI, or generative models, are designed to generate new data samples that resemble a given dataset.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

PODCAST / CXO OF THE FUTURE: Gamiel Gran in conversation with Deepak Seth
Mayfield Fund
August 03, 2023
Deepak Seth, Product Director – Trading Architecture Platform Strategy & Support, Charles Schwab

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Leadership

CTO Alert: Generative AI’s transformative potential for IT landscape
July 17, 2023
In this edition of DEEPakAI: AI Demystified Newsletter, I take a peek at McKinsey & Company's #generativeai guide for the #cio and #cto and then delve deeper into the "reimagining the technology function" aspect.

We'll look at some specific use cases, the perils of dragging one's feet and also a step-by-step approach to manage the IT and technology environment transformation that Generative AI can bring.

As always we end with some interesting #ai related news and nuggets that caught my attention during the week.

#DEEPakAI #technology #technologystrategy #transformation #digitaltransformation

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IT Leadership

AI in action
July 10, 2023

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Tags: AI

Future of AI and more
June 26, 2023
Future of AI: "Human Intelligence Augmented Artificial Intelligence" ?

Looking into the long term, we're already witnessing advancements in AI-enhanced humans, such as neural links and implants that assist individuals with physical limitations.

However, there is untapped potential in the human brain. New technologies may emerge to unlock this potential in conjunction with AI, allowing us to accomplish even greater feats. Imagine harnessing the idle processing power of our brains and using it to augment AI for various tasks—it would be phenomenal. A Human Intelligence Augmented Artificial Intelligence of sorts.

This concept could be likened to the Napster of human brains in a peer-to-peer network, although the exact form it would take is uncertain. Humans have previously attempted to utilize idle computing power for projects like the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Similarly, we could use AI to better understand our own brains and potentially address human problems.

This journey has just begun, and there is much to be excited about. It's not something to fear, but rather a source of enthusiasm and discovery. Of course, checks and balances are necessary to ensure responsible development, as humans have done for generations.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology

CXO Conundrums: Build own LLM or leverage external LLMs(ChatGPT/BARD) or better still integrate both- external and internal?
June 21, 2023
A key conundrum playing in the minds of many technology leaders, CTOs, CIOs : Build own large language model or leverage external llms (viz. chatgpt, bard etc.).

We'll journey through the relative merits of each approach and the key decision criteria driving the choices. Also, take a peek at the benefits of integrating both external and internal llms.

Would love to hear about your own experiences, observations of what is driving this decision at your own organization. Keep the feedback coming and like/subscribe/share/comment.

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Tags: AI

The Disruptive Power of Behavior Design & AI: Thoughts from the Frontlines
November 03, 2020
Deepak Seth in conversation with Sanjay Ghoshal on the future of AI, the role of humans in digital transformation, and the disruptive and transformative role behavior technology can play in workplaces of the future.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Technology can help the Retail Sector in the Post-Covid19 World
April 15, 2020
Analytics, ML, AI, VR, Robotics, 5G, 3DPrinting and other technologies will play a key role in getting consumers excited about retail again in a post-Covid19 world.

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Tags: Customer Experience, Innovation, Retail, COVID19

The CIO is Dead, Long Live the Chief Enterprise Transformation Officer aka “The Transformer”!
February 14, 2020
CIO role needs to evolve into Chief Enterprise Transformation Officer

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Tags: Change Management, Digital Transformation, Leadership

The Future of Work......and the Organization!
January 15, 2020
A peek at some of the #trends2020 #trends #technologytrends impacting the #futureofwork #organization and #technology in #2020

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work, Leadership

4D Printing: Transformative Role in Industry?
July 23, 2019
Though still evolving, 4D printing technology may have the potential to play a transformative role in the industry with its ability to self-assemble / “shapeshift” objects based on temperature, light or other environmental stimuli.

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation

Bye Bye 5G, Welcome 6G? : The Relentless Pace of Technological Disruption
July 15, 2019
The pace of technological #disruption is relentless in this #AgeofAcceleration. Researchers are already talking about #6G as industry/govts. are just getting started with #5G. Stay tuned. #telecom #innovation

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, 5G

4D Printing: Transformative role in Oil and Gas/ Chemical Industry?
July 03, 2019
Though still evolving, 4D printing technology may have the potential to play a transformative role in the Oil and Gas/ Chemical sectors with its ability to self-assemble / "shape shift" objects based on temperature, light or other environmental stimuli.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Innovation

"Public Trifecta"​ Key To Success in Digital World
June 09, 2019
There is lots of advice available on what can help leaders navigate this new digital world.
What does most such advice miss?
They miss what I call a Public Trifecta :
Public Trust,
Public Perception,
and Public Policy
This Public Trifecta will play a key role in shaping the future of the digital era and leaders will have to be very mindful of that. They can ignore that only to significant peril.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology

IT Innovation as an Employee Engagement Strategy
Hellersearch Blog
May 15, 2019
To engage and retain your best IT team members, try these ideas for indulging their technical passion and curiosity. Use #innovation #participation #rotation to drive #employeeretention and #employeeengagement

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Tags: Future of Work, Innovation, Leadership

Can AI “Think” ?
April 19, 2019
There’s a lot of talk and fears about AI replacing humans , but on one key aspect – “thinking”, it still has a lot of catching up to do. Some may argue that using the term “Intelligence” to describe what it does, with that key attribute missing, is wrong. At best it is still “Automation” or perhaps “Intelligent Automation”/”Smart Automation”.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology

Can AI "Think"? Does AI have "Thoughts"?
April 11, 2019
I had first posed the question in 2019. Even with Generative AI, I do not think we have yet reached a "Thinking AI". Does AI yet have the capability to have random thoughts "play in its head" and influence its "mood" like they do for us humans?
Will it ever ?
Is that what will distinguish AI from human intelligence. With AI being more directed towards a specific effort while Human Intelligence being more random,unpredictable and hence more creative?

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Tags: AI, Generative AI

Of Plane Crashes and "Explainable AI "​(Who is the Boss? Human or AI)
March 13, 2019
As humans and AI interact there is a need for AI to explain in a way understandable to humans why it did what it did.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Innovation

AI Meets Fracking: Artificial Intelligence /Machine Learning in the Oil & Gas Sector
January 30, 2019
The traditional components of AI – perception, decision-making/cognition and action map up quite precisely with the business problems the Oil & Gas sector deals with- collect and process lots of data (perception); where to drill? (decision-making); and how to drill and process most efficiently (action). This is my take as an outsider looking in.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Innovation

The Wrong Way and the Right Way of looking at AI
January 24, 2019
The Wrong Way and the Right Way of looking at AI

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology

CXO, Can you keep it straight? Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Data Science
January 06, 2019
CXOs need to sift through the maelstrom of acronyms and buzzwords accompanying technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning , Data Science et al to get a laser focus on their distinctions and commonalities so that they can make appropriate choices to address business needs.

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Tags: AI, Predictive Analytics

How’s the 'software factory' going?
May 17, 2018
A software factory steadily humming along consistently and delivering quality output is the holy grail of software development.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology, Startups

8 Author Newsletters
#19: Tiny Minds, Giant Leaps: How Infants Inspire the Future of Generative AI
September 18, 2023
The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind. We welcomed a new infant into the family - my daughter's first child. As I observed the first few days in the life of the infant I could not but help wonder to what extent his future will be shaped by what is happening in the world of AI today.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI

AI-Driven Transformations: Rapid Value in Supply Chain Optimization
September 11, 2023
This week we address some questions posed by one of you:
Which one or two "low-hanging fruit" scenarios would you recommend for MidCorp to tackle?
For the scenarios you've selected, which specific AI workflows—and their respective steps—could be implemented to bring about rapid and measurable value?

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Tags: AI, Supply Chain, Generative AI

Generative AI Drives Supply Chain Transformation
September 05, 2023
In this week's edition of DEEPakAI: AI Demystified we continue the journey of the visionary CEO of our fictional mid-sized company Midcorp who this week builds upon her success with AI in the customer journey and experience space to address another longstanding challenge - her supplychain woes. This is at the request of many of you as the next big challenge you wanted to see addressed.

We'll also dwell upon whether AI is truly intelligent, look at some nifty instructional material for teachers to coach kids about AI and look at some recent AI related news from OpenAI and Google.

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Tags: AI, Supply Chain, Generative AI

AI and Ouroboros - "The Snake That Swallowed It's Own Tail And Then Tried To Read Your Mood!"
August 14, 2023
In edition #14 of your favorite newsletter #DEEPakAI: AI Demystified we start off revisiting the Ouroboros - AI swallowing it's own tail as "The people paid to train AI are outsourcing their work… to AI"

We then take a look at how AI can plagiarize your work "An author says AI is ‘writing’ unauthorized books being sold under her name on Amazon"

And then we peek at AI trying to to read your mood! "AI isn’t great at decoding human emotions. So why are regulators targeting the tech?"

Our final stop: "AI is here but not yet" : An AI Investor's perspective.

Keep the feedback coming! Thanks!

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, Generative AI

The Problem with GenAI: Where's the Elevator Music?
August 07, 2023
In this edition of the #DEEPakAI: AI Demystified newsletter I talk about the missing "music" of #generativeai: it's "heart" and "sense of purpose" and why finding that is essential to alleviate the concerns and fears many have about it.
To get the human engaged with this AI journey, they'll need to build it a "heart".
A heartless decimator of human jobs should not be the dominant narrative.
And it does not need to be.

We look at some important AI related news from last week: North American Banks leading the race for AI; Calls for weaponization of AI; why most companies are fearful of their employees using AI at work; and news from Google about its AI powered search getting nore video and better links.

I also share some highlights from my recent conversation with Gamiel Gran (Mayfield Fund) on his CXO of the Future podcast.

Read on and as always keep the feedback coming.

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Tags: AI, Generative AI, IT Leadership

#12: From the Top of the World to the Bottom of the Pyramid!
July 31, 2023
In the 12th edition of #DEEPakAI: AI Demystified newsletter we journey together from the Top of World (newsletter accolades) to the Bottom of the Pyramid (transformational impact of AI) as we journey through the world of AI created Digital Twins, explore the world of Jeopardy, Watson and its new Avatar WatsonX and finally make a detour via memory lane - the changing world of voice recording from the wax cylinders of yore to the AI generated content today.
Join me on this trip and share your feedback/comments as I chalk out the itineray for our continued journey next week.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

#11: AI wields "Power", heads to the White House, files for patents.....and more
July 24, 2023
In this edition of #DEEPakAI: AI Demystified Newsletter we share:

VIEWS: How AI can impact the Power/Utilities Sector

NEWS: White House AI Deal; Stanford President Steps Down; AI Files For Patents; Meta Llama v2 is Open Source Now

and yes,

FUN STUFF: How to confuse an LLM; and Mark Zuckerberg speaking in Hindi (with a little help from AI )

Keep the feedback coming. Ideas on what you would like to see covered in the newsletter are very welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

The Challenge: Building a Generative AI Roadmap for the Organization- Some Pointers
July 03, 2023
In this edition of DEEPakAI: AI Demystified newsletter we look st some pointers on creating an organizational roadmap for generatveAI adoption and some of the likely pitfalls to be avoided as you craft it. What would you add/change?

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Tags: AI, Future of Work, Generative AI

3 Keynotes
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
June 14, 2020
Keynote Address by Deepak Seth on "Stepping Out of Comfort Zone" as invited speaker at UPTTI Alumni Meet June 14, 2020

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Tags: COVID19, Leadership

Digital Transformation: A "Human Approach"
June 06, 2020
Deepak Seth delivered the Keynote Address on "Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone" at The Imagineers Group's Finding the Next Opportunity (India) Summit on June 6 2020.
Abstract: Covid19 pandemic has upended the world as we knew it. The rules of the game have changed. In order to be successful in the post-Covid world and resilient for future shocks, job seekers will need to step out of their comfort zones. Today's speaker, Deepak Seth, shares his own experience stepping out of his comfort zone, why he thinks it is an imperative and shares some tips on how you can plan your own journey outside your comfort zones.

The event was facilitated by Shivani Poddar, facebook who introduced Deepak Seth.

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Leadership

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
June 06, 2020
Deepak Seth delivered the Keynote Address on "Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone" at The Imagineers Group's Finding the Next Opportunity (India) Summit on June 6 2020.
Abstract: Covid19 pandemic has upended the world as we knew it. The rules of the game have changed. In order to be successful in the post-Covid world and resilient for future shocks, job seekers will need to step out of their comfort zones. Today's speaker, Deepak Seth, shares his own experience stepping out of his comfort zone, why he thinks it is an imperative and shares some tips on how you can plan your own journey outside your comfort zones.

The event was facilitated by Shivani Poddar, facebook who introduced Deepak Seth.

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Leadership

2 Media Interviews
Technology Driven Innovation and Disruption in the Real Estate Sector
ReLo Talk with Lindy Chapman Webcast
April 21, 2020
Will you tour your next house via a #VR headset ? Will the Uber and Amazon #businessmodels impact the way homes are bought and sold? Great conversation with Lindy Chapman on her #linkedinlive Relo/Talk show. We chat about #technology driven #innovation and #disruption in the #RealEstate sector. Has it reached a #tippingpoint? Also, the impact of #Covid19 - not necessarily all gloom and doom, there is a silver lining, an opportunity to drive meaningful change.

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Tags: AR/VR, Digital Disruption, Innovation, COVID19

Deepak Seth interviewed by Ryan Harper
Ryan Harper on Youtube
February 20, 2020
An unstructured, freewheeling conversation that journeys through many facets of #Disruption, #Innovation.
Why it is often so scary and how can we and companies deal with it. #Blockchain #AI #bitcoin #IoT all make their appearance as does the cotton gin, Luddites, weaving loom, electric bulb , #parenting in world of AI/ #smartphones and origins of elevator music.
Oh yes, my tandem skydive from 10,000 feet too.
I made my best effort to strip away all the geekspeak from very complex technical topics. (Sorry, tech purists!)

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Tags: AR/VR, Digital Disruption, Innovation

1 Miscellaneous
IIT Alumni Association of North Texas hosts Pitch Event for Start Ups
August 13, 2023
The 100+ degree weather on Saturday (8/12) in the #dfw area was no deterrent to the 75+ people who joined us live (plus the many more who tuned in to the webcast) for the IIT Alumni Association of North Texas Pitch Perfect event.

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Tags: AI, IoT, Entrepreneurship

1 Miscellaneous
Misuse of AI/ML Algorithms
July 31, 2023
"Is AI something to be feared or is it one more thing that will complement human endeavors as many other technologies have through the ages?"

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Tags: AI, Big Data, HealthTech

1 Video
CXO of the Future Podcast
Mayfield Fund
August 01, 2023
Today we welcome Deepak Seth, a Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transformation expert, a deep thinker, and a futurist who has handled diverse and progressively increasing responsibilities at leading consulting organizations and with several Fortune 500 companies.

With a background in engineering and management, Deepak went back to Post Graduate “school” recently to further hone his knowledge with the latest developments in Data Science, AI, and ML. He is a prolific writer and speaker and has authored numerous blog posts, papers, articles, webcasts, podcasts and is also actively engaged with the Start-Up ecosystem (that's how our paths crossed for the first time).

He currently works in the area of TAPSS (Trading Architecture Platform Strategy and Support) with the leading financial services company, Charles Schwab.

Questions & Insights:
0:00 Introduction
1:18 What was your first job, and how did this impact your career today?
4:08 What is the most important leadership skill that you have learned?
6:05 What are the obstacles to driving that "vision story?"
8:38 Do you have a prediction for the changes that are happening in the industry?
12:30 What is the practical advice you are giving around disruption?
14:01 Is there a principle that you live by that you'd like to share as a takeaway?

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Tags: Change Management, Innovation, IT Leadership

1 Video
CXO of the Future Podcast - S2/E6: Deepak Seth, Tech, Innovation, and Digital Transformation Expert
CXO of the Future Podcast - S2/E6
August 03, 2023
A pleasure and privilege to be part of Mayfield Fund's Gamiel Gran's CXO of the Future series where I share my thoughts on leadership, innovation, future of technology , generative ai etc.

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Tags: IT Leadership, IT Strategy, Leadership

7 Webinars
A View from the Frontlines of Generative AI with Expert Deepak Seth
Reimagining the Future Series on FOBtv
June 28, 2023
Kevin Benedict of Future of Business TV (FOBtv) hosts Deepak Seth, a passionate advocate for innovation in fortune 500 companies, and an expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Both share their experiences learning generative AI, what they are seeing and hearing from the frontlines of enterprise adoption, and where they see the future going.

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Generative AI

Digital Transformation: A "Human Approach"
June 19, 2020
Digital Transformations at many companies are leaving in their wake - burnt out or out-of-work humans. Some have started accepting it as an obvious corollary or byproduct. But is that really so ? Can an astute C-suite and thoughtful CIO digitally transform their organizations while retaining their essential "humaneness"/"humanity"? Lorna and Deepak think so. In this conversation today they share some of their own experiences which led them to conclude that Human+Digital makes more sense than Digital alone for delivering lasting value and growth. The journey has its ups and downs but is one well worth embarking upon

Some really interesting perspectives on how to be future-ready, individual values versus the leader values, the culture of the organisation and interlinking the goals of both the public and the organisation together. We must reflect, accept the need to change, and lean in! Lastly, this transformation only works if we work together.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership, COVID19

COVID-19 Pandemic Response - Stepping out of the Comfort Zone
Dallas Baptist University Graduate School
May 05, 2020
#Covid19 #pandemic has upended the world as we knew it. #Technology professionals have been a key part of the response and will also play a key role in the recovery efforts. However, the rules of the game as we know it have changed. In order to be successful in the post-Covid world and resilient for future shocks, technology professionals will need to step out of their comfort zones.

On May 5, 2020 I shared my own experience stepping out of my #comfortzone at a #webinar hosted by the Dallas Baptist University – Graduate School of Business , why I think it is an imperative and shared some tips on how you can plan your own journey outside your comfort zones.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, HR, COVID19

Technology Driven Innovation and Disruption in the world of Recruiting esp. Impact of Covid.
LinkedIn Live Lunch Hour with Michael Goldberg
April 28, 2020
How will #HR processes - #recruiting, #onboarding, #interviewing be impacted by #technology driven #innovation #disruption post #Covid2019 is one of the topics I shared insights on in a freewheeling conversation with Michael Goldberg. Will #socialdistancing norms drive organizations to #onboard, #train #newhires via #VR? Watch to find out....

See publication

Tags: AR/VR, Digital Disruption, Innovation, COVID19

AI - Shifting from Hype to Reality
February 25, 2020
A conversation with Kyle Burt #DialedInLive on how AI needs to evolve from hype to reality.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Leadership

CIOs Top 10 for 2020 -10 Mantras (Guiding Principles) to keep in mind
February 24, 2020
10 Guiding Principles CIOs need to keep in mind for 2020

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Leadership

Making the Gig Economy real for Corporate
January 14, 2020
Great conversation with Kyle Burt on his #DialedInLIVE webcast about the #gigeconomy. Are the big #consultingfirms missing the bus on this? I share insights on how a gigconsulting #platform can evolve, share some experiences of working with Topcoder Amazon's Mechanical Turk et al and the role #AI #explainableAI will play.

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Future of Work, Leadership

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