الأسطورة سبعة (Arabic Edition)
Mohamed Tohami
February 15, 2019
الأسطورة سبعة رواية مثيرة وملهمة إلى أبعد الحدود
بمجرد البدء في قراءة صفحاتها الأولى ستدخل في عالم من الإثارة والمشاعر المتدفقة ولن تستطيع تركها إلا وقد أنهيت قراءة كلماتها الأخيرة الملهمة
بعد الإنتهاء من قراءة الرواية ستبدأ في إحياء كل أحلامك المؤجلة وستعرف الوصايا السبع لكي تحيا بشغف وتترك بصمتك المميزة في الحياة
إذا كنت من عشاق رواية الخيميائي لباولو كويلو، فستقع في عشق هذه الرواية الفريدة من نوعها
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups
Perk Up Your Profits: A Proven 4-Step System To Stimulate Revenues While Rewarding Your People
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
September 21, 2013
"In life and in business there must be a 'PH' balance. Profits High and People Happy. If either side of that scale suffers then ultimately both will suffer. Tohami has written a compelling book, filled with current, relevant and fascinating stories that will not only show you why PERKs matter but how to use them. Make your goal the evolution of your company into one where all the participants brag to their friends about having the privilege of working there. This truly can be done and others are doing it. You can too. Read and share Tohami's book." - Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE, author of Relationship Selling. While college graduates and seasoned professionals are vying for jobs in a still-tight economy, they’ve also started turning down offers and leaving the jobs for which they worked so desperately. Why? In PERK UP your Profits, Tohami teaches you how to turn these feelings around, and help you enable employees to feel empowered, autonomous, and free in their work and ideas. In surveys from Glassdoor.com, many employees report feeling trapped, feeling like a number, or having too much restriction in their autonomy and creative space. Employees are not drones; learn how to treat them as the greatest assets that they are. In PERK UP your Profits, you’ll discover how to: provide effective training and motivation for those hard workers, show them that you care about them, leverage their strengths, help them grow, and make them want to return to work when they’re away from the office. Tohami studies relevant, recent anonymous employee surveys from top employee-rated companies across the globe to examine leadership, passion driven cultures, and combining these points for maximum profits. PERK UP your Profits brings Tohami’s research together to help make you a better leader – for your people, and your profits. Keep your profits high, and keep your people happy. That is Tohami’s mantra, and he knows how to make it a truth. PERK UP your Profits can redefine leadership within your company, create a positive, energetic and passionate company culture that maximizes profits because it has the best attitude and the most fulfilled employees. Buy this book today and become the leader you’ve always wanted to be… and the one your employees and your company need.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Startups
Midway Simplicity: Easy Solutions To Simplify Your Time, Health, Things, Finances and Relationships
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
December 20, 2012
Are you looking for easy mainstream ideas to help you simplify your life and enjoy more with less? This book features over 100 practical tips from 16 simplicity bestselling authors and famous bloggers. You’ll find easy solutions and applicable ideas to help you simplify the five most important areas of your life which are: time, health, things, finances and relationships. “You could go all over the internet to research simplicity. Or you can check out Tohami’s book which distills the best ideas from simplicity experts.“ - Beth Dargis, MySimplerLife.com “This book is as simple as can be, and I mean that in the best possible way. It has insight, trial and error, ultimate success and little things that can help us all make a big impact. Tohami really took a simple idea – to explore simplicity – and leveraged the journey in exciting ways. By living his simplicity and sharing it with the world he has helped me strengthen my own voice and commitment to simplicity. I think it will happen for you too! There are some really good ideas here.” - Miriam Ortiz y Pino, MoreThanOrganized.net “This book takes the spontaneous wisdom of people living simple, intentional lives and converts it into a measured source of motivation. Very concisely, Tohami structures Midway Simplicity to take you on a journey with everyone from aspiring minimalists to accomplished simplicity veterans. Whether you need to improve your relationship with money, time, or your friends, there’s more than enough to move beyond inspiration and into actual change.” - Joel Zaslofsky, ValueOfSimple.com “Midway Simplicity is a resource full of differing perspectives on simple living that remain independent, yet beautifully coincide to create the ultimate guide in simplifying your life. Tohami has taken his own viewpoints on simplicity, and then blown them wide open with the ideas of other simple living writers. This book will motivate, inspire and teach you how simple living can improve your health, finances, relationships and life!” - Jenny McCutcheon, Exconsumer.com “This book is an awesome guide that will inspire you to go small, be happy, and think big. It’s a must read.” - Tammy Strobel, Bestselling author of You Can Buy Happiness (and It’s Cheap)
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Startups
StoryNetworking: A Proven 4-Step System To Connect With Successful People
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
December 12, 2012
Are you tired of struggling with your networking ability? In fact, you’re probably hesitating on contacting some of the most influential people you could encounter, because you’re afraid of looking foolish, unintelligent or worthless. These networking limitations are common among new and experienced networkers alike—you’re not the only one. You're about to learn a proven system to connect with influential people and get them to support you and your ideas. StoryNetworking is unlike any other networking book around—it’s an innovative, effective way to actually connect and build relationships with the most valuable contacts. You see, a good story has the ability to grab hold of its audience and engage them; it keeps them interested and focused on you; why you’re different, how you’re unique and why you’re important (even if you think you have nothing to offer)—which is a vital key in networking. StoryNetworking is an entire proven system to networking with significant experts in your field, regardless of your experience level or personality type. Now, you CAN develop the connections you need to further your own personal success. Stop waiting for the proper timing and start developing the networking strategy that’s going to help you improve your life, business or career today!
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Startups
The Pharaohs' Code
BookSurge Publishing
December 16, 2008
The Pharaohs' Code: Creating a Joyful Life and a Lasting Legacy, by Mohamed Tohami, is your personal Rosetta Stone for deciphering the mysteries of creating a successful, joyful, and abundant life. Ancient Egyptian culture is steeped in the secrets of prosperity, wisdom, and success. The Pharaohs' Code reveals those secrets, including: The 10 Greatest Virtues of All, 7 Steps to Finding Your True Purpose, 5 Keys to Maximum Joy, and 5 Keys to Maximum Contribution. Jim Cathcart, bestselling author of The Acorn Principle, says of The Pharaohs' Code: "This system will allow you to change your life. Following the steps in this book will put you in charge of your own success--and you WILL succeed. Trust the process to take you where you want to go." Written with passion and insight, The Pharaohs' Code is the perfect guide for anyone ready to step out of his comfort zone and into a more balanced, meaningful, and fulfilling life.
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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Startups