Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu map

Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu Map, Address, Transportation & Nearest Stations and Airport

Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu
The Hunting Lodge Winery & Restaurant

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1011 Old North Road, Waimauku, Auckland Region, 0882, New Zealand
| From USD 158
46 Reviews
Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu Hotel Exterior
Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu Rooms
Vineyard Cottages - Kumeu Rooms
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Hotel Location
1011 Old North Road, Waimauku, Auckland Region, 0882, New Zealand |
3.27KM from city center
54.6km from Auckland International Airport
33.8km from Sunnyvale railway station
Reviews From Real Travelers
Has serious potential. The cottage we had was “Pinot Noir”. I personally loved the rustic decor, however it wouldn’t be for everyone. There is no fan or air con, and no screens on the windows or doors. There is a thick layer of mould around the top of the porcelain kitchen sink. The king bed was two singles pushed together, one bearable the other not. The separate single had soiled sheets. Awoke covered in bites. Breakfast is provided - bread, jam, butter, weetbix etc. the Wi-Fi and internet were terrible, had to climb the hill at the back of the cottage for reception. However, I think I’d still go back. It would be lovely in the cooler months and the restaurant next door is great. The decor is amazing an a welcome break from your everyday motel. All the best
There are limited accommodation options in the area. We thought that at $325 per night this place seemed expensive but decided that it must be exceptional. We were very disappointed! The whole complex is very tired and rundown. The individual cottages are supposed to be rustic and may have been nice 20 years ago. For the price overall facilities were not up to standard. They offered a self serve breakfast which was minimal for the price. Shower was difficult to maintain a constant temperature. Lounge furniture was tired, grubby and uncomfortable. The venue offers a conference and events service. Perhaps if fully booked for such a function it may operate better. Whole property needs a makeover and may be better suited for a summer stay rather than a mid winter one. Only redeeming feature was the log burner fire. Lovely on a cold winter night.
- Guest User
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4.5/5Excellent46 Reviews
Waimauku|3.27km from city center
Has serious potential. The cottage we had was “Pinot Noir”. I personally loved the rustic decor, however it wouldn’t be for everyone. There is no fan or air con, and no screens on the windows or doors. There is a thick layer of mould around the top of the porcelain kitchen sink. The king bed was two singles pushed together, one bearable the other not. The separate single had soiled sheets. Awoke covered in bites. Breakfast is provided - bread, jam, butter, weetbix etc. the Wi-Fi and internet were terrible, had to climb the hill at the back of the cottage for reception. However, I think I’d still go back. It would be lovely in the cooler months and the restaurant next door is great. The decor is amazing an a welcome break from your everyday motel. All the best