
Mostly native plants to manitoba


A collection of information mostly from online.Always do your own research!!! I don't own these images, for safety reasons are mostly from online.
White Elm Tree
Find:floodplains, stream banks, and swampy ground, hillsides and other well-drained soils. On elevated terrain,it is most often found along rivers.Also found in yards and parks.
Description:medium to large deciduous tree, typically growing to 60-80' tall with a vase-shaped, broad-rounded crown.
Edible parts:The flowers & samaras(fruit-seed pods) can be used in salads,soups etc.The bark is extremely rich in mucilage.Young leaves are edible raw or cooked.The inner bark is also edible in worse case scenarios( This will kill the tree)
Precautions: People are sometimes allergic.
Little barley
Find:dry gravelly soil rock outcrops, roadsides, railroads, waste places, grasslands, marsh edges
Description:4 to 16 hollow flower stems, and lack showy flower petals. inches.
Edible parts:small grains are edible
Precautions: no real  precautions.
Foxtail Barley
Find: Anywhere
Description: Grass like with thick stems,topped with soft hair like tufts.
Edible parts: Seeds raw or cooked,ground into a flour and used as a cereal in making bread, porridge etc.Roasted seed as a coffee substitute.
Precautions:The barbed awns around the seeds can work their way into the gums and digestive tract of animals when the seed is eaten, causing irritation and inflammation. They can also work their way into the ears and eyes, sometimes causing blindness or death.
Find:marshs, bays with ocean water.
Description:Each plant consists of round, branching stems that are divided by joints into individual segments. The leaves and flowers are so tiny that you will probably never notice them.
Edible parts and uses:plant is edible raw or when cooked.top-half of stems can be harvested, allowing the bottom to grow a new shoot.plant is best when gathered before flowering.
Precautions:no side effects.
Find:part shade, shade; average to moist soil; deciduous woods, thickets, floodplains, wooded slopes, bluffs, stream and river banks.
Description:Leaves are alternate, 2 to 6+ inches long, 1 to 5 inches wide, mostly egg-shaped, rounded to pointed at the tip, rounded to heart-shaped at the base, on a stalk up to ¾ inch long. The upper surface is hairless, the lower hairless though may have a few prickles along major veins. Edges are minutely toothed, especially near the base. Leaves along most of the stem typically have a pair of long tendrils at the base of the stalk; these tendrils twine around supporting vegetation and enable the plant to climb.New branches are green, turning brown with age, and variably covered in dark brown to blackish prickles of varying sizes. Lower stems are usually densely prickly while upper stems are more sparsely so, or sometimes smooth. Stems are branched, erect to ascending, or more sprawling when supporting vegetation is not available, single or multiple from the woody base. Plants may form colonies from short, knotty rhizomes.Fruit is a round berry 1/3 inch or so in diameter that ripens from green to black.
Edible parts and uses:are good as asparagus, in salad, and cooked by using the young shoots, leaves, and tendrils. If the rootstocks of these vines are crushed and washed, the red powder can be boiled in water to make a mild jelly. This powder can also be mixed 50/50 with wheat flour to create a thickening agent. can be diluted in water to make a cold drink.
Precautions:no side effects.
Green flowered Peppergrass
Find:part shade, sun; average to dry soil; roadsides, waste places, fields, open woods, woodland edges, disturbed soil.
Description:Elongating clusters of stalked flowers at the top of the plant, arising from the upper leaf axils, and at the tips of branching stems, with a densely packed, rounded cluster of open flowers at the tip and fruit forming below.Leaves are in a basal rosette as well as alternate all along the stem. Basal leaves are long stalked, spatula shaped to pinnately lobed and wilt away early. Lower stem leaves are irregularly toothed or lobed, 1 to 3 inches long, up to ½ inch wide, widest above the middle, tapering to a stalk at the base.
Leaves become more linear, less toothy, and stalkless as they ascend the stem. Surfaces are minutely hairy. Stems are erect, often much branched and also minutely hairy. Stem and leaf hairs are cylindric to club-shaped and mostly straight.
Edible parts and uses:The entire plant is edible. Young leaves can be used cooked or fresh in salads. The young seedpods can be used as a substitute black pepper.The flowers can be tossed into a salad . This entire plant can be put into a food processor along with turmeric, vinegar, miso, garlic and salt to make wild mustard.Roots can be washed then, crush them and add vinegar and salt you have a horseradish substitute.
Precautions:no side effects
Find:part shade, sun; moist to dry disturbed soil; roadsides, gravel pits, waste areas, fields, open woods, thickets, clearings.
Description:This plant is easily identified when the bright red fruit appears. Fruits are small, pulpy, bright red and resemble strawberries. The fruits contain small, black, lens-shaped seeds that are 0.7-1.2 mm long. Strawberry blite arises from a stout taproot, forming a somewhat reddish stem that branches from the base. Leaves occur along the stem, often to the tip of the branches, generally decreasing in size.Leaves are thin, are alternate, 2 to 10 cm (1 to 4”) long and often nearly as wide. They are triangular to arrowhead-shaped, coarsely toothed and often a bit wavy around the margins. Leaves are pointed at the tip, and mostly straight across or wedge-shaped at the base. Lower leaves are long-stalked; the stalks become shorter and leaves more lance-shaped and less toothy as they ascend the stem.
Edible parts and uses:Leaves can be consumed raw or cooked. Young leaves are best and always in moderation. They can be used like spinach.Fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. Seeds are small and fiddly, but can be consumed.
Precautions:consumed in moderation.
Greenland moss
Find:prefers moist to wet peaty soils, especially in bogs and wet coniferous forests.
Description:many erect branches, white flowers and distinctive evergreen leaves. When fully mature the leaves are very identifiable as the margins are curled under and the underneath of the leaves is rusty brown. It often grows in dense colonies. The plant spreads roots in the organic layer with rhizomes.Leaves grow alternate, simple, evergreen, fragrant when crushed, and have a short-petiolate. “Twigs are covered in white to rusty red hairs; older stems are reddish brown and flaky”
Edible parts and uses:Only take a few leaves from each plant to avoid harming the plants.Fresh leaves can be chewed on while hiking.Leaves used in beer making. Flowers can also be used to make tea.leaves are used in tea or iced tea. The leaves are used as a flavouring like bayleaf.
Precautions:Steep the leaves instead!!Plants contain a narcotic toxin called Ledel.This toxin only causes problems if the leaves are cooked for a long period in a closed.The plant has been used as a hop substitute in making beer, though this has caused an unpleasant kind of drunkenness which is accompanied by a headache and dizziness.
Find:likes sandy and loamy soils, preferring well-drained soil. It does not like shade and grows best open area, hedgerows, waste ground, near streams and border areas of fields.
Description:Catnip is a whitish-gray plant with an aromatic minty odor. It is a hardy, upright, perennial herb with sturdy stems covered with very fine hairs. Catnip bears heart-shaped, grayish-green leaves.
Catnip leaves are silvery/gray to an almost blue/green colour. The leaves are oblong to heart-shaped with finely-scalloped edges and are covered with a soft ‘down’. Whitish hairs grow on the lower side.Catnip flowers are white or near white some having purple spots, are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by bees making this a plant that attracts wildlife. Tubular catnip flowers are arranged in dense whorls on spikes.
Edible parts and uses:Young leaves can be eaten raw. Their mint-like flavour adds an aromatic flavouring in salads. Older leaves can be used as flavouring in cooked foods. Catnip leaves and flowers can be used fresh or dried to make a calming herbal tea. If making tea, it should be infused in a closed container in order to preserve the essential oils. Seeds and roots can also be used.
Precautions:catnip is possibly unsafe when smoked or taken by mouth in high doses.It can cause headaches, vomiting, and a feeling of being ill.
Potato Bean
Find:Moist, low sites and thickets.
Description:Climbing vine with maroon or reddish-brown pea-like flowers in compact racemes arising from leaf axils.This legume has a cord-like rootstalk with edible tubers.
Edible parts and uses:The tubers can be used in soups and stews or fried like potatoes; the cooked seeds can also be eaten.
Precautions:Make sure to peel it thoroughly as the skin contains latex.
American Hog-Peanut
Find:part shade, shade; moist woods, thickets
Description:Tendrils are absent; the stem twines in a left to right orientation. Stems have either appressed white hair or spreading light brown hair.are alternate, on long stalks and divided into 3 leaflets, each of which is ovate with smooth margins. Each side leaflet has a short stalk; the terminal leaflet, with a much longer stalk, is also the largest leaflet. At the base of the main leaf stalk is a pair of small grooved stipules. Upper leaflet surface is green to dark green, the underside lighter with fine hair.is a cluster rising from the leaf axils, consisting of up to 15 5-parted tubular flowers of the pea type. The cluster elongates as the first flowers start to open.Flowers are of two types,Those that form an open flower on the upper stem are called "chasmogamous" and those that never open at ground level are called "cleistogamous."
Edible parts and uses:These underground fruits are edible and can be eaten raw or boiled to remove the hulls and the seed eaten like a nut.
Precautions:no side effects.
American Lotus
Find:can be found in the quiet water of ponds and sluggish streams.
Description:An aquatic plant with fragrant, pale yellow flowers and bowl-shaped leaves borne on stalks above the water. This member of the Water Lily group is recognized by large, umbrella-like leaves and the inverted, cone-like structure in the middle of the flowers.
Edible part and uses:The roots to American Lotus are edible as are the leaves and seeds.Starchy rhizomes are great in soups and stir-fry. Young leaves can be cooked and eaten like spinach, and the seeds can be eaten raw when they are immature.
Precautions:no side effects.
Find:is common in woodlands on sandy hills, exposed rocks, eskers and river banks.
Description: It forms large mats, with spatula-shaped,smooth-edged, evergreen leaves,pinkish-white urn-shaped flowers,and dull red edible but mealy berries.
Edible Parts and uses:tea made from the roots that can be drunk to treat a persistent cough or to slow excessive menstrual bleeding and to bring on menstruation.The leaf decoction can be drunk to treat bladder and kidney problems.
Precautions:While bearberry is highly beneficial, specifically for the urinary system, it should not be used for more than five days at a time. Hydroquinone is a powerful compound that will kill bacteria, however, overuse can cause damage to the liver.Not recommended for children, or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. People with high blood pressure or people who suffer from Crohns disease, digestive problems, ulcers, kidney or liver disease should avoid Bearberry products.
Find:full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.
Description:Blueberry is a crown forming, woody, perennial shrub in the family Ericaceae grown for its fruits, or berries, of the same name. The blueberry plant possesses oval or elliptical leaves which grow alternately on the stems. The stems, or twigs, are yellow/green in color and turn reddish in winter. Flowers are bell shaped and can be either white or pink, occurring in clusters of 8 to 10 flowers. Berries are blue to black in color and 0.6–1.3 cm (0.25–0.5 in) in size.
Edible parts and uses:Blueberries can be eaten fresh or can be dried or baked for further processing. Frozen or pureed berries are commonly used to make jams and preserves and baked goods. Lowbush blueberry is commonly used to make wine.leaves,the best time of year to harvest them is in the fall when their colour changes.
Precautions:Drinks made with freeze-dried blueberries might cause constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting in some people.
Find:prefers shade, it will tolerate some light.
Description:ground cover is a petite ground-hugging perennial plant that reaches only 8 inches (20 cm.) at maturity and spreads by underground rhizomes. It has a woody stem and four to seven leaves that are set up in a whorled pattern at the tip of the stem.
Edible parts and uses:The fruits can be consumed raw or cooked.Harvest late summer to early fall.Use them in puddings and sauces or dried them for winter use. The fruit is said to be rich in pectin.
Precautions: Don't eat the leafs.
Canada Buffaloberry
Description:shrub with long thorns and beautiful silvery leaves.Deciduous shrub with opposite branches and opposite leaves; Underside of leaves covered in silver hairs and rust-colored dots.
Berry Edible and leaves can also be harvested for tea.Fruit ripens in late summer and should be picked slightly under ripe when making jellies because of the higher pectin levels.Dried added to stews and puddings. Fresh berries are cooked to make syrup, sauce, or jelly.
Precautions:For humans, these berries have a very strong, bitter and are an acquired taste. Often a first reaction is to spit them out.
Choke Cherry Black-Fruited/Red-Fruited
Find:near water sources and on older homesteads.
Description:Chokecherry trees bear 3- to 6-inch (7.5-15 cm.) long creamy white blooms, which become dark red fleshy fruit, maturing into a mature purple black with a pit in the center.Harvest chokecherry fruit in the fall.
Edible parts and uses:This fruit is used to make jams, jellies,syrups and wines.
Precautions:The leaves, stems and seeds contain a toxin, called hydrocyanic acid, which may rarely cause poisoning in domestic animals.Poisoning signs are distress, bluish tinge to the mouth, rapid breathing, salivation, muscle spasm, and finally coma and death.
Find:plant grows in peat bogs and peaty forests.
Description:unripe berries are hard and reddish.ripe berries are salmon-colored.stems are unbranched, slender and wiry.leaves are broader than long, and have five lobes.The cloudberry plant is a small herb growing up to a height of just anything between 10 cm and 25 cm (4 inches and 10 inches). This plant produces alternate leaves that have 5 to seven lobes similar in appearance to the human hand on erect stalks that are branchless. Each cloudberry fruit comprises about 5 to 25 drupelets. In the beginning the fruits have a pale red hue, which changes to an amber color when they ripen in early autumn.
Edible parts and uses:berry is an ingredient in many desserts, jams, confections and alcoholic beverages.The leaves of cloudberry are used to prepare an herbal tea.
Cosmetics:For dry and sensitive skin, a mask is prepared in which crushed berries are mixed .For hair,1 cup cloudberry infusion+1 egg.The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and whipped. The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the head and applied along the length of the curls. Stand for half an hour and wash off with warm water.
Precautions:no side effects.
Cranberry Bog
Find:part shade, sun and bogs.
Description:small creeping shrub, appearing in single to densely clustered stalks as a ground cover. It has small evergreen leaves (3-10 mm) with a leathery texture and alternating growth pattern. They are deep green and shiny on the surface, grey-waxy underneath, and have rolled under edges.Harvest September to early October.
Edible parts and uses:Fruit can be eaten raw or cooked.
Precautions:no side effects.
Find:full sun environments.Sandy locations,inhabits bogs and openings in bog forests.
Description:Crowberry has narrow, simple leaves. Their sides are curled backwards. Leaves are light green and alternately arranged on the stem. Fruit of crowberry is black, dark purple or red berry-like drupe. Fruit ripens in the fall and remains on the shrub until the spring making it a great source of food in the winter. The berries are about the size of a pea.
Edible parts and uses:The berries are the only edible part although the twigs can be used as tea. They ripen in autumn and remain on the bush throughout the winter. Crowberries can be eaten raw but taste better after they have been exposed to a heavy frost. The taste somewhat acrid and are generally used for making pies, wine, jams, jellies, etc.
Precautions:no side effects.
Currant-Northern Black-Swamp Red-Wild Black
Find:prefers damp fertile soils.Often found around old homesteads.
Description:Stems are erect to ascending. As the shrub ages, stems become brownish to gray and lack spines or prickles.New twig growth is green, with a mix of glandular and non-glandular hairs. It becomes smooth and dark reddish with white lenticels.Ribes triste typically reaches heights up to 1 metre (3’).shrubs have leaves with three to five shallow lobes with bluntly toothed edges and palmate veins. The leaves are alternate and are usually wider than they are long. They measure on average 8cm (3”) wide and 6cm (2”) long. Leaf undersides are pubescent, without yellow resinous dots.
Edible parts and uses:Ripe fruit can be eaten raw or cooked despite having several seeds in each fruit. They have a pleasant, yet somewhat acidic flavour. Currant leaves are commonly dried and used in teas. Young leaves are used in the Finnish summer drink known as 'Louhisaari’. Currant leaves are so tasty that when steeped in a warm liquid, they release a definitive currant-like flavor. This makes them good as a flavoring agent for jellies and ice creams. Curant leaves are also used in pickles. They contain tannins, which help keep the pickles crisp. To store Currant leaves, place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, where they will last for several days.
Precautions:no side effects.
Find:sandy savannas, woodland borders, meadows in wooded areas, and abandoned fields. Common Dewberry is found in both sandy and non-sandy habitats.
Description:trailing woody vine with curved prickles, rooting at the cane tips. Young stems are green; older stems are brownish and woody. Flowers are in small groups or sometimes single, on long stems, white with whitish centers, the stems often subtended by a small leaf.
Edible parts and uses:The leaves can be used to make a herbal tea, and the berries are edible and taste sweet. They can be eaten raw, or used to make cobbler, jam, or pie.
Precautions:no side effects.