Preparing for LDC graduation and smooth transition

Graduating countries (preparatory period)

Country actions

  • Remains in the LDC category and is entitled to receive all benefits available to LDCs
  • Prepares a national transition strategy and establishes a consultative mechanism to facilitate its preparation in cooperation with development partners
  • May seek assistance from the United Nations system in the preparation of the transition strategy
  • Voluntarily reports on the preparation of the transition strategy to the CDP on an annual basis

CDP actions

  • Monitors the development progress of the country and submits an annual report to ECOSOC
  • Report provides information on the preparation of the transition strategy, if provided by the country

Smooth transition strategy

  • Aims to ensure that development efforts are not disrupted by graduation
  • Focuses on expected implications of loss of LDC status and associated special support measures
  • Presents a comprehensive and coherent set of specific measures in accordance with the priorities of the graduating country, taking into account its specific structural challenges, vulnerabilities and strengths
  • Implemented after graduation takes place

Countries scheduled for graduation

Smooth transition period (post graduation)

Country actions

  • Graduation is effective, as decided by the General Assembly
  • No longer belongs to the LDC category
  • Implements the transition strategy
  • Provides a progress report to the CDP annually for three consecutive years after graduation, then triennially at two triennial reviews
  • Report provides information on the implementation of the transition strategy and indicates the impact of reduced or withdrawn support measures on the development progress

CDP actions

  • CDP monitoring report to ECOSOC is submitted annually for three consecutive years after graduation, then at two triennial reviews (for a maximum of nine years)
  • Report indicates signs of reversal in the development progress of the country and includes an assessment of the inputs from the country, if provided
  • Consultation with the country takes place before the finalization of the CDP report

Easing the impact of graduation

  • Development partners should support the implementation of the transition strategy
  • WTO members should extend existing differential treatment available to LDCs for a period appropriate to the development situation
  • Development and trading partners should extend LDC preferential market access for some time
  • Development partners should avoid abrupt reductions in development or technical assistance

Graduated countries

Additional information

The Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category provides additional information on the smooth transition from the LDC category Download the handbook: English, French, Portuguese General Assembly resolution 67/221 of 21 December 2012 on the smooth transition for countries graduating from the list of LDCs General Assembly resolution 59/209 of 20 December 2004 on the smooth transition strategy for countries graduating from the list of LDCs

Reporting procedure

Time frame of reporting by graduating/graduated country and the CDP

Preparation of transition strategy (3 years) Pre-graduation reports Graduating country Invited to report annually to the CDP on the preparation of the transition strategy
CDP Monitors development progress in its annual reports to ECOSOC
Graduation becomes effective
Implementation of transition strategy Post-graduation reports (annually for 3 years) Graduated country Reports annually to the CDP on the implementation of the transition strategy for 3 years
CDP Monitors development progress in consultation with graduated country for 3 years and reports results to ECOSOC
Post-graduation reports (triennially thereafter) Graduated country Reports to the CDP for 2 triennial reviews on the implementation of the transition strategy
CDP Monitors development progress in consultation with graduated country for 2 triennial reviews and reports results to ECOSOC

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