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Profiles, Projects and Programs

Screenshot Eyetracking Experiment
Photo: Karla Fritze

Here you will find an overview of the University of Potsdam’s research priorities and links to current DFG and EU projects.

Research Profile

The University of Potsdam has established a clear profile within the research landscape of the German state of Brandenburg.

Research Associations

The University of Potsdam is a partner in various research associations in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

Collaborative Research Centers

Here you will find the University of Potsdam’s collaborative research centers as well as the collaborative research centers in which the University of Potsdam participates.

Priority Programs

Here you will find the priority programs coordinated by researchers at the University of Potsdam

Research Units

Here you will find an overview of all active research units at the University of Potsdam.

Graduate Programs

Here you will find an overview of graduate and doctoral study programs.

You find here an overview of the EU projects in Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ Key Actions 2 and 3.


Research Issues


Campus am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 8
14469 Potsdam
